"Oh, it's really thanks to your care, thank you this time Ash."

When she arrived at Red Lotus Island, Paqira planned to say goodbye to Ash and them, although it seemed that the atmosphere was very friendly, but unlike Xiao Gang, a guy who couldn't walk the road when he saw beautiful women without heart and lungs, Xiao Xia knew that although Ash and Paqira seemed to be friendly, if it weren't for a Karunai Xiaoxia in the middle, I believe that Paqira would definitely have been thrown into the sea by Ash to feed the fish now.

It's not that Xiaoxia looks down on Pachira, but because as the companion who traveled with Ash first and now his girlfriend Xiaoxia, she knows the details of Ash, not to mention Ash's bunch of Pokémon on call, or the fast dragon that Ash wears beside him is not something Paqira can deal with, not to mention the two phoenix kings who obviously blessed Ash, although one of them was seriously injured before, but listening to the communication between Ash and Arceus seems to be because the other world has a suppressive effect on the divine beast, Although the Phoenix King in Xiaozhi's family may not be as good as this world, it is still no problem to resurrect people or destroy a city.

Of course, these are not the biggest, what really lets Xiaoxia know that Ash will be fine is Arceus's attitude towards Ash, Xiaoxia can find from the communication between Arceus and Ash that Arceus's emotions for Ash are very special, that is an emotion that she can't understand, if it is a friendship between men, Xiaoxia is uncertain, after all, Arceus's gender has never been determined...

'Please don't use your weird thoughts to make up our friendship...'

Just as Xiao Xia was thinking, Arceus' voice suddenly sounded in her ears, it was a voice that she could hear, but now the voice of this creation god was full of helplessness.

'Ash is already good enough, you as his partner don't want to correct him properly, how can he also think about it together...'

Hearing Arceus' voice, Xiao Xia was stunned for a moment, but when Ash was still sneering at each other with Pachi Lapi without laughing, she understood that this voice could only be heard by her, so Xiao Xia quickly apologized in her heart: 'I'm sorry...'

'Really... So you should really destroy those guys who blindly make special readings... Now people...'

Listening to Arceus' helpless voice, Xiaoxia really wanted to laugh, but she knew that it was rude, so she held back. It's just that Xiaoxia still asked out the doubts she had been having in her heart.

'Lord Arceus has always been related, is it related to Ash's past life? ’

Hearing Xiaoxia's words, Arceus was not surprised, but just laughed in Xiaoxia's voice.

'Huh, was it really discovered? It's not related to Ash's past life, but I won't say at least until Ash remembers it himself, as Ash's companion, you know it yourself, and... To put it bluntly, it's just the story of two stupid people... Although one of them is really hopelessly stupid...'

Xiao Xia could hear it, Arceus's voice was a little helpless, but it was more of a nostalgia and relief, but then Xiao Xia asked another question.

'That... Ash, his Silver Wing...'

'Oh that, he's whatever, it's impossible for you to keep a person pure forever, that kind of thing is called according to Ash... Virgin? Silly white sweet? Anyway, since I listened to Ash's advice, I dealt with the gods of other worlds... I'm sorry to say more, in short, you don't have to worry, some of the necessary means are actually good things, well, at least learned a lot of good methods. ’

Arceus not only knows about Ash's organization like the villain, but also supports it. This is actually a lesson.

As the creation god Arceus, in fact, sometimes he also needs to face the invaders of other worlds, or deal with some malicious guys with the creation gods of other worlds, but once Arceus was secretly calculated by his collaborators, so he was attacked by a special substance and caused the power to be sealed to the world where Ash was in his previous life, and it was Ash and Arceus who were still looking for a cure at that time that met.

Arceus, who had just been betrayed, was still wary of Ash, but when Ash heard about his experience, he did not comfort him, but directly mocked.

“.. You are a creation god who is really silly and sweet enough... Don't you know if you have to keep a hand on everything..."

After that, the matter is nothing more than two frustrated guys ridiculing each other, one sarcastic each other is simply silly and sweet, the other sarcastic the other has no strength and can't even save the family, but because of each other's sarcasm, an indescribable friendship has arisen between one person and one god, perhaps it is also a soothing when they ridicule each other (Wang Zhao's)...

And the reason why Arceus has no objection to Ash for having a villain-like organization is because of the last words Ash said to Ash when he endured the curse of that special substance in place of Arceus.

"Idiot! Anyway, I'm going to die, now give you a piece of advice that is not advice, listen to yourself or not, treat enemies and allies you have to be worse than bad people, so that you will not be yin, the heart is the most complicated thing! "

The heart is the most complicated thing, which is the last piece of advice that Ash left to Arceus in his previous life, and this also allows Arceus, the creation god who has always been invincible to his own world, to really face up to those things that he ignores because of his invincibility.


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