Ghost Castle, this is a chilling existence, there is a terrifying legend in this castle, it is said that this castle ghost Pokémon find their souls, it is said that the ghost castle is the place where the ghost Pokémon gather.

Although there are different theories, one thing is certain, in the ghost castle, there are countless ghost Pokémon, and these Pokémon do not seem to welcome humans.

And one of the most dangerous is the countless candlelight spirits as lamps, you must know that the introduction of candlelight spirits in the Pokémon Book is usually extinguished, but when absorbing the life force of people or Pokémon, the flame becomes vigorous.

And it's not just the candlelight spirit, since there is a candlelight spirit, then absorb the soul to light the lamp. Wandering around the hospital waiting for humans to die, not to mention the ghosts of lights.

So for ordinary people and Pokémon, that castle is simply a natural disaster on the move.

And now this terrifying castle actually appeared in Kanto, which also made Du and Xiba nervous, if you don't pay attention, I'm afraid something big will happen.

"And what about intelligence now?"

After all, although dragon Pokémon are indeed very strong, but compared with those wild ghost Pokémon with a thousand years of life, it is really not enough to see, you will never know what terrifying abilities a wild Pokémon that has lived for a thousand years has, and in the face of these weird guys may only be able to deal with mythical beasts.

And at this point, Mother-in-law Juzi, as the king of the ghost system, has the most say, and she is not enough for the ghost castle to have little information~.

"Without intelligence, this is the trouble we are experiencing now, we don't know why this ghost castle came to Kanto at all, and after entering the Kanto, the information of the ghost castle is pitiful-."

After being silent for a while, Hiba seemed to think of something, so he looked at Kona and said, "Hmm... Kona, I remember Ash had a fiancée named Nazi, right? "

"That's right, what's wrong?"

"Can you ask her, the superpower, to search with superpowers?"

"Nazi? In fact, it is strange to say, I have not seen Nazi in the past few days. Shouldn't that? Ash's match will definitely come, right? "

"Hmm... What's wrong with this..."

Hearing that Nazi's powerful superpower was no longer there, Juzi's mother-in-law was also a little out of turn.

At this time, Nazi, who was worried about Kikuko's mother-in-law, was sitting with Serena in a huge and classical room watching Ash's match, but the scenery of their window passing quickly explained that their current situation was different.

"Sister Nazi, look at it! Ash won again! "

"Well, this kind of opponent couldn't be easier for him, but..."

Speaking of this, Nazi looked out the window.

"We should be able to get off the field tonight, and let Ash make up for it then."

······ Flowers...

Hearing Nazi say this, Serena also smiled.

"Is it coming? That's great! "

Knock knock!

Just then, there was a knock on the door, and then the door was opened, and Ash's ghost stone floated in with a tray.

"Hehe, two of you try my craft, I'm with the old university."

Saying that, Ghost Stone put the tray on the table.

"Thank you, Mr. Ghost Stone."

"It's okay, it's okay, it's what I should do, but Miss Serena don't miss the plane next time."

"I didn't expect that... Obviously the tickets are all set, why would someone suddenly pack the plane..."

"Hahaha is that so? Miss Serena, you are miserable enough, so let's continue to rest first, and when the evening we will arrive at my side and let the guys settle down. "

Saying that, Ghost Stone yelled behind him: "Hey! If our boss's future wife is so noisy that believe it or not, I will beat you up! "

Then, with a strange response, the voice behind Ghost Stone weakened a lot.

"That's right! Okay, Sister Nazi, Sister Serena, rest well, these young guys just like to make trouble..."

Then Ghost Stone slowly closed the door.

Serena, on the other hand, said a little helplessly: "Sure enough, I'm still a little unaccustomed to the title of big sister..."


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