"I said Split Empty Seat, you should go back after eating, right? It's not that I want to drive you away, but you'll be in trouble staying here all the time..."

Saying that, Ash looked at the reporter who seemed to be moving on the periphery, and directly roared: "Little ones give it to me!" Unload their guys! I'm responsible for something! "

"Yes!!" *N

Then a gangster war reporter drama was staged on the periphery, and Junsha and the police officers directly chose to ignore the actions of the little brothers of Xiaozhi, after all, they are not good at doing so much to this group of annoying reporters.

And Rift Sora looked at Ash while nibbling on his own beef, and then roared.

"Hmm... He said that he has been too busy recently, so he plans to take a vacation, boss, you are just right here... Besides, the big boss is also here. "

".....is our family asking for a meeting of divine beasts..."

Thinking of the two Phoenix Kings in his home, plus three holy beasts, and a certain voyeur who was his fiancée to some extent, plus Ash felt that his home was about to become a permanent place for divine beasts.

And just when Ash was speechless about the Rift Empty Seat going to come to his house on vacation, Patriarch Junsha came. She directly pulled Ash over and said: "Listen to Ash, the movement you have made has been a little big recently, although this also means that you can win the trust of the divine beasts, but it has increased our trouble, so start you now!" What other mythical beast friends are better to make clear, the province they suddenly came to us and the matter has increased, we are now ready to set up a countermeasure team on your situation to deal with your sudden appearance of the divine beast friends. ~

Although Patriarch Junsha said very impatiently, but Ash understood that this was also a way for the Junsha family to protect themselves, at least with the help of the Junsha family, there was no problem at all on the official side, as for unofficial, such as some cursed organizations that wanted to provoke trouble, -Zhi himself could solve it.

"Thank you, Patriarch, but if there are any other divine beasts... Do the two Phoenix Kings and three holy beasts in my family count? "

"Yes, of course, if you can let them stay at your house..."

After listening to Patriarch Junsha's words, Xiao Zhi thought for a while and said: "It should be no problem, they seem to like the atmosphere of my house, and I heard that they are watching TV together." "

“...... Well, one last thing. "

Saying that, Patriarch Junsha pointed to Xiao Zhi's ancient road: "Your home, it is always haunted at night, I want to have time to talk to your friends, don't scare passers-by." "

"No problem!"

After confirming the official affairs, Patriarch Junsha suddenly said: "Ask you, those ghosts... Is it true? "

"Patriarch, have you seen it?"

Hearing Patriarch Junsha ask Ash, Xiaozhi already had some guesses, Patriarch Junsha and Mother-in-law Juzi had seen some old friends...

"Hmm... Are they really them? "

Ash was silent for a moment before looking at Patriarch Junsha and said, "Yes... They are really... But Patriarch, remember..."

········ Ask for flowers

"Living in the moment"*2

After saying this in unison, Ash was stunned for a moment, but soon smiled.

"How did I forget that all that can be brought out are a bunch of gentle guys..."

Patriarch Junsha also smiled and said, "Is it gentle? No... Just because they still love their families until they die..."

"Who knows..."


At this moment, the crystal lamp fire spirit suddenly appeared next to Ash, and then seemed to say something in Ash's ear, and Ash said unexpectedly after hearing this: "Xiao Mao lost? Is the opponent that strong? "



"Suspected of using a quasi-god Pokémon that forcibly boosted their strength? Interesting..."

'Boss, do you need us to see the details of that guy?' Don't worry, I will unknowingly suck his spiritual power dry. ’


As a ghost-based Pokémon, the Crystal Fire Spirit and the Shield Sword Monster have long learned to use telepathy under the teaching of some ghost Pokémon, but they only like to talk to Ash alone.

And now Ash looked at it speechlessly after hearing the words of the crystal lamp fire spirit and said: "No need, no matter what tricks the opponent does, just crush it directly, but in fact, I have already guessed some, gee these two guys are really interesting to work together, so will they have a plan after the final?" "

Thinking so, Ash began to calculate in his heart. child


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