"Well, please get a little closer... It's really the first time I've taken pictures of so many Pokémon with people..."

When taking a picture of Ash's champion, the photographer was helpless, after all, there were too many people or Pokémon on Ash's side.

"Eggplant!" *N

When the photo was taken, Lucario next to Ash also began to emit a little light, and Ash had already prepared after seeing this situation, and said goodbye to Lucario with a smile.

"Then, you go back to sleep well first, according to the agreement between me and you, I will go to you with Xiaozi when I go to Fengyuan."

Lucario also said with a smile.

"No problem, Ash-sama, although everything is like a dream for me now, it is enough, I will wait for the moment when I will be truly reunited."

After speaking, Lukari looked at Xiaozi for 25 euros.

"You too, Master Xiaozi, it's great that you can be reunited with Lord Xiaozhi again."


"Don't worry about Lord Xiaozi for me, as Lord Ash said, I look forward to this real reunion, finally..."

Looking at the ghost beside Ash, Bija Lucario tilted his head with a smile.

"You look pretty handsome now..."

Then Lucario completely dissipated, and the mind finally completed its mission. And in the scepter of the brave preserved in Roundpur City, Lucario seemed to have a good dream, and the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned.

"Ash-sama, Purple-sama... Looking forward to our true reunion..."

- dividing line——

"Hmm... Lynn lend me a shoulder..."

Resting his head on Rin's shoulder, Ash took a deep breath.

Don't get me wrong, it's not that Ash is too partial to Rin, it's really only Rin's height that can make Ash do this, after all, Ash's height has long begun to rise because of her exercise, so Hirona and they are actually shorter than Ash, and only Rin's regular exercise figure can make Ash more comfortable when he is pillowed.

"Hah... Well, the state is much better. "

Raising his head, Ash's eyes flashed with trouble.

"Now, let's see what Billy interrogated over there, shall we? By the way, bring back their so-called remodeled Xiaogang! "

"That... Ash, my grandmother's side let me go, after all, I also have a championship title on my side, so I can't leave for too long. "

Just when Ash was about to forget his own pain with the pain of others, Hirona reminded Ash that she should go back, and there were also Xiaojuer Lilin, after all, they also have their own responsibilities, so it is time to go back.

And Ash said directly without thinking after listening to Hirona's words: "Okay, let Billy and them play more with that hunter A to accompany you!" "


Gragio looked at Ash, who was instantly changed, and didn't know what to say about his adoptive father, but he chose to remain silent because he was worried that it would eventually turn into a mixed doubles between Ash and Lushamina, while Lilia reminded Ash slightly.

"That, Father Ash, the one called Xiaogang?"

"He, don't worry, Billy, they won't force it except the enemy, so he's safe."


"That's right, so now let's go on vacation, by the way, I will help the fossil pterosaur solve his life events."

"Is it the same life event as Pikachu and Chuchu?"

When Xiao Huang said this, Ash's whole body was shocked, and then Ash instantly looked at the sundae and Xiao Lan and asked, "Who of you taught it?" "

"I'm not that unrestrained..."

Xiao Lan glanced at Xiao Zhi speechlessly, not knowing how to complain, and the sundae also said impatiently.

"I'm completely different from you, this lustful demon, okay?!"


Looking at Ash's skeptical eyes, he looked at Ash with a puff of air, but Ash said directly.

"I hid so many doujins..."

"Stop !!!!"

In the end, Ash didn't know who brought the bad Yellow, but Ash said that the matter was not over. And after that, things are actually quite simple, accompany Hirona and them, that's all. As for how to accompany, it all depends on their preferences.

"Karunai, it's time to get up, didn't you say that your economic man will pick you up today?"

A few days later, when Karunai's economic man asks for 160 to pick up Karunai, Ash is in charge of getting Karunai, who is lying in bed, to get up, although she also has Ash's own reasons for staying in bed.

"Don't... Tossed me to such a tnight yesterday... I'm still tired..."

Saying that, Karunai turned around and continued to sleep, while Ash quickly helped her cover the quilt, after all, it is easy to get cold, isn't it?

And looking at Karunai who was lying on the bed, Ash silently took out the clothes prepared for Karunai after a little silence and began to help her put them on.

"Your economic man is also true... I don't know if I mentioned it..."

Although she complained so much, Ash's work was not slow, and he helped her sort it out without affecting Karunai's confusion.

And Ash's craft is completely due to the influence of Lusha Minai in the previous life, after all, Lusha Minai has no strength at all because of anorexia, and Ash takes care of this completely as a super nanny. And this is also the reason why Rosaminai did not make trouble after knowing Ash's situation in this world, after all, Ash really paid too much.


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