The next day, when Mary woke up from a warm embrace, she was a little startled. Looking at Ash Mary who was holding herself, she understood why Ash would have a fatal attraction to those noble ladies, just the perfect body that Ash was exercising in front of her now, Mary felt a sense of security, not to mention the feeling of security that she was now held by Ash entirely.

Feeling the tingling sensation coming from underneath, Mary also understood that she seemed to have lost something important.

But thinking that yesterday she was stimulated by alcohol and constantly provoked Ash, so that in the end, after Ash warned him many times, he still died and caused him to really be done by Ash, Mary didn't know how to describe it, maybe it was her real thoughts at that time, after all, she was helped too much by Ash.

Just as Mary was looking at Ash, Ash suddenly opened her eyes and said. 853

"You should rest well today."

“.. You're awake..."

Looking at Ash Marie and not knowing what to say, the relationship between the two is strange now. And Ash said after looking at Mary.

"Hmm... Sister Mary... You're surprisingly daring.."

"Don't talk about me... I now understand why those noble ladies are eyeing you..."

"Okay not to mention them? To be honest, I really don't have any interest in them. Even when I'm in a strange state..."

Hearing Ash say this, Mary sighed, and then leaned into Ash's arms and asked.

"Although I really want to stay together, after all, I also have a boyfriend in a sense, but our director is estimated to be crazy, right?" And..."

"Oh... I already bought your CIDF. After all, although you and I can trust, who knows if there will be any nasty guys who will edit blindly, in order not to be disgusted by those operations I thought it would be appropriate to buy it. "

“.... Rich people are really afraid..."

Mary didn't expect Ash to actually play such a play, but this is good, at least then she doesn't have to worry about someone editing her own side of the report.

"By the way, Sister Mary forgot to tell you, Xiao Dai had a good drink with the ghost Pokémon yesterday night, and it is estimated that he is still in a hangover state, so you can take a good break today."

“.. It can't be your Pokémon, right? "

"Nope... It's true... But they did some mischief... But it seems that they know a very horrible thing..."

Saying that, Ash's face became a little strange, and Mary asked strangely when Ash's face was concerned.

"What horrible thing?"

Looking at the puzzled Mary, Ash asked after thinking for a while.

"Do you think that Xiao Dai sometimes feels like a sister to you?"

“??? Yes, yes, but what's wrong with this? "

"What's wrong... I'll say..."

After quietly muttering a few words in Mary's ear, Mary was instantly stunned, because she didn't expect that her partner Xiao Dai was interested in Mr. Billy and them, no wonder Xiao Dai, who didn't know about the show, could call Billy and the rising star Xiao Gang up like a few family treasures.

And his so-called childhood sweetheart turned out to be...

Thinking about this, Mary now finally understood why she always felt a little strange when she cooperated with Xiao Dai before, it turned out to be at this point.

"Hmm... That's not bad, just wish him happiness..."

Thinking that Xiao Dai's girlfriend is actually Mr. Billy, they feel a little strange how Mary thinks, but at least they can continue to work with Xiao Dai, after all, what if Ash is jealous of the situation on his side?

Wait a minute! Jealous!

Thinking of something, Mary suddenly smiled and nodded, and Ash asked.

"Ash, are you jealous that is why you let your ghost Pokémon go to prank?"

"Jealous can indeed eat, but the prank was done by themselves, but they didn't expect to discover this big secret..."

"Uh-huh, unexpectedly honest, it's a little cute oh little boy."

“.... Do you want the cute little boy among you to remind you of yesterday's feelings? "

“.. No... Will die... Is your stamina a monster? "

Mary doesn't dare to continue to die now, after all, she feels Ash's physical strength, should she be said to be a fierce person who can travel with Pokémon all over her body? Ash's physical strength is simply terrifying, and Ash obviously didn't take care of himself too much yesterday, otherwise Mary felt that she wouldn't want to get out of bed today.

"Since I want to travel, then good exercise is essential, and the ability to defend myself cannot be lost, at least when the opposite Pokémon attack me, I can subdue the opposite Pokémon, which is good."

“.. All right... I forgot about your combat effectiveness..."

Thinking that Ash seemed to be able to fight Pokémon with her bare hands, Mary felt that she would have a lot of hard work if she didn't pay attention in the future.


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