On the way to Jinhuang City, Xiao Zhi and his party chose to rest in a small town in order to allow Xiao Gang to cheer up. As for why help Xiao Gang cheer up?

"Ash, why didn't I catch a butterfly? Obviously, at this time, you can rely on Ba Da Butterfly to get close to the big sisters. "

"Oh, don't you like rock systems?"

"But just now, I have already seen countless beautiful big sisters releasing Ba Da butter!"

Xiao Zhi saw that Xiao Gang's spirit was getting worse and worse at this time, and he could only say: "Let's look at the opening point..."

"It's not because of you yet! Ash, don't you know that I've been hit all the time because of you! Little Miss Juer! Miss Shirona! Little purple... I don't know what to say about this, but don't you think your fiancée is a bit much?! "

Looking at Xiao Gang's indignant look, Xiao Zhi patted him and said: "I'm a bad person, so I chose to open a harem, anyway, I raised it." "


Watching Xiao Gang rush away in tears, Ash felt that he should be comforted well... But thinking that there is actually a flash in the pile of big butterflies saved today, it's really powerful, you must know that flash Pokémon are rare, and now Ash has seen only Daigo's flash giant golden monster in addition to the pink big butterfly.

In the evening, just when Xiao Zhi was about to talk with Xiao Ju'er about life or giving birth, Xiao Ju'er's communicator rang, and then Xiao Ju'er could only say helplessly to Xiao Zhi: "I'm sorry, my friend suddenly came, I'll pick her up, although I don't know what it is, but it's not good to let her wait." "

"Sister Ju'er, can you bear to see that I have always been uncomfortable..." Xiao Zhi almost wanted to cry without tears, now his anger has risen, but his wife has something!

"I'm sorry, let's help you in other ways first."

Then Ash went to pick up Rosami and them with Ju'er with an unhappy face, and Lusa Minai's eyes did not take their eyes off Ash along the way, while Liliai and Grageo looked at Ash curiously, calling their mother's 'daddy'.

After arriving at the Huaxia restaurant, Xiao Gang saw that Lushaminai was about to get sick again, but was subdued by the brother gui group that had been prepared on the side, and then dragged to the brother gui fitness park to play.

Ash, on the other hand, was cooking with an unhappy face.

"Damn, who does that woman think she is, if it weren't for Xiao Ju'er, I would have splashed her with juice!"

The chefs shivered as they watched their bosses cook with a grudge.

"What do you want to taste Xiaoju'er's man's craft, I don't believe it, since you want to taste it, then let you taste enough!"

Later, under Ash's hideous smile, countless special spices were put into use by Ash.

"Hmph, I hope you like it, this is a very strong model that can only be eaten by anorexia, hahahaha!!!!"

After laughing maniacally, Ash went out with three portions of food after confirming that his expression was no longer hideous, although Lusha Minai hated it, but the two children she adopted were innocent, and Ash would not fix them yet.

"Here, eat while it's hot, this is your Miss Lushaminay, this is your Liliai, this is your Graggio."

"Thank you." *3

When Lusha Minay Lili Ai and Gragio all had different performances after eating their share of food, Lili Ai was happy, Graggio was a face of aftertaste, but Lusha Minai was in tears. And what made Ash even more frightened was that Rosami actually ate her share while crying.

"What kind of taste do you have?! I got a very strong model!! "Ash doesn't care if he will be pinched by Xiaoju'er, now Ash is more curious about Lushamina's sense of taste, is it terrifying to Tai Nima?! This extra thick type actually ate it, but Lusha Minai looked at Ash with tears after eating it and said: "It's really you, it's really you!" ...! "

Hearing Lushaminai say the name behind Xiao Zhi, he was stunned, and then immediately protected Xiao Ju'er Xiaoxia and Xiao Huang behind him, and even prepared an attack posture.

"Who the hell are you! Wait a minute! The kind of meal you can eat... It won't be..."

Looking at Lusha Minai, Ash felt too bloody when he thought of a possibility, but Lushaminai's next behavior verified Ash's thoughts.

"Finally found you! It's really you! Lushaminai had already thrown herself into Ash's arms at this time and cried bitterly, and Ash said helplessly: "That... Now I'm Ash. "

"Do you say you too!" Rosaminy thought of a possibility.

"Ah, that's right, I followed you after you died..."

"Sorry! I'm sorry! If it weren't for me! If it weren't for me! "

Looking at Lusha Minai like this, Ash comforted her and said: "It's okay, it's all my own choice." "

"So, Ash, can you explain?" Xiao Ju'er is now at a loss throughout the process, after all, what does her friend and her man mean?

And Xiao Zhi said to Xiao Ju'er helplessly: "Ah, this, let's explain it a little, my relationship with Lushamina, this is related to my past life..."

Later, in a private room, Ash explained the relationship between her past life and Lusha Minai, yes, Lusha Minai also carried memories of her past life, and her previous life was the lover who died of illness in Ash's previous life.

And Ash also explained why he knew so much about medicine and nutrition, all because of Rosami's anorexia.

"That is to say, Ash, your previous life also died together after Lushamina's death, martyrdom?" Xiao Ju'er didn't have a big reaction after listening to it, after all, there was a Xiaozi thing in front, but she thought of the other side.

Ash said speechlessly: "No, it should be sudden death, after all, I don't seem to have slept in the last few days, and I have been taking Lushaminai to various places." "

Hearing Ash say this, Lushamina, who had been holding Ash's arm since just now, whispered, "I'm sorry, it's all because of me..."

"Well, that's my own choice, but now..." Ash looked at Lilia and Gragio with some helplessness, and then said seriously: "I will try to be a father." "


Liliai and Gragio also don't know what to say, isn't their adoptive mother's lover in her previous life the adoptive father....

And Xiaoxia is now immersed in the poignant love story of Ash and Lusha Minai.

"What a great love..."

"However, Ash is an absolutely good man." Xiao Ju'er said and smiled and hugged Ash's other arm.

"I still didn't give up on you in that situation, it seems that I didn't choose the wrong person."

For Xiaoju'er's behavior, Lusha Minai is not angry, after all, the reborn Lusha Minai also knows the situation of Pocket Star, coupled with the guilt of Ash in her previous life, Ash will open a harem if she opens a harem, Ash was tired to sudden death in his previous life, what qualifications does he have to stop him from opening a harem? So Lushaminai just smiled and said, "That's right, you did pick up the treasure this time, Ash, it's really good..."

Saying that, Lusha Minai closed her eyes and quietly leaned on Ash, feeling the feeling of loss and regain. And Liliai and Gragio did not disturb their adoptive mother at this time, because they could see the happy smile from the heart of the adoptive mother who appeared.

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