"Welcome to the latest episode of the interview program, I heard that we have invited three special guests this time! Well? What about the guests? "

Just when the host was strange, a faceless man patted him on the shoulder.


"Huh!" *3

With three eerie laughter, the Geng Ghost trio appeared.

"How? Can the three of them? Ash couldn't help but laugh while watching Geng Ghost and their performance outside the recording room, while the comedy master who was invited next to him smiled and nodded "Three One Zero" and said: "Very good, they are indeed very talented, and compared to humans, as Pokémon they can do more." "

Looking at the ghost Si Gang with a bomb taken out of his mouth to blow up Geng Ghost and the host, the comedy master said helplessly: "I didn't teach this." "

When the play was over, Ash walked back with a smiling Natsu, while Geng Ghost and they happily returned to their ghost tower, and today they had a lot of fun.

"Ash, will Geng Ghosts continue to act in comedy in the future?" Nazi, who had just finished laughing, held Ash's shoulders, and Ash nodded and said, "That's right, you can see more in the future, and if you want to play with them, you can go to the Ghost Tower, and you'll know when I take you and Xiaoxia." "


Then Ash returned to Nazi's house and took Xiaoxia and pulled the two to the ghost tower that had begun to be renovated, and Geng Ghost and the three of them also expressed a warm welcome, and then the three of them and a bunch of Pokémon played in the small amusement park in the ghost tower.

And while playing, Ash pulled Geng Ghost and said: "Geng Ghost, Nazi actually didn't have any fun in her childhood, so she may come over to play often in the future, can you help me take care of it?" "

"Geng? Geng ghost! Geng ghost! "How can I be unhappy when I hear that Nazi will often come over to play Geng Ghost, it is better to say that someone with superpowers like Nazi is exactly what they like.

Finally, Little Chile uses Team Rocket's subspace teleportation brick to deliberately use the device that Jean Nazi and Geng Ghost play back and forth with them, and finally leaves.

"Then, we're leaving, remember to call me if you have something!" Geng Ghost Nazi, she will ask you to take care of it. "In front of the Golden Dojo, Ash is saying goodbye to Nazi and them.

"Geng Ghost! Geng ghost! Geng Ghost and Ghost Si nodded. And Nazi hugged Ash and said: "Ash, you are, don't forget to contact me more, otherwise I will be a doll!" "

"Understand, will never forget, then I go."

After leaving Jinhuang City, Xiaoxia couldn't help but say: "I always feel that Nazi likes to play." "

"Yes, Nazi has been practicing superpowers since she was a child, so there is no good childhood, let alone any common sense issues, so she dares to run around with her superpowers, and as a result, she broke into my territory to watch a performance for free, and then my affair with Nazi began, and Xiaomao's guy also knows..."

"So Natsu and Ash have such a past?"

"Ah, after all, everyone makes stupid mistakes when they are young, doesn't they?"

In the Golden Taoist Hall, Nazi is showing Geng Ghost their most precious thing, a photo.

And this photo shows a picture of Nazi as a child laughing while holding Casey and Ash with a half-clown mask, as well as a group of Pokémon with bells and whistles on their faces, and Shigeru hanging in the air.

"This is my most precious memory, a little girl who uses her superpowers to teleport around and finally discovers a secret base in the back mountain of True New Town, where a boy dressed as a clown is playing with Pokémon, yes, it is Ash."


"Geng Ghost?"

0.9 Nazi recalls the secret show, and it was that performance that taught her to laugh and meet Ash, who still remembers Ash's first words.

"Suddenly there is an audience, but thanks for the laughter, so I'm Ash, would you like to play together?"

"My name is Nazi, would you like to play with me?"

"Isn't that a matter of course?"

Recalling the memories, Nazi smiled and put the photo away, and she already had a ring on her hand. _

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