"Everyone, today we have a new friend, Mr. Sebastian and his female companion Xiaoxia, and they are accompanied by Mr. Sebastian's butler, Mr. Meow, Pikachugili Egg and Chirurian."

With the gentleman's words, the Pokémon Fan Club members present all looked over, and their eyes lit up after seeing Ash's meow and Pikachu, and they quickly surrounded them.

"Oh! The color of the meow coat is really shiny! "

"Gili eggs are also great and seem to have been well taken care of since childhood."

"Pikachu is cuter!"

"Chillulian is just like the little princess!



"Ma'am, do you need me to help you pour water?"

Looking at the reaction of this gang, Ash has determined that they are indeed members of the true Pokémon Fan Club. So what exactly caused the previous trouble?

Thinking so, Ash walked up to Soliber and asked, "Have you felt anything strange lately?" "

"Cypress? Cypress? "

"Pu! General! "

"Kashiwa! Cypress! "

At first, Soliber shook his head, but under the reminder of Solip on the side, Soliber seemed to remember something, and Ash saw this and said to Meow: "Meow, Soliber did they say anything?" "

"Yes, my master, they said that a while ago, a bunch of pot lid heads roamed around here, and then it seems that they have a strange feeling when they use their superpowers."

"Oh, the pot lid head? So these pot lids are the culprits that make my beloved Pokémon uncomfortable? "

"Most likely so."

Seeing this, the gentleman couldn't help but ask, "Is there something wrong with Mr. Sebastian?" "

"Yes, it's not a secret, recently my Pokémon are a little strange, and Chillulian also said that I have strange feelings, so I thought that if it was other super-powered babies, I would be able to know something, but I didn't expect to win the lottery."

"So that's the case, so Solip Soliber where else can you start wrong?"



Soliber and Solip pointed to the ground together.

"Our club underground?!"

Ash thought for a while and then said, "It seems that someone has used the Elf Fan Club as a cover, I think it is better to inform Junsha and them." "

"That's right! You are absolutely right, the use of our club must not be tolerated! "

You must know that the people present are rich people, and they will not give up if they are used to back the pot like this.

Ash, on the other hand, came to Xiaoxia, who was holding Pikachu and discussing water Pokémon with the ladies.

"Found the reason, there are people making trouble underground, I want to inform Junsha, let's go see the water system Pokémon later?"

"That's what you said, don't break your word." Xiaoxia also entered the role of playing the angry female companion she played at this time, and Xiaozhi had to sigh that girls are really natural actors.

Soon, Junsha, who had already been prepared, arrived after receiving the alarm, and the personnel of the mainland hotel were also mixed in.

"We received reports that there are people who led to the disappearances?"

"Yes! According to Solip and Soliber, it should be underground! "

After confirming that there was a problem underground, Ash nodded and threw out his own treasure ball.

"Come out, fire dinosaurs."


The fire dinosaur roared after coming out, while Ash pointed to the ground and said, "The fire dinosaur uses jet flames." "


The fire dinosaur spewed hot flames from its mouth, and then a large hole was opened in the ground, and what appeared in front of everyone was a mechanical processing factory with many instruments inside.

"So, it's very likely that some kind of instrument is made here, and this instrument accidentally resonates with the hypnotism of the super-powered Pokémon Soliber, which is why it creates these big troubles, right? This lady? "

Saying that, Ash looked at a noblewoman with purple (money Zhao) hair, and this noblewoman asked a little strangely: "Me? What do I know? "

"Please, didn't you find yourself out of place all along? And didn't you find that everyone was faintly avoiding you? "

"What does that mean?"

"If you blend in with us next time, please investigate, only your wine is open in the entire venue, and the real Pokémon Fan Club members are..."

Everyone in the second scene, including Xiaoxia, said Ash's last words loudly.

"You are definitely not allowed to snub your Pokémon because of drinking!" *N_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - favorites, recommendations,

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