"The winning seed?" Xie Ze glanced at the 10 Kyogre-class battleships around him and tried not to laugh out loud.

"Captain Wang, I have done my homework this time. I know all the outstanding candidates. I even know the daughter of Qiwen, the trainer of your city's electric gym.

Because her mother is a genius of steel transformation, she may give her some unexpected trump cards."

"But I really don't know this little guy. Even if he has a quasi-god, a jade-washing elf, and two shining elves, it doesn't mean he can win the championship."

Xie Ze looked at Wang Hai earnestly,"Whether the elves are beautiful or not is one thing, but whether they can beat the elves is another....That's another matter!"

Wang Hai curled his lips,"But his Green Washing Soroa is a king-level elf."

""What's wrong with the King level?" Xie Ze was still immersed in his own world."Are King level elves very powerful?"

"Wow, what did you say? Heavenly King level!"

Xie Ze suddenly reacted and looked at Wang Hai in surprise.

"Chu...Apart from the Catti Dog Breeding House, I don't remember any big family with the surname Chu?"

"But the Chu family has no descendants except for that ancestor, so he can't be from the Chu family."

Thinking of this, Xie Ze's eyes suddenly lit up,"Could it be that this is an ordinary person with no background?"

"Metagross, quickly pull the camera over and see what this person's qualifications are like"

"If his qualifications are good enough, I will accept him as my apprentice and send him to Orange!"...

On Chu Lang's side, the blackness in the sky became thicker and thicker, and the wave power kept sending him warning messages.

There must be danger ahead!

Chu Lang stopped and considered whether to change direction.

According to the usual practice of exams, great dangers must be accompanied by great rewards. If it was an ordinary exam, Chu Lang would go without hesitation.

However, this exam was too unusual, and Chu Lang didn't know if he could take this reward.

After thinking for a while, Chu Lang decided to ask his elves for their opinions.

"There may be some dangers ahead, but there are definitely a lot of points waiting for us. What do you think, should we change direction or continue to rush forward?"

"You three will be the main force in a fight. I want to hear your opinions."

""Ang~" Gulden was the first to call for a fight, and his meaning was very obvious. Even without the power of the wave guide, Chu Lang could tell that Gulden was rushing over.

Young Kiras followed closely behind, also waving his fist and looking forward, his eyes full of fighting intent.

Soroya was still sleeping in Chu Lang's arms. This was her most comfortable position when there was no fighting.

"What about you?"

Finally, Chu Lang looked at Lalulas. This little girl's opinion was also very important. If he couldn't win, he would have to rely on her to escape.


Lalu Lasi called out obediently, indicating that she would listen to Chu Lang.

Chu Lang waved his hand and said,"Let's go!"

The further they went, the darker the surrounding environment became. It seemed that there was an invisible fog covering the sky above Chu Lang and his group.


Lalulas suddenly let out a loud cry, pointing his finger firmly in front of him.

"Are you saying there is space fluctuation ahead?"

"Lalu!"Lalulas nodded.

Chu Lang carefully picked up a stone from the ground and threw it in the direction of Lalulas's finger.

At the moment when it was about to touch a tree, the stone seemed to fall into the water, causing ripples and disappearing.

After waiting for a while, Chu Lang did not hear any sound coming from inside.

"It seems that the guy inside is in a good mood. Let's go inside and take a look."


Young Kiras nodded, and was the first to walk towards the place where the space was fluctuating, disappearing from Chu Lang's sight.

"Let's go in quickly so we don't get separated from little Kiras."

"Also, Gulden, since you don't want to enter the Poké Ball, I can only hold your whiskers."

""Ang~" Gulden shouted, indicating that Chu Lang could do whatever he wanted as long as he was not allowed to enter the Poké Ball.

Chu Lang hugged Lalulas and Zoroark, grabbed Gulden's whiskers and entered the area of space fluctuations.

A dizzy feeling came again, and suddenly he entered a strange space.

This space was extremely dark, in the shape of a hemisphere, with a small hill of unknown material in the center.

At the top of the space, there was a thundercloud that kept flashing, as if it would bring down divine punishment at any time.

"No-fly zone? But it doesn't matter. My elves don't need to fly too high anyway."

"According to this environment, the most suitable elves to fight here should be electric elves and rock elves."

Chu Lang muttered to himself, and guessed the details of the elves here in a few words.

"Young Kiras, where are you?"


Young Kiras's weak cry came from the bottom of the hill, sounding very weak.

Chu Lang was stunned. Young Kiras had only come in two seconds earlier than them, so how could he lie down? Could the enemy be so fierce?

Chu Lang's whole body was burning with blue flames, and he punched the stone that was pressing down on Young Kiras.

His wave power belongs to the fighting power, which has a great restraint on rocks.


Just one punch and the rock has already had obvious cracks.

"Don't worry, little Kiras, you'll be out soon."

"What elf defeated you just now?"

Hearing Chu Lang's words, Young Kiras was stunned for a moment.

After he came in just now, he was a little dazed because of the space teleportation, and before he woke up, he was already crushed by the stone.

It was just that he was too embarrassed to tell others about such a shameful thing.

How could he, a great vanguard, be killed in seconds before the fight even started?

Chu Lang saw Young Kiras's expression, combined with his brain fluctuations, and immediately had some guesses.

"I was killed in one second, so I didn't see it?"

Young Kiras:"......"

Damn it, how could there be such a disgusting power as wave force in this world!

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