"Hahaha, I caught you!"

Chu Lang stared at the three moles in surprise, with a playful smile on his lips.

Wang Hai and Xie Ze delayed him from eating instant noodles, but this guy even smashed his bowl.

You think he's made of clay, right?

Clay people can still be angry!

Chu Lang's whole body was covered with a strong wave power. He clenched his right fist and stuffed a handful of Jiuwei Dihuang Pills into his mouth with his left hand.


In the astonished eyes of Diglett, Chu Lang's fist hit easily.

After being hit once, Diglett was stunned. He couldn't understand why Chu Lang's fist was so hard. Aren't trainers themselves very weak?

Chu Lang saw Diglett in a daze, and swung his right fist directly, raining down on Diglett.

"You dare to waste my instant noodles, will you pay me or apologize?"

"Don't think that I won't fight you just because you're an elf. Even if you're the king of heaven, you can't waste my food!"

Feeling the pain on his body, the three moles suddenly woke up and subconsciously used a triple attack skill on Chu Lang.

A mysterious aura suddenly emanated from his three pairs of eyes. The leftmost eye turned into the color of lightning and burst out a flash of lightning at Chu Lang.

The pupil in the middle turned into a fiery red, emitting a burning sensation, and also stimulated a straight ray, but this ray was red, symbolizing fire.

The mole head on the far right was not to be outdone. A deep cold flashed in his eyes, and he stimulated a ray of frost at Chu Lang.


Chu Lang let out a strange cry and quickly ducked down, trying to avoid the three rays.

This skill is considered a special one among the general skills. It can emit three kinds of rays at the same time, which may cause the person hit to fall into a state of paralysis, burning or freezing.

Based on the principle of saving as much as possible, he did not bring many potions this time, and only brought three bottles of each kind that could remove negative states.

""Squeak, squeak, squeak!"

The triple attack was getting closer and closer to Chu Lang. According to the speed of this attack, it would hit Chu Lang in the blink of an eye.

The three rats shouted excitedly. After being hit so many times, they finally got revenge.

The two were almost face to face. He didn't believe that Chu Lang could dodge his skills!

There was only one thought left in Chu Lang's mind, to dodge the three attacking rays.

His brain was extremely clear, and everything around him seemed to slow down. There was silence all around, leaving only the power of the waveguide and the sound of burning and surging.

Chu Lang once again entered that mysterious state!

Dodge skills, dodge skills...

This was the only thought left in his mind, and all distractions disappeared....

All these important things disappeared from his mind, and the only thought left was to dodge the skill.

He controlled the wave power to surge forward, trying to block the speed of the three rays, and at the same time use the reverse thrust to push his body backward.

But even if he did so, he still didn't have time to dodge the three rays!

The distance between the two sides was too close, and with his current physical fitness, it was impossible for him to dodge the three rays.

""Flowing Armor, condense for me!"

Chu Lang roared, and the wave power around him all moved towards him, flowing along the surface of his body.

The wave power, which was as illusory as flames, condensed on the surface of his body, and the color became deeper and deeper.

"Not enough, flow for me!"

The wave power in Chu Lang's body was consumed rapidly, and then regenerated rapidly, circulating at an extremely terrifying speed.

In the end, the wave power as deep as substance slowly flowed.

The third stage of wave power - flowing armor, is completed!

At this moment, Chu Lang felt his bones making muffled sounds like thunder, and his skin became tough.

At this time, Chu Lang's whole body, from bones and organs to every cell, every inch of skin, and every pore in his body, was changing.

Breaking out of the cocoon and becoming a butterfly! The bright blue wave power kept surging on his body, washing his body wantonly. There was no sign of Chu Lang's body.

The image of a muscular monster strangely emitted an extremely terrifying aura that filled the area within a hundred meters.

The three moles, who were the first to be hit, shuddered and couldn't help but want to bow down to Chu Lang.

It was too terrifying. He felt that Chu Lang was now like a humanoid fighting elf, and his physical fitness had completely crushed him, a real elf!

At this time, the triple attack launched by the three moles also successfully hit Chu Lang's body, but it was like hitting a fast-flowing stream of water. It was rushed to the three directions on the side, and finally sank into the ground fiercely, smashing out three small pits.

Looking at the power of the triple attack hitting the ground, Chu Lang's eyes jumped, and he grabbed the frightened three moles again.

"Damn you, I just asked you to compensate me for a bowl of instant noodles, isn't that what I should do? You actually want to kill me!"


Chu Lang punched the three rats, knocking one of them unconscious.

"If I were an ordinary human, I would be dead now!"

Chu Lang cursed and beat the three rats, leaving big lumps on their heads.

If you dye them black, they will look like three snapping sea urchins.

""Squeak, squeak, squeak!"

The two heads of the three shrews were knocked unconscious, and the main head in the middle could only beg for mercy.

He hasn't found the big cat to take revenge yet, and he must not be eliminated!

Chu Lang sneered. He had already decided that as long as the three shrews didn't mention the matter of compensation, his fists would definitely not stop.

Seeing Chu Lang's heroic appearance, the young Kiras on the side was stunned.

The master has become so powerful, who can he protect?

No way!

As a Pokémon, he should at least be stronger than the trainer, right?

The young Kiras stared at the Qianjin placed next to him for a while. The boulder looked at Chu Lang again, and after confirming that Chu Lang was not in danger, he started training again.

Zoroya was speechless for a while, and ran to the outer perimeter with Ralts in his arms to be on alert.

These careless guys actually made such a big noise in the secret realm. Do they really think this is their home?

Damn, it delayed my sleep again!

Just a few steps out, Zoroya saw a green eye in the grass.

Zoroya and Ralts looked at each other, a little confused.

When did her sixth sense become so strong?

There is really an enemy attack!

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