Hearing Chu Lang's words, Qi Shu became interested.

"Do you have any favorite elves?"

Chu Lang shook his head."It's not that I'm interested in any elves, I just want to try my luck."

"I need grass, water, and poison attribute elves now. If I see one with high qualifications or a good fit, I will start training it in advance."

"It doesn't matter if I can't get them. It's already very exhausting to train four of them now."

Hearing this, Qi Shu nodded.

The reason why she asked this question was that she was afraid that Chu Lang would be too eager for quick success and wanted to gather all six elves as soon as possible.

Now it seems that her worry is unnecessary. Chu Lang is still very sober.

"Let's go and have a look. This breeding house still has many powerful water elves."


The water spirit area of the Caterpillar breeding house is on the first floor. The two of them only walked a few steps to get there.

Now that the college entrance examination is over, there are fewer people coming to buy spirits. It is considered the off-season for the spirit industry.

However, this off-season will last only a short time, at most half a month. As soon as the college students start school, the business of Caterpillar will be hot again.

"Goldfish, goldfish!"

As Chu Lang and his group just walked into the water Pokémon area, a goldfish's head popped out of the pool and sprayed water at Chu Lang, who was walking in front, and then dived into the water with a smile.

Chu Lang shook his head and couldn't help laughing, and Qi Shu didn't care.

It is normal to be harassed by other Pokémons in the Growlithe Breeding House. The Pokémons here are much more lively than those in the wild.

Besides, they are just playing around and don't have any other thoughts, unlike those Pokémons in the wild who may fight with humans at any time.

Not only in the Growlithe Breeding House, but even in the human world outside, there are a large number of Pokémons living.

This is also an important way for every citizen of the Dragon Kingdom Alliance to come into contact with the Pokémons. The Pokémons and humans who grow up in this environment all pay more attention to bonds than previous trainers, and are more likely to produce strong ones.

"Let's go and take a look inside."

Just as Qishu said, there are plenty of water-type Pokémon in the Caterpie Breeding House in Xihai City.

After walking for a while, Chu Lang saw no less than 30 kinds of water-type Pokémon, including a few rare Pokémon like the Clownfish.

However, Chu Lang checked with the Pokémon Eye and found that there were no Pokémon with qualifications higher than that of a gym owner.

This is also normal. The qualification of a gym owner can be said to be a watershed in the Pokémon world. Although Pokémon with gym and elite qualifications can be considered rare, the difference in strength is not too big. The strength below the gym owner and the strength above the gym owner is a world of difference.

An ordinary gym owner-level trainer already has the strength to serve as the highest management in the management of a small town, but a gym-level trainer can't even get a deputy position.

Qishu looked at the Clownfish eagerly,"Clownfish, it's a pity that the materials they almost need are too expensive, and it is difficult to buy Pokémon with high qualifications."

"If it's a Grunt above the gym owner level, I'll go for it!"

The elves here all wear bracelets with the elf's bloodline and price indicated on them, which can be used to infer their approximate qualifications, so Qishu also knows the details of these Grunts.

Chu Lang smiled and pulled Qishu to continue walking inside,"Do you also like the Grunt's evolved form, Milotic?"

"If I come across a high-quality chou chou fish, I will definitely keep an eye out for you."

"Okay, I'll wait for you then!"

Qi Shu believed Chu Lang's words. The two gym owner-level Magnetrons on her head were found by Chu Lang.

Not long after the two of them stopped, Little Kiras suddenly patted Chu Lang's calf.

"What's wrong, young Kiras?" Chu Lang lowered his head and saw young Kiras laughing loudly, while pointing at a rockery not far away.

Chu Lang looked in the direction of young Kiras's finger and saw a blue giant crocodile squatting under the rockery. The little saw crocodile used the rockery to cover its body stealthily, seemingly avoiding the passing breeder.

In his hand, he also held a miniature fishing rod.

Looking at the equipment in the little saw crocodile's hand, Chu Lang became interested.

Are there fishermen among elves?

Yes, there is also a saying of fishing in the world of elves, but the fish they catch are very different from the fish caught by those people in Chu Lang's previous life.

Most of the fish they catch are elves, not ordinary fish.

Luck A trainer with good luck may even be able to catch a powerful Gyarados in the water!

Of course, most fishermen are unlucky and can only catch one or two Magikarp, and at most one Goldfish.

I wonder what level this little crocodile is at fishing?

Chu Lang pulled the strange tree toward the rockery and went around behind the little crocodile.

At this time, the little crocodile had used the cover of the rockery to avoid the keeper's sight, picked up the fish bucket hidden behind him and walked towards the pond full of Magikarp, Goldfish, and jewel starfish.

After walking to the edge of the pond, the little crocodile took out a bunch of branches from the bucket, hid himself tightly, threw out the fishing rod and started fishing.

Looking at the cautious look of the little crocodile, Chu Lang couldn't help laughing,"This guy...It's almost like a spirit."

Qi Shu also became interested in him,"Chu Lang, this little saw crocodile is really interesting, how about we buy it?"

"Although his evolved form is very ugly, I haven’t seen such an interesting Pokémon in a long time!"

"Okay, if you are interested in him, just buy him."

As he spoke, Chu Lang opened his Pokémon Eyes towards the Crocodile. Crocodile

: Level 17 (Big Jaw Pokémon, because his jaws are full of power, no matter what it is, it can be crushed, so to be his trainer, you must be very small, refer to Husky...)

【Gender: (Male)】

【Features: Force (Moves with additional effects will lose their additional effects, but will increase their power by 30%)】

【Taijing Attributes: General】

【Individual stats: HP (31), Attack (31), Special Attack (22), Defense (31), Special Defense (12), Speed (15)】

【Skills: Grab, Water Gun, Rage, Bite (Proficient), Frozen Teeth (Proficient)】

【Carrying items: Fishing rod】

【[Qualification: Gym Master]

Chu Lang was a little surprised when he saw the attributes of this little saw crocodile.

This seemingly abnormal little saw crocodile actually has gym master-level qualifications!

Just based on this point, the little saw crocodile killed most of the Pokémon in this breeding house in seconds.

And this guy is very smart. He has learned two proficient-level skills at only level 17.

Very strong!

Although it does not meet Chu Lang's team entry standards, it is more than enough to enter Qi Shu's team.

Nowadays, trainers rarely specialize in one system. Even if they are specialized, they have to raise a Pokémon of other systems to prevent themselves from being completely restrained.

If Qi Shu gets this little saw crocodile, she can use the water system's restraint on the ground system to improve her team composition!

Chu Lang and his friends were very close to the rockery. While checking the little saw crocodile, they had already walked behind the little saw crocodile.

Qi Shu patted the little saw crocodile on the shoulder.

"Hey, what are you doing?

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