The little crocodile cried for help and ran to the strange tree in panic with a big bump on his head.

Behind him, a tearful lizard broke out of the water and looked at the little crocodile relentlessly.


Follow me and create the most beautiful place in the world.

The weak will stick together, and the strong will only hope that humans and elves are truly equal!

Chu Lang:"......"

This tearful lizard seemed to have some serious illness. How could a juvenile elf in a breeding house say such a villainous statement?

The little saw crocodile ignored the tearful lizard and looked at Qi Shu eagerly, jumping on her. He never expected that the tearful lizard, who had always played well with him, would lead him to rebel against human rule....

This guy must be crazy. Wouldn't it be nice if someone fed him?

The little crocodile can still tell the difference between a full meal and a full meal.

No, I won't follow!


The tearful lizard crossed his arms across his chest, not at all like a tearful lizard who likes to cry. Instead, he kept brainwashing the little giant crocodile.

Chu Lang listened to the tearful lizard and roughly understood what was going on.

The tearful lizard said that he had found a servant, who would come to pick him up today and take the little saw crocodile with him....

Can a normal Pokémon say this?

Out of curiosity, Chu Lang used the Pokémon Eye on the Tears Lizard, wanting to see the details of this Pokémon.

Tears Lizard: Level 15 (Water Lizard Pokémon, the tears it sheds when it is scared contain the tear-inducing ingredients of 100 onions, which can make the opponent cry.)

【Gender: (Male)】

【Features: Torrent (When HP decreases, the power of water attribute will be enhanced.)】

【Taijing attribute: water】

【Individual stats: HP (15), Attack (31), Special Attack (31), Defense (21), Special Defense (25), Speed (31)】

【Skills: Slap, Water Gun, Shout, Water Wave, Surprise Attack】

【Carrying items: Well Mask (Evil Spirit's item, has no effect on other spirits))】

【[Qualification: Museum Owner]

After seeing the attributes of the tearful lizard, Chu Lang's pupils shrank sharply.

This tearful lizard is abnormal!

Thanks to watching the live broadcast, he is more familiar with the new version of the elf, Erguiyan.

This elf is extremely powerful and has four forms!

There is a saying among netizens that this guy is likely to be a second-level god.

How could such a powerful being lose the mask?

Even if he lost the mask, the mask should be in the hands of a powerful elf, not in the hands of a tearful lizard that has never left the breeding house.

Unless...Someone gave it to him!

Thinking of this, Chu Lang approached the tearful lizard who was still waving his fist to brainwash the little saw crocodile and grabbed his fist.

"Little guy, you have such a great ideal, so what sect do you belong to?"

The tearful lizard was stunned, looking at Chu Lang as if he had seen a ghost.

He often brainwashed other elves in front of others, but those people never knew what he was talking about.

This human...What's going on? Why can he understand what the elves are saying?

Seeing that the tearful lizard didn't speak, Chu Lang continued to attack.

"If you don't have an organization, why not join our Flying Noodle Sect?"

The tearful lizard was stunned. Is this human seriously ill?

While the tearful lizard was in a daze, Chu Lang grabbed the tearful lizard and planned to see if there was anything abnormal in his hand.

【Father: Gym Master-level Emperor Nabo, mating level 43.

Mother: Gym Master-level Thousand-Faced Chameleon, mating level 41.

No inherited skills, but mastered the water gun skill soon after birth, and the qualification is rated as high.

Price: 12 million]

After looking at the hand, Chu Lang shook his head. He didn't want to see the qualification of the tearful lizard.

If it comes to checking the qualification, there is no means that can see more clearly than the Eye of the Elf.

What Chu Lang wants to see is the origin of the tearful lizard. That place is likely to be related to the source of the mask, that is, the location of the evil spirit!

Unfortunately, there is no location reflected on this hand, so I can only think of other ways later.

After a brief hesitation, Chu Lang chose the second option.

"Tearful Lizard, don’t you like the little saw crocodile?"

"Come with us, you and the little alligator can stay together forever"

"My family has a farm, you can dig a pond there and go fishing."

After saying that, Chu Lang waited for the reaction of the tearful lizard.

Although he didn't particularly want to breed the tearful lizard, it was also good to let the tearful lizard go to his house to look after the family.

The most important thing is that he can keep an eye on this guy and prevent him from becoming a big villain.

After hearing Chu Lang's words, the tearful lizard shook its head like a rattle.

He is a male elf who wants to rule the world, so he can't go along with these human trainers.

Even if he wants to, he is the master of the trainer!

The tearful lizard struggled to break free from Chu Lang's arms and wanted to jump into the pond to escape.

Chu Lang and the little saw crocodile looked at each other and laughed.

With this IQ, he still wants to rule the world. I'm afraid he has been fooled by some villains with ulterior motives.

Chu Lang waved to the breeder in the distance,"Hello, lady, I just saw a tearful lizard with the qualifications of a gym owner, but he ran away. Can you help me find him back?" When the breeder heard Chu Lang's words, she hurried over trotting all the way

"Hello, are you sure you want to take the little tearful lizard away?"

The keeper looked extremely excited. As a keeper in the water elf area, what she hoped to see most was that the tearful lizard and the little alligator could be taken away.

With these two guys around, their daily workload would increase by who knows how much.

Fishing in the water elf area would be fine, at least everyone was a colleague who got along with each other every day, and no one would say anything.

But these two guys often went to the flying elf area on the top floor, and the keepers in the sky area were not so easy to talk to, and it was common for them to give them the cold shoulder.

Now these two guys are finally going to be taken away!

The keeper said hurriedly:"Dear guests, please wait a moment, I will help you find the tearful lizard right away."

"Since you like this little guy, then everything is not a problem. Although its price is a little high, I can ask our supervisor to apply for a discount for you.

If that doesn't work, we can help you apply for an interest-free loan for three years, five years, or even ten years!"

Chu Lang:"......"

How angry is this tearful lizard that it is despised like this?

"Okay, thank you then, we'll wait here."

Just then, Chu Lang heard a very familiar voice coming from behind him.

"Brother, I didn't know you had such bad luck. I've never seen a gambler who didn't win once."

Is it Liu Fei who helped him get Lalulas that day?

Chu Lang became interested and turned to look in the direction where Liu Fei's voice came from, releasing the power of wave guidance.

A man who looked like a young master walked in front of Liu Fei with a stern face.

"My Guan family had good intentions to take care of your Liu family's business, but after I came to Xihai City, this is how you treated me."

"It's only been an hour and you've made me pay a full 20 million"

"Does the Liu family need this little money? They actually work as a trustee for the breeding house!"

Liu Fei was panicked."I'm sorry, Master Guan, I really didn't expect..."

He wanted to say that he had never met someone as unlucky as Guan Shuai. At first, he just wanted to cheat Guan Shuai out of two or three million to teach him a lesson.

But he stopped abruptly when the words came to his lips. He couldn't say this....

"How about this, Master Guan, I will give you an elf. As long as it is the elf you like in this breeding house, I will not even blink an eye."

As soon as Liu Fei finished speaking, from Chu Lang's perspective, it was obvious that Guan Shuai smiled slightly.

Then Chu Lang heard Guan Shuai's voice,"I have heard that the water elves in Xihai City are good. I like Thousand Faces Elves very much."

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