Hearing Liu Fei say that Chu Lang was poor, Guan Shuai's heart was once again filled with hope.

Being poor is good!

At the beginning, he already felt that his mission had failed.

As the largest elf trading place, the Catty Dog Breeding House has its own set of rules.

First come, first served, no cheating.

These eight words are simple to say, but the implementation process is extremely brutal.

In order to practice these eight words, the Catty Dog Breeding House has slaughtered countless families and killed countless people.

Their behavior is far from as cute as the name of the Catty Dog Breeding House....

But Liu Fei said, Chu Lang is poor!

Although Guan Shuai didn't dare to cause trouble at the Catty Dog Breeding House, if Chu Lang didn't buy it himself, then the Catty Dog Breeding House couldn't do anything about it!

"Brother, can you let me see the tearful lizard in your arms?"

Seeing Guan Shuai really coming over to talk, Chu Lang became interested.

"Want to see the tearful lizard? It's easy. There are still a few in the pond. You can ask the keeper to take you there."

Guan Shuai rubbed his hands,"I want to see the one in your arms, can I?"

Chu Lang pondered and hugged the tearful lizard that wanted to escape in his arms."Let me think about it."

Guan Shuai was overjoyed,"Okay, you can think about it, I'm not in a hurry!"

One minute...

Two minutes... three minutes...

Soon, 10 minutes passed, and the tearful lizard had no more strength to struggle.

Guan Shuai was a little impatient,"Brother, it's been ten minutes, have you thought it through?"

Chu Lang:"Didn't you say you weren't in a hurry?"

Guan Shuai:"......"

"Brother, you don’t know, I’ve always wanted a museum owner-level tearful lizard." Guan Shuai managed his expression and began to play the victim.

"Unfortunately, I was born in the inland of the Dragon Alliance. I searched for the tearful lizard in the northwest for many years, but never found any trace of it. Until one day,......"

""Ahem." Chu Lang coughed dryly, interrupting Guan Shuai's crying.

"In the first chapter of the elementary school elf geography class, it should have been said that water elves generally grow in lakes, rivers and seas."

Guan Shuai wiped away his tears, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Is this true? It turns out that I paid such a heavy price for not paying attention in class when I was a child. 555~"

"But that doesn't matter"

"After knowing that there were tearful lizards in Xihai City, I vowed to get a museum owner-level tearful lizard, so I resolutely came to Xihai City."

Chu Lang suddenly interrupted,"Then you came to the wrong place. In fact, there are more tearful lizards in Donghai City, and sometimes there are king-level ones (the tearful lizard panel in the previous chapter had 1V written on it, which has been modified)"

"Since you like the tearful lizard so much, you should buy a high-speed rail ticket to Donghai City as soon as possible."

Chu Lang pouted at Liu Fei beside him,"This guy is rich, let him give you a high-speed rail ticket to Donghai City."

Liu Fei's eyes lit up and nodded,"Yes, Master Guan, I can take you to Donghai City, the city there is bigger, and the Pokémon in the Caterpie Breeding House are more complete."

"Maybe we can get a better tearful lizard!"

Seeing Liu Fei's attention diverted by Chu Lang, Guan Shuai was completely numb.

He didn't want the tearful lizard, he wanted to connect with the tearful lizard!!!

Guan Shuai forced himself to calm down.

"Brother, I'm going to tell you the truth. I fell in love with this tearful lizard at first sight. I can't live without it. I don't like any of the tearful lizards in Donghai City.

Not to mention Donghai City, I will never like another tearful lizard in my life.

I didn't say it just now because I was afraid that you would raise the price and I wouldn't be able to get this tearful lizard."

Chu Lang said faintly,"The Catty Breeding House doesn't allow reselling of elves, so I had to buy it myself." Guan

Shuai lowered his voice and avoided the breeder's sight.

"Brother, if you let me get this tearful lizard, I will raise the price by 10 million."

"Don't worry, I'm very tight-lipped and will never let the breeder or the Catty Dog Breeding House know about this."

Chu Lang pretended to be panicked and took a step back, holding Qi Shu in his arms.

"What does your tight mouth have to do with me? Whatever you want to do, I have a girlfriend!"

"and...I personally find it hard to accept it, but I'm not looking at you with tinted glasses."

"Although I cannot accept it, I do not object to this kind of thing happening between others."

"If you are tight-lipped, you can consider trying with Liu Fei, he has money!"


Guan Shuai and Liu Fei looked at each other. What kind of lewd words were these?

Especially Guan Shuai, he clenched his fists tightly and couldn't help wanting to hit someone.

He felt that his spirit was greatly tortured, the kind that he had never experienced in the first half of his life!

Guan Shuai took a deep breath and said, suppressing his anger.

"Brother, leave some space for us so we can meet again later."

"And you also saw that this tearful lizard didn't want to follow you. A forced melon is not sweet."

Liu Fei also went up to persuade Chu Lang,"Yes, yes, this forced melon may quench your thirst, but it's really not sweet. Don't you already have a Lalu Lasi? First, train that Lalu Lasi well."

"Besides, although we are playboys, we are not bad people. We really plan to buy it and have no intention of breaking the law."

Chu Lang's eyes lit up,"Yes, this forced melon can quench your thirst!"

Guan Shuai glared at Liu Fei and said,"If you can't persuade me, then don't persuade me, okay?"

"Brother, come up with a plan. Just give me this tearful lizard. You can ask any conditions you want. The tearful lizard in Chu Lang's arms also acted pitiful, hoping that Chu Lang would not stop him from realizing his dream.

Chu Lang felt that Guan Shuai's defense was almost broken, so he asked the question he had always wanted to ask.

"If you tell me where the tearful lizard mask came from, I will give it to you."

Guan Shuai was stunned. What mask?

Tearful Lizard:"!!!"

How does this person know���With a mask?

He hadn't told anyone about this, not even Guan Shuai knew about it!


The tearful lizard looked at the little crocodile with a bad face. This guy must have rummaged through his things while he was sleeping!

The little crocodile was confused and shrank into Qi Shu's arms.

He finally understood that this breeding house could no longer accommodate him....Only Qishu can give him a future.

While everyone was in a state of confusion, Chu Lang asked Guan Shuai

"You don't know about masks.?"

"Then you must know who asked you to come, tell me about this matter, and I will give you the tearful lizard, but I like the mask very much, so I must take it away."

Guan Shuai's eyes flashed a cold light, it seems that this matter cannot be solved by money.

In this case...Then we can only use unconventional means!

After making up his mind to kill Chu Lang, Guan Shuai's expression became natural.

Sure enough, this is the way he is familiar with.

"I don't know what you are talking about, but it seems that this tearful lizard has a secret. I am a businessman who is afraid of death and I don't like to be exposed to secrets.

I don't want the tearful lizard anymore, you should buy it back yourself"


The tearful lizard spit water directly at Guan Shuai's face.

Humans are really unreliable. This damn contact person actually gave up on him!

After spraying Guan Shuai, the tearful lizard immediately turned its head to Chu Lang, but finally did not move its mouth.

As a lizard, the big red lizard behind Chu Lang gave him too much pressure. What if he got beaten?...

After Chu Lang left, Guan Shuai shook off Liu Fei and made a phone call

"Father, the tearful lizard was stolen by someone, and that person said that the tearful lizard has the secret of the mask. Do you want it?..."

Guan Shuai put his hand in front of his neck and made a gesture of wiping his neck.

A middle-aged man's deep voice came from the phone,"Why are you talking halfway through a sentence? What do you want to do?"

Guan Shuai was stunned. He forgot that he was on the phone.

But this kind of words are really inconvenient to say on the phone.

His father's urging voice came from the other end of the phone,"Why are you hesitating? If you have something to say, say it now!"

Guan Shuai:"Do you want to kill him?"

"Are you a fucking idiot? How can you say such things on the phone?"

"How the hell did I raise such a stupid son like you!"

Guan Shuai:"......"

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