The moment Chu Lang saw Soraya in this form, he secretly thought it was not good.

He understood what this secret realm test was about. It was to make the challenger face the thing he feared most in his heart!

This test was definitely more terrifying than the secret realm in Jizhong City that produced iron thorns. That secret realm only made the challenger face himself. Although it was not easy to win, it would not be too miserable.

But Soraya in this secret realm could see through people's hearts and then transform into the thing that challengers feared most.

While Chu Lang was thinking, the trumpet bud transformed by Soraya had collided with Young Kiras, leaped onto Young Kiras's shoulder, and threw Young Kiras to the ground over his shoulder. Before

Young Kiras could react, a dragon claw at close range took Young Kiras away.

After doing all this, Soraya returned to his original form and looked at Chu Lang with his peach blossom eyes. The next moment, Soraya's figure suddenly swelled to 1.7 meters, turning into a pot-bellied female posture, with a big gold chain around her neck and a big cigar in her right hand.

That girl has become the famous rich woman in Chu Lang's previous life!

Soraya looked at Chu Lang coldly, waving his left hand high, and was about to slap Chu Lang.

Chu Lang:"......"

This is what he fears the most....

After a brief moment of astonishment, Chu Lang instantly entered a combat stance, with a ball of blue flames erupting from his body.

Now he can attach the wave power to a certain part of his body to increase its durability, but he is not yet proficient in using it, which will result in a decrease in the overall power.

Now in combat, he can only attach the wave power to his entire body.

In the shocked eyes of Zoroya, Chu Lang took the lead in slapping her in the face.

Then Chu Lang leaned in close and slammed hard into Zoroya's arms, trying to defeat this Zoroya with the moves of Bajiquan.

Zoroya grinned, revealing a mouthful of big gold teeth, and laughed.

Chu Lang then realized that he was not facing the rich woman from his previous life, but a real elf.

He wanted to retreat, but it was too late.


Chu Lang was slammed to the ground by Soraya, his eyes were dull.

From now on, he will fight anyone who speaks highly of rich women! After both Young Kiras and Chu Lang were defeated, a dizzy feeling appeared, and Chu Lang had returned to the cave entrance at the beginning.

A minute later, Qi Shu also appeared beside Chu Lang, his eyes were dull, and he looked like he had suffered even more terrible damage than Chu Lang.

"Xiaoshu, what happened to you?"Chu Lang quickly hugged Qishu to prevent her from falling to the ground.

"Didn't you bring three elves? All three elves could n't beat that guy?" Qi Shu curled his lips and said,"That guy turned into a bug. My problem is that he attacked me before the elf even made a move."

"What should we do now, Chu Lang? Should we continue or go out to prepare first?"

Chu Lang pondered for a moment. He actually wanted to stay. On the one hand, he really wanted to catch this Soroya, and on the other hand, he wanted to take the opportunity to let Young Kiras overcome his fear of the bell bud.

Although the bell bud at home has never had any bad intentions towards Young Kiras and himself, and even helped to repel the Toucan tribe, the Toucan that was beaten has been delivering food to him every day.

But he is not bad, Chu Lang does not want Young Kiras to have such a terrifying existence.

According to Chu Lang's summary, whether an elf can fight or not has a lot to do with his own beliefs.

Just like the day when Young Kiras fought against Diremeow, if it were not for Young Kiras's incomparably tenacious fighting belief, he would not have been able to draw with Diremeow.

With the existence of the bell bud, Young Kiras's belief will definitely be discounted.

Habit is a very terrible thing. Once Young Kiras gets used to losing, it will be difficult to establish the belief of invincibility.

Just like when Chu Lang faced the rich woman just now, he only accepted the little rich woman Qishu, and then he knew that the rich woman was not that scary, and even very fragrant....

From being afraid of rich women to accepting them, now Chu Lang is even thinking about knocking them down. This is progress!

"I'd better not go out for now. We have three days. I plan to stay here."

"During this period, Young Kiras and I will continue to challenge that guy!"

Seeing Chu Lang's confident look, Qi Shu's eyes smiled as cute as crescent moons.

She liked Chu Lang's hardworking and striving look, just like the young father in her mother's mouth.

"Then I'll go outside and tell Dad and the others, and bring some food back to see you!"


After sending Qi Shu to the entrance of the secret realm, Chu Lang returned to the place where he first encountered the group of spiders.

He was willing to work hard, but he didn't mind using external forces.

Only with the help of the system's power could he solve that Zoroya as quickly as possible and catch him!

""Hey!" Chu Lang shook the tree at Tuan Zhuzhu a few times, and Tuan Zhuzhu helplessly pulled the spider silk and fell down, looking at Chu Lang with some fear, not knowing what this guy wanted to do.

In his eyes, since Chu Lang defeated the overlord tribe in the secret realm, he was the new overlord.

Chu Lang held the young Kiras in front of Tuan Zhuzhu and said:

"Let me ask you something. My little Kiras is particularly afraid of a trumpet sprout. Is there any way you can make him no longer afraid of the trumpet sprout?"

"By the way, that trumpet bud is quite capable."

Tuan Zhuzhu looked at Chu Lang, then looked at Young Kiras, shrank his neck and dared not speak.

In his opinion, Chu Lang was most likely teasing him....

He had seen what Young Kiras had done just now. He had used an incredibly powerful skill to instantly kill a group of powerful dragon-type elves, Buzzbats.

Would an elf of this strength be afraid of a tiny trumpet bud?

It was probably waiting for him to speak, and then use the excuse that his upper lip left his lower lip first as an excuse to beat him to death and take over his tree!

Chu Lang:"......"

He knew that no one would believe this kind of thing if he told others about it. Fortunately, he had taken a video.

Chu Lang took out his mobile phone and showed the video of the young Kiras to Tuan Zhuzhu. Tuan Zhuzhu's small eyes were filled with confusion.

This thing is actually real!

Tuan Zhuzhu pondered for a moment, and ran to Chu Lang's side in a servile manner.

"My dear trainer, there is something I don't know whether I should say or not."

"Although I haven't figured out how to make this young Kiras no longer afraid of the Horned Fang, I thought of something else."

"If you catch this amazing bud, you can sell bud training courses...."

After hearing what Tuan Zhuzhu said, Chu Lang and Young Jiras looked at each other, their eyes full of fighting spirit.

Especially Young Jiras, now his eyes were full of desire for money, where was the fear?

At the same time, the voice of the system sounded in Chu Lang's mind.

【Ding! Received C-level advice, triggering the listening task. The best way to eliminate fear is to sell fear. Catch Zoroa's transformed horn bud, film him in the video, and increase fans and make money.

Chu Lang clenched his fist,"Leave Young Kiras, we will fight him!"

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