Pokémon: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 348: Alliance is the big brother

"Okay, hurry up and have breakfast. You can make a copy. I have to go to the city to replenish some supplies. I will leave Jingan Island tomorrow..."

Ukai stood up and put away the dishes. He was going to leave tomorrow. Guisi's potential was not over, but his money was.

The advanced fire stone and quasi-king props just now, as well as those broken books, were the last things he could take out. The remaining props were still useful. He couldn't smash them all in for Guisi's last chance.

As mentioned earlier, spending another 200 million will be a matter of the future. If I can still earn so much extra money in the future, it will not be too late to continue to spend 200 million. The potential is 99.99%, Gengar Already invincible.

At least he is invincible now. He has not seen the potential of the divine beast, and he has only seen the potential of the phantom beast Darkrai. Gengar's potential is higher than Darkrai. Gengar is undoubtedly the strongest. He does not accept it. refute.

Gengar may not be able to defeat mythical beasts like the big-headed fish and flightless animals, but Gengar can still touch mythical beasts like Darkrai and the Three Silly Birds. He is very interested in Gengar's future. expect.

Luo Yan watched the boss go to the kitchen, and saw that the boss didn't care about these notes at all. He didn't know what to say. This was a quasi-king, and there might even be oral notes written by the captain of the black ship.

He looked at it carefully later and found that when the newbie got this notebook and matched it with the initial water elf with good talent, the king was already stable, and it was only a matter of time before he became the king.

But for such a precious note, the boss just threw it to him so lightly, as if throwing away garbage. Could this be the difference between him and the truly strong person?

He felt that his previous self was like a frog in a well, and the pattern had not been opened at all. Only strong men like the boss were called pattern.

Since the boss doesn't want money and needs those two gems so much, they must be for Gengar, so he will collect gems and give them to the boss. The more the better...

Thinking of this, Luo Yan was no longer sleepy. When he saw Yu Hai coming out of the kitchen and taking away his Poke Ball backpack, he knew that he had to choose a little magnet with good talent, so he quickly followed him.

Yuhai looked at the panel for more than ten minutes and saw more than two hundred magnet monsters, and he really saw a magnet monster with good potential.

"This little magnet is not bad. It has the talent of being the treasure of the store. You can release the remaining magnets yourself." Yuhai threw the poke ball to Luo Yan. The potential of the little magnet is fifty-three, which is not bad. , can be cultivated.

Seeing this little magnet, there was no need to look at the rest of the magnets. The backpack was also thrown to Luo Yan. He was going to go out, that is, to the supermarket to replenish some daily necessities.

He doesn't know how long he will stay on Sweet Orange Island. He is bound to get the stupid things with top talents. No matter how long it takes, he will get the stupid things out.

"I'm going out. Watch out for dark circles." Before leaving, Yuhai didn't forget to remind Luo Yan that he has dark circles. It's not too late to go to bed now. Although it's already morning, it's better than not sleeping at all.

Luoyan has been really busy these days, and the harvest is also very good. In addition to desert dragonflies, giant swamp monsters, cocodora, orb silk spiders, giant claw crabs...

Luoyan has been conquered in the past few days, trumpet bud, big armor, small fist stone, fang fish, agate jellyfish, carp king, big tongue, little magnet...

There are a total of eight elves with quasi-King talent. One or two elves even have Heavenly King talent. If they are close to fifty-nine potential, they are Heavenly King talent.

After all, apart from Darkrai, he has never seen another elf cub with a potential of over 60, so it is normal for ordinary elves to have a potential of 59 or more. There is no need to consider the cubs of mythical beasts.

However, when Luo Yan saw Yu Hai going out, he didn't want to sleep yet, so he went to the abandoned power plant and released the remaining little magnets. Then he found an old man who was an acquaintance and asked him to continue to buy gems. He would pick them up later.

This is also his last acquisition of gems. When the boss leaves, he doesn’t know when he will meet again. If he can encounter these two gems, he will keep them.

Next, Luo Yan slept for a few hours and woke up, copying Baofeng's notes all the time and checking whether there were any errors. He just pretended to read the notes again. He didn't even notice that the boss came back.

When he returned to the villa, Yu Hai saw that Luo Yan was still copying the books and did not disturb Luo Yan.

He went out to buy food for two months and some daily necessities, which cost him 300,000 yuan.

A week has passed, and he took Supersonic Bat to a private hospital to have the sutures removed. He spent 10,000 alliance coins and gave Supersonic Bat a full-body examination.

The results of the examination were also very gratifying. The Super Sonic Bat recovered very well. The Super Sonic Bat could finally fly and participate in training with the elves.

At this point, his work on Jingan Island was basically over. Looking at the busy Luo Yan, he looked at the time on his watch. It was now three o'clock in the afternoon.

He got up and went to the kitchen, planning to make a few side dishes and have a drink with Luo Yan. After all, he was leaving tomorrow and he didn't know when he could get together next time.

When he finished dinner, it was past five o'clock in the afternoon, and he saw Luo Yan still working on the books. He went to the storage room first, let the elves eat some simple dinner, and then took back the elf balls.

For the remaining Gengars, there is no need to take back the Poké Balls. It’s okay to leave them outside.

It wasn't until he was about to have dinner that Luo Yan came over with a pile of books and returned the original notes to him. Luo Yan kept the re-bound copies for himself.

"Boss, I've finished copying all these books," Luo Yan didn't run around or catch elves today, but studying was also a tiring task.

However, Baofeng's notes and those breeding books have benefited him a lot. He also has some clues about the water elves to be cultivated next, and knows the direction of cultivation. He no longer has to look around for cultivation like a headless fly. method.

"Okay, come and have a drink with me," Yuhai put away the books again, not caring about what Luoyan gained, but raised his wine glass.

It's rare to find an adult who can drink. Forget about Xiaoying, why should an eleven or twelve-year-old kid drink?

Neither can the old drunkard, who is too cunning and always thinking of tricks. He doesn't like dealing with that old fox.

"Boss, how should I find you in the future?" Luo Yan also raised his wine glass, clinked it with the boss's, and asked about the future.

The boss is still so approachable and drinks with his subordinates as often as he does, otherwise he would not dare to ask the boss what happened next.

"Just call me," Yuhai finally got his own Nokia. Although it was just a key machine, it was more or less a mobile phone. It just needed to be able to make calls.

He didn't know how long it would take for the smartphone to come out. When the time came, he would just switch to the Rotom phone. Not only did it have a built-in artificial intelligence that could talk, but it also had a floating feature. He still wanted a phone that could follow its owner everywhere.

If there is a chance in the future, we can arrange a Rotom mobile phone for everyone in the alliance, and the next thing will be easier. If everyone has an artificial intelligence, the alliance will enter an intelligent society.

The productivity at that time was enough to support a flat guy. After all, how much productivity can a flat guy consume...

You know, rich people don't know how to turn off the faucets in their homes, and they don't care about the displacement of their cars. Environmental protection is a joke.

The combination of artificial intelligence and capital will bring the world to the darkest ending, which is what many people call cyberpunk in the previous life. The premise for the entire society to move to this step is that the Rotom mobile phone is controlled by a few people.

He will never let this happen. He will distribute artificial intelligence, a productivity weapon, to everyone, and everyone will have a Rotom phone.

Make knowledge and learning a simple matter, eliminate the difference in everyone’s acquired learning ability, and even more, eliminate the information gap.

If there is a chance at that time, we can knock off the aristocracy, knock off the monopoly, and return the power of supervision to the general public. The most critical part is the fully intelligent Rotom mobile phone in everyone's hands.

By that time, the league's grassroots managers are no longer needed. Every Rotom can do these jobs. Rotom can directly connect with Rotom, or even with the league champion and the Four Heavenly Kings.

This is an intelligent society. Intelligent Rotom can handle many things. Things that Rotom cannot handle can also be handled by trainers from the alliance.

At that time, many vested interests will be eliminated, not only the rentiers, but also the power of the middle and lower levels of the alliance, and even some of the higher-ups.

Changes in power are often accompanied by bloodshed and death. After all, change requires paying a price.

In an intelligent society, with inexhaustible productivity, we can replace certain worms bit by bit. By then, no one will need to worry about survival needs. If there are still criminals, they will die miserably. After all, careerists are only a minority. .

In an intelligent society, if the alliance does not pay attention to the issues that the general public responds to, or even does not deal with them, then the credibility will decline. If it is not dealt with, or even directly ignored, the credibility will continue to decline.

Until the Rockets reappear, it is true that there are only a few ambitious people, but these people are enough to stir up the storm. As long as they are not worse than others, the Rockets will not appear. Once they are worse, the Rockets have the most say.

He is looking forward to that day. By then, everyone will have the same starting point. All production materials will belong to the alliance. If you want power, you can use your trainer's strength. If you don't want to work hard, just lie flat.

Supervising all of this is the Rotom mobile phone that can be seen everywhere. By then, there will be a more transparent society. Once there is a problem in any link, Rotom can respond to the alliance at any time.

If there is a problem with the league champion, it is impossible, because the champion lacks nothing. A person who lacks nothing, what can you use to seduce such a person?

The champion's power position is the first in the league, and there are countless things that can be used against him. Trainers who can achieve the position of champion are basically those who have fought hard. Without that kind of strength, how can the position of champion be secure?

And there is not just one champion, but one from each region, and even champion reserves, there are many among the Four Heavenly Kings.


At that time, there were no families anymore, and the alliance did not allow anyone to challenge the status of the alliance. In an intelligent society, it is impossible to hide evil. Do you really think that the people are blind?

In this regard, the Rockets have the most say. They are afraid of comparison in everything. He also hopes that the league will get better and better, and he does not even recommend helping the league do some dirty work that is inconvenient.

Don't ask him what he wants to do. You can't talk about this kind of thing. Just like the ancestors said, just be an ox or a horse. No need to think. Just be a screw... You can't even talk about it now. .

If it were his previous life, he would choose to lie flat, just like pouring away milk. Dumping away young labor will not cheapen capital, but in this world, you can fight, and he also has the strength to fight.

This is also the purpose of his establishment of Spider. If some people don't want to be decent, he will help some people be decent.

Luo Yan, Xiao Ying, and A Ping will also become his helpers. With the four king trainers on the Orange Islands, no one except the Alliance should be able to stop them.

What if they are the trainers of the alliance? What did the Alliance do to stop them?

With his back against a big tree, he can enjoy the shade. The Rockets have so many undercover agents in the league. There seems to be nothing wrong with him joining the league and borrowing the league's tiger skin!

Joining if you can't beat them is what smart people do. This was also the case when playing Elf games in the previous life. If you don't play version T0, you have to find yourself to be abused. It's a thankless effort.

In his opinion, Black Ship, Hasa Island, Big City, and Team Rocket are all younger brothers. The Alliance is the eldest brother. If you want to hang out with the strongest eldest brother, other forces will not be able to see the light, and there is no need to consider it at all.

This is also the reason why he joined the gym, he wants to be one of the alliance's own...

"Boss, do you still want those two gems?" Luo Yan was relieved when he heard that he could make calls. He was the one who issued the mobile phone card, so he naturally knew the phone number.

Then, he thought about the gems that the boss needed. He could not repay the boss elsewhere, so he could only collect the gems that the boss needed as much as possible.

"No need to buy it anymore," Yuhai waved his hand, as if he didn't want it, but in fact, he had no money, and the remaining props were kept for his own use. There was no need to sell them. Instead, he asked: "What are your plans for the future?"

"I plan to stay in Jingan Island for development," Luo Yan secretly remembered the boss's words. Even if the boss didn't want the gems, he would let the old man continue to acquire them as a way to repay the boss for his help these days.

There are also those notebooks, the notebooks of a would-be king, and the oral records of the captain of the black ship. They are priceless treasures for him who has changed his track.

He didn't know what he should do to repay his boss. He owed him so much that he couldn't even pay it back. It would be great if he could meet such a good boss earlier, he often thought like this.

Just having a meal and drinking two glasses of wine could make Luo Yan move himself to tears.

Yu Hai didn't know why Luo Yan's mood changed at any time. He didn't force the other party to drink, nor did he bully the younger one.

Luo Yan is in his twenties and he is only fifteen years old. When it comes to bullying the younger ones, Luo Yan is actually older than him.

They drank this meal until late at night, and Luo Yan also talked about some of the past, from childhood to adulthood, from adulthood to childhood, Luo Yan said it over and over again...

After just a drink, Luo Yan revealed everything, including his crush, how much Luo Yan loved him, and the obstruction from the girl's family.

Luo Yan talked for a long time and passed out drunk at the dining table. It was Luo Yan's elf who brought Luo Yan back to the room.

Yuhai was also drunk and sat on the sofa dizzy, asking the elves to be on guard. He casually covered himself with a blanket and fell asleep.

It's below freezing again. I'm so annoyed. I have trouble getting up.

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