On the thirty-fourth day of the journey north, it was sunny.


This morning, a scream broke through the dawn. Hearing the scream, Yuhai quickly rushed out of the tent and looked at the place where the scream came from. It was Xiaoshun's tent.

"The child's super power was out of control and scared them. It did not cause any harm." Darkrai saw Ukai come out and returned to Ukai's shadow, telling him what had just happened.

"The super power is out of control?" Yukai only found out yesterday that Koji had awakened his super power. Who knew there was such a thing as losing control? The newly awakened super power was not very weak, so how could he lose control?

"He has a nightmare," Darkrai saw the boy's nightmare, which was about Pikachu. Speaking of which, the boy's nightmare was also related to Pikachu. When it returned to the camp near dawn, the boy had a nightmare.

"I understand," Yuhai nodded silently, secretly thinking that the boy must have exploded with superpowers in his dream, and reality also burst out, shocking Xiaoshun and Luhe who lived in the same tent.

"Brother Hai, he, he..." Xiao Shun and Lu He were sitting on the grass. The super power burst out just now and flew them out of the tent.

"Don't be nervous, that's a super power," Yu Hai patted Xiao Shun on the shoulder and explained the cause and effect of the matter to the two of them.

"Superpowers? How can people have superpowers?" Xiao Shun thought that only elves had superpowers, and humans were just ordinary people.

"Yes, Xiao Shun. In the Golden Gym in the Kanto area, every generation of gym leaders is a person with super powers." Midoriya is old and well-informed. After learning that it was a super power, Midoriya was not too surprised.

If Koji is really the son of the leader of the Liugan Gym, it wouldn't be surprising if he could awaken superpowers. When he was young, he remembered that the leader of the Liugan Gym also had superpowers.

That was more than forty years ago. He paid little attention to who the current Liugan Gym Leader was. He only wanted to observe King Carp.

"If we see him more in the future, you won't be so surprised. Hurry up and wake him up. When he gets home, he will learn how to control his super powers." Yuhai patted Xiao Shun again, and he went to prepare breakfast first.

After learning that his good friend's abnormality was a superpower, Xiaoshun was no longer so afraid. Fear came from the unknown. As long as you knew the reason, there was nothing to be afraid of.

Not to mention that Hao Er has super powers, even if Hao Er has super powers, it is only equivalent to having one more super power elf, that is, the super power intensity of a baby elf, who probably cannot even carry a bowl of water.

Xiao Shun returned to the tent and saw Hao Er who was still confused. He raised his hand and waved it in front of Hao Er's eyes. Only then did Hao Er recover from his confusion and blankly asked Xiao Shun in front of him.

"What just happened?"

"You awakened your superpower, didn't you know?" Xiao Shun truthfully told Hao Er what had just happened. There was nothing to hide about this kind of thing.

"Super power? Have I awakened my super power?" Hao Er was even more confused. He had obviously only had a nightmare, so how could he have awakened his super power? This is amazing too.

"I just had a nightmare. I dreamed that the bad guys from the poaching group ate Pikachu in front of me..."

"Okay, it's okay. After breakfast, we will help you find Pikachu. Your Pikachu will be fine," Xiao Shun comforted Hao Er, patted Hao Er on the shoulder, turned and left the tent.

He didn't know whether Hao Er's Pikachu was still alive, so he could only stabilize Hao Er's emotions first. If the super power got out of control again, only Brother Hai's elf could suppress Hao Er.

His Gyarados is neither light nor heavy. If Koji is killed by flicking his tail, he will not be able to clean himself off even if he jumps into a mud puddle.

As breakfast was ready, Hao Er also got out of the tent and looked at the three people at the dining table. The three people also turned to look at him. Everyone was waiting for him after breakfast.

"Grandpa He, I'm sorry for the morning. I had a nightmare and couldn't control it." Hao Er came over, scratched his head in embarrassment, and quickly apologized to Old Man He. Xiao Shun was a good friend and wouldn't care about such a small thing.

"It's okay, let's have breakfast first. I can't tell, but you still have superpowers," Lu He smiled. This kid is quite sensible. He didn't care about the accident in the morning, but this old bone can no longer withstand the torture. .

He was going back to the cabin to sleep tonight, but he thought of one thing. Last night, Yuhai and the others killed the poaching group, and the wild elves from the poaching group were still with Yuhai. He also wanted to take this opportunity to tame two elves to accompany him, an old man. .

"Boy Ahai, I will release the wild elves later and leave two elves with arms and legs for me. I also want to tame the two elves, so that my life will be more convenient..."

"No problem, let's have breakfast first, Koji. Your Pikachu should be in there too. I'll be looking for it slowly later," Ukai agreed immediately. They were all wild elves anyway, and the poaching group had already caught them. They didn't want to pick some. The cultivation of elves is somewhat unjustifiable.

After everyone had breakfast while chatting, they began to release the wild elves. The wild elves here were divided into two backpacks.

He first looked at the backpacks of common elves, which were basically common elves in the forest. He also saw Green Onion Duck among these elves.

"Old man He, do you want a green onion duck?" The reason why Yu Hai asked the green onion duck was because the old man often stared at his green onion duck, and he probably fell in love with an elf like the green onion duck.

"Yes, I think the green onion duck is quite delicious when cooked. Is there any green onion duck in it?" Lu He rubbed his hands. He had been coveting that green onion duck for a long time. The green onion duck can cook.

"This scallion duck is pretty good," Yuhai threw over a scallion duck. It didn't have much potential, just over forty. It was enough to chop wood for the old man to cook, and to be a bodyguard.

"Haha, thank you then," the old man took the green onion duck's elf ball and stroked it lovingly, like a happy child. He finally had his own elf.

Except leaving one green onion duck for Old Man He, Yuhai threw all the other green onion duck's pokeballs to Xiao Shun and Hao Er, "release the remaining green onion ducks..."

"Okay, Brother Hai," Xiao Shun knew what Yu Hai was saying, so he picked up the elf ball to release the elves from their restraints, and told the elves that they were free and could go back to the forest.

"Ah Shun, are these wild elves captured by poachers?" Hao Er was also releasing the elves. After taking one look at them, the wild elves disappeared into the woods one after another. He secretly lamented that this trainer was not that bad after all. Sell ​​these elves.

After what happened last night, Hao Er thought that the other party would sell these elves as trophies, but he didn't expect that they would release them.

"Yes, when I rescued you, I saved these elves by the way," Xiao Shun also sighed secretly. The reason why he chose to follow Yu Hai was because he felt that Yu Hai was not bad, at least in his opinion.

Compared with those scumbags in the Poaching Group, Yuhai is not that much better. At least he is a chaotic and neutral trainer, neither kind nor pedantic.

Following such a trainer, he can learn a lot of elf knowledge and life that he would not normally come into contact with or learn.

"Starfish? There are so many starfish." Yuhai saw a lot of starfish's pokeballs in the backpacks of common elves. The poaching group might have caught so many starfish instead of poking into the star nest.

There is a starfish with good potential, with a potential of forty-nine. This starfish has a slightly higher potential than the starfish he bought, but it is a pity that it does not have the genetic gravity move.

"Haoji, this sea star has a pretty good talent. Use your superpower to feel it and you can conquer and cultivate it." Ukai threw the sea star's pokeball to Haoji, who was still in a daze.

"Brother Hai, what is this?" Hao Er didn't know why. He didn't know what Yuhai was doing for his elf. He also subconsciously used his super power to feel it. The super power talent of this sea star was indeed very strong, and it was a rare elf.

"Brother Hai has a superpower similar to yours and the gift of being able to sense elves." Seeing that Yu Hai didn't speak, Xiao Shun saw that Yu Hai didn't ask for confidentiality, so he told Yu Hai about his selection of elves.

After all, this matter is not a secret. Green River knows it, and he also knows that even Koji has such ability, so there is no need to hide it.

"So that's it, then I will accept this starfish," Hao Er heard Xiao Shun's explanation and once again used his super power to carefully feel the starfish in the elf ball. He found that this feeling was really wonderful.

It was as if he could feel his companions. In this little poke ball, his super power was very rough, colliding with the telepathy of Starfish, and even being bounced away by Starfish's telepathy.

"Hurry up and release the remaining starfish, stinging jellyfish, trumpet buds, Arbor snakes..."

The poison-type elves brought out by Yuhai all have average potential, so there is no need to tame them. The water-type elves were released by Xiao Shun and the two into the river, and the grass-type and poison-type elves were released into the forest.

There were also insects of the insect type that were released into the forest. They were all wild elves with average potential. After releasing the grass type, water type, poison type, and insect type, thousands of wild elves were released. He looked at the remaining wild elves of the flying type.

There are many wild elves with this attribute in the backpack, and they are basically flying elves that are common in the forest.

Bobo and Spearow were the most numerous, as were some Supersonic Bats, Gugu, and even the Long-winged Gull.

After screening thousands of flying elves, he found two birds with pretty good talents. One was Bobo, with a potential of fifty-one, and Gugu, with a potential of fifty.

He couldn't subdue these two elves, so he still gave them away to others. Bobo was given to Xiaoshun, and Gugu was given to Haoer.

"Haoji, I'm not prepared for the first meeting, so I'll give you two elves as a meeting gift. This Gugu's superpower talent is similar to that of the starfish. You can feel it..."

The reason why he arranged it this way was that he had no choice. Gugu had superpower talents, which was very suitable for Hao Er, a superpower user. However, after Gugu evolved, he could not take people to fly.

If Xiao Shun subdues Gu Gu, he will need to subdue another flying elf to use as a means of transportation between islands.

If Xiao Shun has money, he can also cultivate a few more elves. There is no harm anyway. If he has no money, it is better to do it in one step. There is no need to go to so much trouble.

As for him?

There is also a cub named Bobo on Dachu Island. Bobo, who has fifty-seven potential, is waiting for him, but Bobo, who has only fifty-seven potential, doesn't like him.

"This?" Haoji could feel that these two elves without superpower attributes had considerable superpower talents. Ukai gave them away like this, which caught him a little off guard.

"Brother Hai, you saved me. I haven't even thanked you yet. You gave me two elves with good talents. I don't know how to thank you." Even though Hao Er was thick-skinned, he was blushing now.

It was the first time he had seen such a generous and strange trainer who would give him something as soon as he disagreed.

"Rescuing you is just a trivial matter, don't take it too seriously," Ukai waved his hand. Koji couldn't help him at all now. We'll talk about favors later.

When Xiao Shun heard this, he didn't think so, because Yu Hai was too generous, and he was thinking that Yu Hai might not look down on Ko Er's benefits. After all, the King of Heaven can take out the props at will.

If Haoji couldn't bring out Heavenly King's props and used other things to express gratitude, people would probably look down on him. Besides, where would Haoji get Heavenly King's things? He's still a noob.

"Brother Hai, I also accepted this Bobo," Xiaoshun had received Yuhai's approval, but he didn't say anything more about accepting the elves. He needed these elves to arm himself and make himself stronger.

Thank you has been said many times before. If you say thank you again, other people's ears will be numb. Just remember to be grateful in your heart. After all, the other person is the noble person who helped you when you were in the most difficult time.

"Brother Hai, he also wants one of my Magikarp. I don't know if he still has it." Xiao Shun accepted Bobo's poke ball and thought of the chat between the two last night, so he asked about it.

"King Carp, I just happened to catch one yesterday," Ukai was talking about yesterday's stupid thing with fifty-eight potential. There is no use keeping this stupid thing. Since Haoji likes it, he can give it to Haoji.

"Hello? I've already taken two elves, can't I take any more?" Hao Er blushed and quickly stopped Xiao Shun from speaking. He had already accepted two elves just now, so he felt a little embarrassed to ask for Carp King.

"This is the Carp King who is gifted by the King of Heaven. Are you sure you don't want it?" Xiao Shun explained in a low voice in Hao Er's ear, fearing that Hao Er would miss a big opportunity.

"What? Heavenly King?" Koji immediately exclaimed when he heard the word Heavenly King. Even Ukai and Midori He heard the exclamation.

"Don't be so loud, and remember to keep it a secret. Even your mother can't tell." Xiao Shun was also startled by Hao Er's cry, secretly thinking that he was also in such a shock at that time.

"What about Haixingxing and Gugu? And your Bobo?" Hao Er was shocked and smiled awkwardly at Yu Hai and the others, then turned around and whispered to Xiao Shun.

"At least it's the talent of a quasi-king," Xiao Shun didn't hide it, and Yukai didn't ask him to keep it a secret. Since Koji could know about Yukai's special ability, it didn't matter, but it was just one more thing that needed to be kept secret.

"Hiss," Hao Er also gasped when he heard that at least the Quasi-Tian Wang was the king. Even though he was bragging so wildly last night, he really couldn't give away such a gifted elf.

He is not the one in charge at home. He has to ask his mother for everything, and he can only use it for himself, so don’t even think about giving it away to others.

Xiao Shun saved himself. Applying for a Yu Sanjia to the other party was already the limit. Whether he wanted to send a few more would depend on his mother's face.

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