Pokémon: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 407, Elite Trainer

In the afternoon, Ukai continued to train Little Mouth Snail and develop a relationship with Magikarp. All he had to do was go to Sweet Mandarin Island again and let Magikarp jump over the dragon gate and evolve into Gyarados, and he would be very ferocious.

This Carp King was relatively easy to subdue. After he showed affection and reason, and promised to provide food, shelter, and food, the Carp King was subdued.

Regarding the fact that he was intercepted on the way back, Magikarp was not that angry at first. After all, Ukai promised that he could go back at any time. He was not in a hurry at this moment, but wanted to cultivate a bond first.

However, when he was training the little snail in the afternoon, Ada suddenly came over and called him, saying that his sister wanted to see him for something.

Ukai asked Xiaozui Snail to jog by himself or practice target practice. He and Ada came to the battle site. Atsumi did not have a battle either, and there was no trainer to challenge the gym for the time being.

"Master?" Ukai followed Ada here. He saw Atsumi in a daze and the Blastoises training. He didn't disturb Atsumi's daze. He probably wanted to take revenge on him secretly.

"Come sit here and let me tell you something." Atsumi raised her hand and pointed to the stool next to her. After seeing Ukai sit down, she continued: "You are stronger than the newcomers. Have you ever thought about being promoted to an elite trainer..."

"Elite trainer? It must be difficult!" Ukai thought that Atsumi was having some bad ideas, but he didn't expect that it was about trainer promotion. He really hadn't thought about it.

After all, he has received the basic benefits for newcomers to the alliance. It is not too late for elite trainers to talk about it in the future. There is no rush to be promoted now. Moreover, it is so difficult for newcomers to be certified. The promotion of elite trainers is not likely to be easy.

"If you want to be promoted to an elite trainer, you must have at least three second-stage evolved elves, which is the basic requirement for an elite trainer." Atsumi thought for a while, recalled the elves owned by Ukai, and said: "Your mosquito-repellent frog, big-mouthed gull, The Giant Claw Crab just meets the promotion requirements..."

"Next, you only need to complete the 100,000-point point task at the Elf Center, obtain at least ten gym badges, and get into the top thirty-two of the regional competitions twice, or the top eight once. Promoted to elite trainer..."

"Four requirements?" Yukai listened quietly to Atsumi's story and found that he only met the first condition, and the second, third and fourth conditions were not met...

The second requirement is very simple. He only needs to purchase an alliance contribution of 100,000 points, which is points worth one million alliance coins.

To complete the third requirement, he must go to other areas, challenge the gyms in those areas, and get the gym badges. There are only ten badges, which is not difficult for him.

There is also a fourth requirement. He must go to the Guandu or Chengdu area to participate in the regional competition and at least be among the top 32. This requirement is not difficult.

For baby competitions like the Quartz Conference, it is very easy to get into the top 32, even the top eight is possible.

If the competition is still the same as the Kanto and Chengdu regions in the previous life animation, he will have no problem getting into the top eight. If it is a regional competition in the Hoenn region or later, he will not have this confidence.

Because the future regional competitions in the Fengyuan region will become more and more valuable, there are already quasi-gods taking part in the Fengyuan regional competition that Master Zhi will participate in.

In competitions in the Sinnoh region, perverts like Beast Man will appear. He is only participating in such competitions to seek abuse.

However, with his current strength, it is not difficult for him to fulfill the requirements of being promoted to an elite trainer by just playing baby games in Guandu and Chengdu.

"The last three requirements are that you complete the promotion conditions as soon as you have time. The elite trainer's requirement is only to be top 32, and the gym's requirement is to come back as a champion. If you can't win the championship, hum hum hum..."

Atsumi found that Ukai, a little fox, was too cunning. After recruiting him for so many days, she never found a chance to play tricks on Ukai.

In this case, as the gym leader, doesn't Yukai want the best water stone?

Then she made the request directly. If Yuhai couldn't do it, don't even think about the water stone.

"Champion?" Ukai thought he heard wrongly, and pointed to his nose and asked Atsumi again. After seeing Atsumi nodding, he smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Master, do you think too highly of me? Regional competition masters such as Yun, it’s too difficult to win the championship..."

"I don't care, it's a requirement of the gym. I've already asked Grandpa. If you can't win the championship, don't even think about the Water Stone." Atsumi was sure that Ukai wanted the best Water Stone, so she used the championship as an argument.

"Uh..." Ukai found that Atsumi's attitude was very tough. He didn't overdo it and acted like I won't listen. He even used the old fisherman to suppress him. He really couldn't help it.

If he just wants to win a championship, he feels that he can still work hard. Whether he can win it is another question. It depends on people!

"Okay! I'll give it a try," Yuhai agreed. After all, it was not an excessive request. In order to get an alliance Yusanjia, he also had to participate in the regional competition. Only the champion could choose Yusanjia.

"Whenever you meet the promotion requirements, just go to the Elf Center for promotion." Atsumi waved her hand for Ukai to leave. She called Ukai over, but when she was in a daze, she thought that Ukai's strength should be promoted.

If Ukai is so strong, he should be promoted to an elite trainer instead of staying as a new trainer. Even if he wants to be promoted to a senior trainer in the future, the elite trainer badge is the minimum requirement.

After becoming a senior trainer, if a trainer wants to open a gym, he can apply to the alliance and wait for the assessment.

As long as they pass the assessment of the alliance, senior trainers can open gyms and become gym trainers.

However, the alliance will control the number of gyms, and it is difficult for ordinary people to apply. There have been no new gyms in the Orange Islands for many years. They all inherited the gyms from their ancestors.

After Yu Hai left, Ada was finally able to speak. Before, she had been silent, listening quietly to the conversation between her elder sister and Yu Hai without daring to interrupt.

"Sister, you didn't even win the championship that year, but you only made it to the top 16, and you asked Brother Hai to win the championship. Isn't your request too high..."

"Are you teaching Sister You how to do things? Have you finished copying Blastoise's notes?" Atsumi heard that her younger brother came to intercede. When did the relationship between the two become so good? She immediately raised her head and glared at Ada. She hadn't seen this younger brother for several days. Yes, it's a little itchy!

"I..." Ada didn't dare to say anything when he saw his elder sister looking at him fiercely. He originally wanted to plead for Yuhai, but he didn't expect that his elder sister wouldn't appreciate it. This can't be blamed on him for not helping his brother-in-law. There was nothing he could do. !

After shutting up, Ada silently went back to train the elves. She could only help Yuhai mourn in her heart. She didn't know why Yuhai offended the elder sister. The elder sister was so angry that she still hasn't calmed down after so many days.

Another boy who was also training elves, the young man's cousin, also snickered secretly in the corner after seeing Atsumi's request to Ukai, that's a champion!

Back then, his cousin participated in three quartz conferences before winning one championship. Even this country bumpkin wanted to win the championship. He was just thinking nonsense. It was impossible.

Even if he can't win the championship, the other party should forget about it and just keep doing odd jobs in the gym.

After returning to the training room, Ukai was still thinking about Atsumi's intentions. He didn't know whether it was Atsumi's request or the request of the old fishing man behind the gym.

Thinking about it carefully, it should be Atsumi's request, not the gym's request, because Atsumi is the gym leader, and it doesn't matter what Atsumi says, the gym is what it is.

It couldn't be the request of the old fishing man. That old guy was already old, so he wasn't so boring. If Atsumi didn't want to take revenge on him, how could he have made such a disgusting request.

However, even if there is no such requirement, he still has to participate in the regional competition and win the championship. Just for the sake of a Squirtle, he must also win the championship.

After a few mosquito-repellent frogs learn new moves and consolidate the new moves they just learned, he can hit the road. Naturally, the first stop is the Kanto region, the first region where Zhiye debuted.

At that time, we can go to Zhenxin Town to see if there is Master Zhi there. If there is no Master Zhi in this world, it will be a horror movie, and in the end it will be just a sweet dream.

But that is impossible, because Dr. Oak often appears on TV, and Dr. Oak's grandson Xiaomao has been seen on TV, but he has not seen Xiaozhi appear on the screen.

He also saw the appearance of Xiaomao's sister. Xiaomao's sister is called Nanami. She has not appeared in the animation and only appeared in the special comics. She is a coordinating trainer and the kind of trainer who participates in the gorgeous competition.

Coordination trainers are different from ordinary trainers. They specifically breed Pokémon for the Grand Contest, rather than regular Pokémon battles. It is also appropriate to think of them as performers.

He will not be this kind of trainer. What he wants is the ability to control everything, not a flashy performance, which will lead to a tragic death.

If he doesn't want to be eaten, he doesn't want to eat others, and if he wants to lie down and retire comfortably, he must have strong strength, at least the strength of a king.

He could not decide his origin in his previous life, but he could choose a life of lying down and fishing.

In this life, he also cannot choose his origin, but he can still choose the life he wants.

In this life, people have to live for themselves. He didn't understand this until he was thirty years old in his previous life. During that time, he lived quite comfortably, but it was a pity that he time-traveled.

God is a scammer. He doesn't want to fight, so why force him! How can it be repaired! ! !

It was still early for the regional competition. He would have to wait at least until a few mosquito-repellent frogs learned new moves, which would take about half a month before setting off.

Aren't there two other requirements for promotion to elite trainer, one is 100,000 points, and the other is a gym badge.

He could first fulfill the requirement of 100,000 points, and ignore the mission in the Elf Center. The higher the points, the higher the risk, and it would be a waste of time. Anyway, he was not short of money.

He still has a batch of illegal goods to deal with, and is going to ask Luo Yan to help him find cover insects. He can call Luo Yan tonight and ask Luo Yan to come over.

While helping him deal with the black goods, Luo Yan can also ask Luo Yan to go to the elf center to publish tasks. At that time, he can publish as many tasks as he wants and pay him as much as he wants.

A mission worth one million is too big. Others can tell it is fake at a glance. Someone must be trying to use the back door to buy points.

This is a normal operation and the alliance will not care about it. It will only deduct the handling fee. After converting the money into points, the points can only be consumed within the alliance.

When the time comes, let Luo Yan publish a few more tasks and distribute the 1 million task rewards separately, just to collect enough 1 million points.

These points are only conditions for promotion. The alliance will not deduct points. These points are just to prove the qualifications of the trainer to complete the task and whether he is qualified to be promoted to elite trainer.

Being able to complete the task of 100,000 points shows that this trainer is capable and has met the standards for promotion to an elite trainer.

Thinking about the future development direction, Yuhai was still training Xiaozui Snail. The afternoon passed quickly and it came to six o'clock in the afternoon.

The four trainers who taught the mosquito-repellent frogs all said goodbye and went back.

Aman thanked Yuhai again. After bidding farewell to Yuhai, he had to go out on the street. If Aman went shopping, he would probably be cheated. This was also the first lesson in life. It is not a loss to buy a memory for more than 2,000 yuan.

When the four trainers returned, Yuhai asked them to help him with a message, asking for an elf who could regenerate himself to teach his little snail how to regenerate itself.

After bidding farewell to the four of them, Ukai used the elf ball to retrieve a few mosquito-repellent frogs, bid farewell to Ada, bid farewell to Atsumi, went to the kitchen to take away dinner, bid farewell to the eldest sister in the kitchen, and returned to the lakeside cabin.

As for sitting down and having dinner together?

There was no need for that. Atsumi wanted to take revenge on him all the time. The eldest sister in the kitchen even quietly told him that Atsumi was going to fry bitter melon for him for dinner, so he was too lazy to sit down and eat together.

He didn't have time to hide, so how could he still have dinner with Atsumi? He would not give Atsumi a chance to retaliate. Even if there was no bitter melon, Atsumi would definitely secretly try to trick him, and he would not do this.

Back at the wooden house by the lake, everyone gathered around and were very happy to see Ukai return. Ukai also released a few mosquito-repellent frogs and Carp King into the lake.

Those stinging jellyfish have not come back, indicating that the underground river has been sealed. If a crab burrows in, it can only be caught again.

Everyone is exhausted today, and he even took back a few Hanhan. Just look at the proficiency panel to see if there is any change, and you will know if these little guys are lazy.

Seeing the changes in proficiency on the panel, it showed that these little guys were not lazy. He was quite satisfied. He took out the dinner packed by the gym's back kitchen and distributed it to the little guys for dinner first.

He made another dinner, and after the little ones finished the packed dinner, they had dinner together again.

While eating dinner, he took out his mobile phone and dialed Luo Yan's number.


"Ayan, I joined Xia Gan Gym..."

"Boss, Xia Qian Gym? With Boss's strength, is it necessary to join the gym?"

Luo Yan didn't understand. What a Heavenly King trainer could do by joining a gym, he could open a gym himself.

Until now, Luo Yan has always believed that Ukai is a king trainer, not a rookie like a senior trainer.

"Ayan, you have an identity on the surface, which makes it easier to do things." What else could Yuhai say? If he had to tell Luoyan that he had just become a new trainer, wouldn't the character he had established before collapse.

Although Luo Yan will know it sooner or later, it is better to know it later than to know it early. By the time Luo Yan knows it, he will almost be the king of heaven.

"I understand," Luo Yan knew that what Yuhai was talking about was the black market. After joining the gym, he at least had a hidden identity, just like he joined the club as a coach incognito.

"Boss, are you looking for me this time?"

"Are you still on Jingan Island?"

"I'm in Jingan Island. I also joined a small club and worked as a coach in the club..."

"Come to Xiagan Island. Before you come, help me find an insect elf from the Hezhong area. Its name is Gaigai. Whether it's from the black market or a breeding house, help me buy one. The one with the best talent... …”

"I still have a batch of illegal goods here. I'll talk about it when you come over. There's one more thing I'll talk about when you get here..."

"Okay, boss, do you need any more gems?"

"Are you still collecting gems?"

"Boss, I didn't..."

In response to Yu Hai's question, Luo Yan gently wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. Since he was told last time, he did not dare to collect gems. He would only collect gems if Yu Hai needed it.

"I don't need gems. I'll hang up if nothing happens. Come over as soon as you're ready..."

"Okay, boss..."

After hanging up the phone, Luo Yan quickly opened the encyclopedia of elves and found the introduction of elves in the Hezhong area. He found the Gaigai insect. This type of insect elf has short limbs and a long blue body. It is ugly and clumsy, and cannot yet evolution.

He didn't understand what the boss needed this kind of elf for. This kind of weak insect elf was a jerk no matter how you looked at it.

However, it was normal for the boss to have strange thoughts that he could not imagine. After all, he was the boss who conquered Darkrai, the fantasy elf and nightmare god, and he couldn't even think about it.

Although it was night, but since it was a matter assigned by the boss, he quickly found the owner of the club to ask for leave, and immediately went to the breeding house to look for the elves that the boss needed.

If the breeding house doesn't have one, then go to the black market and the black ship. You can always buy the elves that the boss needs, even if you ask Hezhong to teleport them over...

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