"What attributes can be restrained by steel attributes?"

In the restaurant, Zhao Xu randomly checked Kane to see if he still remembered attribute restraint.

"The steel attribute restrains the three attributes of ice, rock and fairies."

"Which attributes are restrained by the properties of steel?"

"The steel attribute is restrained by ground, fighting and fire."

Seeing that Kane's answers were all correct, Zhao Xu nodded with satisfaction. There is no problem in memorizing these attribute restraints, but you still need to think about it before answering immediately.

Don't look at Kane's quick answers now. If he is in a battle , it is easy for trainers to forget the attributes of the opponent's elf, and when excited, they will let their elf use the moves it is best at instead of restraining the opponent's moves.

"Yes, keep attribute restraint in mind, you will often use it in battles in the future."Zhao Xu said

"Well, I will memorize it every day."After three days of getting along, Kane began to trust Zhao Xu more and more.

"Eat quickly. After eating, we will go to the alliance center to get our ID cards."After Zhao Xu finished speaking, he immersed himself in working hard.

The Kane brothers and sisters were also very bold in eating and working hard. Unfortunately, the brother and sister still didn't have enough food. After eating for more than ten minutes, they stopped and looked at Zhao Xu from behind. Eat.

After breakfast, the three of them chose to walk to the alliance center.

Because they had to stay in the shady city for a few days, Zhao Xu was too lazy to ride the elf anymore.

The three of them came to the alliance center, and Zhao Xu took two The brother and sister came to the counter, took out a list, and said,"We are here to receive the trainer's ID card and identity certificate."

The trainer's ID card is Kane's, and the identity certificate is Kelly's. Only by obtaining these two things can we apply for immigration applications for the brother and sister. The receptionist looked at the order, opened the drawer, and took out a trainer's ID card. , and a small red book

"This is the trainer's ID card. This is the proof of identity. When applying for identity in the future, just use the proof of identity."The receptionist was very responsible and introduced me.

"Thanks. Zhao Xu thanked her and said,"Sister, we also plan to apply for immigration.""

Immigration applications can also be processed at the alliance center.

"What about your adults?"

The receptionist didn't know the Kane brothers and sisters, and because Zhao Xu was wearing a mask, the receptionist didn't recognize them either.

"I am kind of their guardian, their parents died many years ago."Zhao Xu said

"Who are you to them?"

"He's an older brother, maybe."

Zhao Xu said and took off his mask and sunglasses, and also took out his trainer ID card.

"You are Zhao Xu!"

As a staff member of the alliance, I often watch games and know that Zhao Xu is the Platinum Conference champion.

However, the receptionist was very confused as to how Zhao Xu got to know the brother and sister. They are obviously not of the same race, and they are definitely not relatives.

Yes, can I apply for immigration?"Zhao Xu asked


The receptionist was very curious about the relationship between Zhao Xu and Kane, but because of personal privacy, the receptionist did not ask and directly helped the Kanes to apply for immigration.

Because both Kanes are orphans, they have to It was very troublesome to go through the immigration procedures. Fortunately, Zhao Xu had prepared all the things that needed to be prepared in the past three days. All the documents needed were available, as well as copies. It took almost half an hour, and the two brothers and sisters The immigration application form has only been filled out.

The application process takes seven days, and Zhao Xu has to stay in the shady city for another seven days.

"Is there anything fun to do in Shady City?"Kelly is not a trainer and is not qualified to go to the wild. Otherwise, Zhao Xu would take the brother and sister to go to the wild.

"Brother Xu, what do you want to play?"

Kane is a local, so he naturally knows what fun things there are in the shady city of Ni.

"It’s not me who wants to play, it’s you who want to play. I will leave the Ouhuang area in one week. It will be a long time before you want to come back."

"So take advantage of the time and play everything you want to play."Zhao Xu actually wants to play, but he can't say it explicitly. Saying so would make him look very selfless.

"I want to go to the amusement park!"Kelly was very excited when she heard that there was something to play with. After all, it is normal for little girls to like to go to amusement parks.

"Then go to an amusement park."

Zhao Xu didn't care, he just thought it was a wild ride. When he came to the amusement park, Zhao Xu didn't play, so he let Kane and Kelly play while he watched from the side like a nanny.

"Brother Xu, don’t you want to play?"After playing with Kelly for a few hours, Kane didn't want to play anymore and came to chat with Zhao Xu.

"I'm past the age of playing with these things, just have fun."Zhao Xu said

"Brother Xu, I want to train Darkrai."Kaine said.

"Don't worry, you should cultivate a good relationship with Darkrai first, and don't worry about training."Even if Kane hopes to become stronger quickly, this kind of thing cannot happen quickly. Kane has no system and can only take his time."

"But I don’t know much about training elves. Brother Xu should teach me some basic training methods."Kaine said.

"The training for the elf is to be a physical and endurance trainer, and to practice moves."If it's just basic training, Zhao Xu doesn't think there's any problem.

"You can let Darkrai run with weights, train for 2 hours in the morning and two hours in the afternoon every day. You can also train the moves repeatedly to improve the proficiency and release speed of the moves."Zhao Xu briefly talked about basic training. This was also the project that Zhao Xu often asked his elf to train in the past.

"Brother Xu, I read a lot about trainers on the Internet. They all say that it is best for trainers to gather their main lineup as soon as possible, so that they can focus all their energy on training."

"Brother Xu, what lineup do you think is suitable for me?"

Kane has also done a lot of homework in the past three days. He has learned a lot about the Internet and knows the importance of quickly organizing the lineup. Kane has been thinking about the lineup.

But Kane's understanding of the elves is limited. He doesn’t know many elves, and he doesn’t even know that Darkrai is a legendary elf, so organizing the lineup is as difficult for Kane as reading a wordless bible.

"What do you think?"

Zhao Xu thinks it's best for professional trainers to think about their own lineups, so Zhao Xu doesn't plan to help Kane form a lineup.

"It is said on the Internet that the initial elf will be in whatever lineup according to its attributes, so that the training progress will be very fast."Kane said.

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