"Thank you dad."

Zhao Xu held the newly bought mobile phone in his hand and looked at the bank transfer text message, feeling happy in his heart.

"If you don’t have money in the future, just call me." Zhao Fang told him,"I’m going to work. I’ll go back alone. Be careful on the road.""

"Um! Dad, you go ahead, I'm fine by myself." Zhao Xu just wants to wait for tomorrow. With three elves, Zhao Xu can level up faster, unlike today where he can only do it in an hour. Leave.

Zhao Fang didn’t say a few words, nodded and left quickly. Work started at 1:30 in the afternoon. Zhao Fang hurried back to work. Now Zhao Xu wants to be a trainer. Zhao Fang can earn as much as he thinks he can..

Watching Zhao Fang leave, Zhao Xu also started tinkering with his newly purchased mobile phone and downloaded all the AAPs he needed.

After downloading all the AAPs, Zhao Xu also logged into his QChat, which is similar to QQ. Timely contact software, which also includes online payment functions and elf illustrations. Whether ordinary people or trainers, basically everyone has a Q-letter number.

Didi! As soon as Zhao Xuda logged in, the Q-letter prompt sounded. stand up

"I go! Brother, why did you log in using your Snapdragon phone?"

The person who sent the message is Zhao Xu's best friend in this world, Ma Yun.

Why Zhao Xu, a man with a broken soul, became friends with a teenage boy is entirely because this guy's name is quite unpredictable. Taste, so Zhao Xu decided to make Ma Yun a friend.

Ma Yun lived up to expectations. His father, Ma Laicai, was a businessman. He was not a super rich man, but he was considered a big tycoon in Wuxian County. His mother was also a trainer. , and one of the few gold-level trainers in Wuxian County.

Currently, there are only four gold-level trainers in Wuxian County, and Ma Yun’s mother Yunwei is one of them.

"Brother, I heard what that kid Wang Xukun said. It doesn’t matter if you can’t be a professional trainer. It’s not bad to be an ordinary trainer. How about you ask my dad to help you introduce a job near the sea?" Before Zhao Xu could type a reply, Ma Yun spoke again. Sent a message over here

"This guy Wang Xukun..."

Zhao Xu naturally knew that Wang Xukun must have told him about summoning the ugly fish.

"Stop minding other people's business, but what kind of elf did you summon?"Zhao Xu and Ma Yun are the same age, so they only summoned the initial elf recently. However, it is summer vacation and Ma Yun went to the city to play. Naturally, the initial summoning was done at the elf center in the city.

Otherwise, yesterday, Ma Yun will follow immediately

"hey-hey! Guess what elf I summoned?"

Ma Yun replied, followed by a smiley emoticon.

"I do not guess you guess guess╮(╯▽╰)╭!"

"I'll give you a hint, it's related to my name."

Ma Yun obviously refused to give up, insisting on Zhao Xu guessing, and even gave such an obvious hint.

"Damn, are you lucky? You actually summoned a small fire horse." Zhao Xu thought for a while, and thought of several elves with the word"horse" in their names. Finally, he tried to see if they were small fire horses.

""Correct answer"

Zhao Xu just wanted to smile at Ma Yun.

Although the little fire horse is very good, it needs level 40 to evolve into the flame horse. If the initial elf level reaches level 40, it will be a golden trainer.

And if you want to It takes more than ten years at the fastest to become a golden mid-level trainer. This can only be achieved by a genius trainer, and it basically takes fifteen years for a normal professional training trainer.

For example, Ma Yun's mother Yun Wei this year She is already in her thirties, and she summoned an elf at the age of fifteen, and it took more than twenty years to become a golden trainer. This shows that it is very difficult to improve the elf's level.

So Ma Yun wants to cultivate the little fire horse into a golden trainer. It is said that it will take fifteen years to make a flaming horse.

Fortunately, Ma Yun's family has money. If Ma Yun is willing to work hard, she may be able to cultivate the flaming horse into a flaming horse in ten years.

But all of this is Zhao Xu's fault. My own estimate, after all, elves do happen to evolve early. I have seen a few elves in the county whose levels are lower than the level required for evolution.

"By the way, don't change the subject, are you sure you don't want my help?" Ma Yun mentioned work again. In Ma Yun's view, Chou Chou Yu completely ruined Zhao Xu's path to becoming a professional trainer. From now on, the best way for Zhao Xu is to go Find a job related to water.

Although Wu County is on the edge of Wujiang River, it is the county town after all, and the salary is not very high. Zhao Xu is so young, so he might as well go to a big city to make a career.

"You don’t have to worry about me. By the way, when do you plan to come back?"

Ma Yun is not a friend in vain. If there is no system, Zhao Xu will really choose to accept Ma Yun's help.

But now Zhao Xu is a systematic person. After yesterday's leveling, Zhao Xu feels that his one year's It should take time to reach the standard of a gold-level trainer. There are still five elves with the same level as the initial elves, which are 6 times stronger than the average gold-level trainer.

"I don’t know. In a few days, my mother will take me to the wild to level up. I originally wanted to ask you to come with me, but it’s a pity that your initial elf is an ugly fish."

"As long as you’re willing, that’s it for this conversation. Let me know later. Brother Xu will treat you to dinner when the time comes."

"take me Out to eat? Are you sure you're not kidding me? Do I pay for your treat?"

Ma Yun couldn't believe it, because she grew up in the same county. Ma Yun knew Zhao Xu's family background. Although he had a trainer father, Zhao Xu himself was able to get Zhao Xu to pay for a treat. So far, I can count them all on five fingers.

Even as Zhao Xu’s best friend, Zhao Xu only treated Ma Yun to a popsicle, and it was still the kind of thing where one dollar was spent and one was split in half.

""If you don't believe me , I'll throw you away."

Zhao Xu didn't bother to explain. He put down his phone and walked to the shopping mall on the other side of the street.

The number of elves increased, so he needed to buy some feed and some honey for Bada Butterfly.

He bought everything he needed. After shopping, Zhao Xu returned home belatedly to prepare dinner.

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