"strangeness? Why aren't there any elves?"

Because it is a Mercury House, the pond in the backyard occupies nearly three-fifths of the area.

The water in the pond is very clear, and you can see the bottom at a glance. It is only about four or five meters deep, and one of the elves is without

"Is the water quality bad?"

Because the original elf was Minas, Zhao Xu bought a water tester, specially used to test water quality, and kept it with him at all times.

"PH8, hardness 7.4, dissolved oxygen 5 mg"


After looking at the data on the water meter, the water in this pond is very suitable for water elves to survive.

"Everyone, come out!"

Except for the tool elves, Lucario mother and son, and Da Chao Beibi, Zhao Xu released all the other elves.



"Come on!"


Zhao Xu's elf seemed a little overwhelmed by the new environment.

"This is where you will live in the future, don't be too restrained, there will be other elves here in the future, you have to get along well with each other."

Zhao Xu has a headache about how to get along with the classmates of Mercury House in the future, because his own elves Too many.

After all, elves also have a social circle. It would be bad if they get angry and fight. The other party will definitely suffer. After all, there are a lot of elves. I guess

Mercury has all the elves. The total number of elves among the students may not be as many as Zhao Xu's, and Zhao Xu felt that the dormitory aunt Zhu Bi might have objections. However, considering that the school regulations did not stipulate the number of elves that students could cultivate, Zhao Xu also No matter, let’s take a step and take a look.

"You guys get familiar with the new environment, and I'll cook for you."

Zhao Xu ran to the room, took all the elf's rice bowls to the kitchen, and started making feed.

The canteen of Peking University will provide raw materials, but the elf feed needs to be matched. , it is up to the students to make them themselves.

In this way, students can not only know what their own elf likes to eat, but also know what the elf in the same dormitory likes to eat, which can be regarded as adding more extracurricular knowledge to the students....!

"Zhao Xu, do all the elves in the backyard belong to you?"

While Zhao Xu was making feed, Zhu Bi suddenly walked into the kitchen.

Seeing Zhu Bi, Zhao Xu had a headache.

He knew that Zhu Bi would ask, but he didn't expect it to come so soon.

"Yes, all the elves in the backyard are mine." Zhao Xu did not deny it. Anyway, the school did not explicitly prohibit students from raising multiple elves.

"Can you take care of so many elves by yourself?"In addition to being the housekeeper, Zhu Bi is also responsible for helping students take care of the elves.

Zhao Xu released more than ten elves, which can be accommodated in the backyard, but it is not easy to take care of so many elves. First of all, time is required Not enough

"Yes, it's just that it takes a little time to prepare the food."

Zhao Xu has to cook two meals for his elf every day, and each meal takes about an hour to prepare. For Zhao Xu who has strengthened his physique, It's just trivial.

At present, the rations Zhao Xu brought are only enough for his elf to eat for three meals. After that, Zhao Xu has to fill up the food warehouse in the dormitory, otherwise he will run out of food in two days.

"Let me tell you first, I will help you take care of six elves at most, and you can take care of the rest yourself." Zhu Bi did not ask Zhao Xu to give up on cultivating elves, but she was strict about how much help she could provide.

"Thank you. I'll try not to trouble Aunt Zhu."

From now on, I'll have to rely on Zhu Bi to ask for leave, so I can't offend Zhu Bi too much, otherwise it will be very troublesome to ask for leave.

Zhu Bi watched Zhao Xu make the feed for a while, nodded slightly, and affirmed Zhao Xu left after using his tricks. After making the feed, Zhao Xu took it out to feed his elf.


Not long after Zhao Xu was sitting on the steps of the backyard to rest, he heard the doorbell.

"Don’t you know how to open the door for me?"

Zhu Bi, who was passing by the door of the backyard, uttered something bad and hurriedly ran to open the door.

Zhao Xu shrugged helplessly, and he didn't have the keys to all the rooms. Only Zhu Bi had them. In the end, he didn't have to ask Zhu Bi to get the keys, so Zhao Xu just Zhao Xu didn't open the door.

In order not to be disturbed by the new students, Zhao Xu immediately walked to the chair next to the wall and sat down.

"Wow, there are so many elves."

Within a few seconds, a woman's voice sounded.

Zhao Xu could escape, but Zhao Xu's elves could not.

The door leading to the backyard on the first floor was a glass door, and you could roughly see the backyard at a glance. situation.

A beautiful figure ran into the backyard

"Wow, there is an elf in the pond."

The girl rushed into the backyard, her eyes were completely attracted by the elf, and she didn't even notice Zhao Xu by the wall.

"Sisi, come back quickly."

A woman's angry voice came from the room. She should be the girl's mother.


Seeing that her mother was angry, the girl turned around obediently, but as soon as she turned around, the girl was stunned.

Zhao Xu, who was sitting on the chair to rest, was also stunned!

"Zhao Hao!"

Zhou Sisi subconsciously called out Zhao Xu's online name.

"It's you!"

Zhao Xu was also confused. He didn't expect to meet Zhou Sisi.

"Do you know each other?"

A beautiful woman walked in, looked at her daughter, and then at Zhao Xu. She was a little curious about the relationship between the two. Her daughter grew up watching a beautiful woman, and I have never seen her have any good relationship. The opposite sex.

Zhou Sisi immediately ran over and whispered,"Mom, he is the savior I told you."

"I said you want to catch up on old times, can you wait until the accommodation matter is settled?"Zhubi interrupted the situation here inappropriately.

"Xiaosi, come here, arrange your affairs first." Fu Ling took Zhou Sisi out of the backyard to deal with the accommodation issue.

"What a coincidence!"

Zhao Xu couldn't help but sigh that it was such a coincidence that he and Zhou Sisi had already met three times.

"Could it be that I am destined to be with this girl?..."

Zhao Xu flirted for a few seconds and then immediately gave up the idea.

Although I didn't see clearly just now, I also saw the bodyguard behind the beautiful woman, and I knew at a glance that she was not an ordinary person.

However, Zhao Xu couldn't help but flirt. If he and Zhou Sisi were good, the other party would backhand you 10 million to let him leave Zhou Sisi. This seemed to be a good income.

Just when Zhao Xu was having sex, Fu Ling took Zhou Sisi to the backyard.

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