Ding! The time and space mission has been distributed!

At 8 a.m. on March 1st, time and space tasks will be distributed on time

"I hope this mission will be better," Zhao Xu said silently.

Last month's mission was a little tricky. It was just a time and space mission to collect badges in the Chengdu area.

You must know that there are not many strong gyms in the Chengdu area, so Zhao Xu can relax It’s done, but the reward is a bit stretchy, just 3 strange sweets, which is boring.

Space-time mission:

1. Participate in the Miare Conference and win the championship. Reward: x3 strange sweets!


Zhao Xu looked confused.

What kind of strength is Zhao Xu now? Going to participate in the Miare Conference is not bullying others.

In the entire Miare Conference, the number of trainers who can compete with Zhao Xu can be counted on one hand.

Only Xiaozhi and Ai Lan can fight against Zhao Xu, the rest are nothing.

"well! Forget it, just go and have fun. Anyway, the identity issue has been resolved."Zhao Xu doesn't care. Three strange sweets can also be upgraded to 3 levels.

But if he feels bullied, Zhao Xu can also use the lower-level elves in his hand to fight, leaving the main elf as a guarantee. Just fine

"System, send me to Miare City."

Having not fought for 2 months, Zhao Xu also felt itchy in his hands.

The space in front of Zhao Xu shattered, and a suction force sucked Zhao Xu into it.......!

Miare City.

The system sent Zhao Xu to a corner of Miare City.

After Zhao Xu arrived in Miare City, he went straight to Junsha Police Station

"Hello! What's up?"

The police officer at the counter saw Zhao Xu and took the initiative to ask Zhao Xu

"I lost my ID card and I hope I can get a replacement."Zhao Xu said

"oh! What's your ID number?"The police officer was very calm because he encounters this kind of thing every day and is used to it.


Zhao Xu reported the ID number given to him by the system to the other party.

The police officer entered it into the computer and then asked,"Which region is it from?""

"Galar region."

The police officer immediately started searching and soon found Zhao Xu's information and Zhao Xu's mugshot.

Zhao Xu was surprised that the system actually compiled his identity information, including his photos.

Comparison After checking Zhao Xu's sample, the police officer asked,"It will take a week to get the ID card. Do you need to speed it up?""

"How long does it take to speed up?"

Zhao Xu came at an unfortunate time. The competition will start in three days, and tomorrow is the registration deadline.

"Expedited, you can get it in the afternoon."The policeman said

"Then speed up"

"Speed ​​up, it costs 100 yuan!"


Although Zhao Xu asked for money, he still didn't lack 100 yuan.

After handing the money to the police, the police immediately took care of it and gave Zhao Xu a note asking Zhao Xu to pick up his ID card after 2 p.m.

Zhao Xu also We didn’t go far, we had a slow lunch at a restaurant near the police station, and walked around. At 2 o’clock, we came to the police station to get our ID cards, and then went directly to the venue for the alliance conference in the north of Miare City. (Watch the violence For cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Miare City is the most developed city in the Carlos region, covering a large area. The location where the Alliance Conference is held is also the center of the Alliance. It not only has offices, but also an elf center. and a place to live.

Competitors can choose to stay in the competition area. The food and accommodation expenses of trainers and trainer elves are all paid by the alliance. Food and drink in the competition area are free, and entertainment items need to be paid for by the trainers themselves.

Come to At the registration location, I found that there were people everywhere. Although the competition hadn't started yet, it was still open for tourists to participate, and there were not many real contestants.

Zhao Xu followed the signs to the registration location.

"Hello, are you registering to attend the Miare Conference?"

The lady at the counter saw Zhao Xu coming straight over here, she should be here to sign up for the competition.

There are only three days left, the competition is about to start, and it is already too late to sign up at this time.


Zhao Xu participated in the Pokémon World League Conference for the first time and was not very clear about the registration rules.

"Sir, please show your ID card and the 8 gym badges from the Kalos region."The girl at the counter said.

Zhao Xu handed the ID card and 8 badges he just received to the girl at the counter for inspection.

After the inspection, the girl at the counter took out a registration form and gave it to Zhao Xu, and instructed Zhao Xu to complete the registration form.

"This is your competition card. You can use this card to move around the competition area. You need to swipe your card to eat. Don’t lose it."

After the registration was successful, the lady at the counter gave Zhao Xu a magnetic card.

After putting the magnetic card away, Zhao Xu went directly to the living area of ​​the competition area.

The front desk authenticated Zhao Xu's identity and arranged a room for Zhao Xu. Before the game started, , Zhao Xu can stay in the competition area, 5 meals are provided every day, and there is also a place dedicated to feeding elves

"`~The alliance conference is really good!"

There is not much currency in the Pokémon world, and Zhao Xu likes free things like this."

"Xiaozhi hasn’t arrived yet!"

When he came to the room where he lived, Zhao Xu unfolded his own waveguide, but did not find Xiaozhi's waveguide. There were only three days left, and the game was about to start. Xiaozhi hadn't even arrived yet. I really didn't know that Xiaozhi had not arrived yet. What's going on?

Zhao Xu remembered that in the previous generations, Xiaozhi always signed up long in advance.

"Could it be that because of my relationship, Xiao Zhimin participated in the competition?"Zhao Xu appeared in the Kalos area a lot of times, but Zhao Xu tried his best to avoid the plot. Logically speaking, it would not affect the route of Xiaozhi and his party.

"There are still three days left, so we should be able to make it."

Zhao Xu didn't think deeply about it. After checking the room, he went out.

Zhao Xu left the competition area (Wang Zhao Zhao) and went to the pawn shop where he came to Miare City to exchange money.

"Boy, long time no see!"

The owner of the pawn shop still remembers Zhao Xu.

After all, few people would give out so many gold beads in exchange for money."

"Young man, the agreed period has passed and your gold beads cannot be returned."The boss thought that Zhao Xu was here to redeem the gold beads, and immediately reminded Zhao Xu that the time limit had expired.

"I'm not here to redeem the gold beads. I plan to pawn some more things."Zhao Xu still needs some money. A lot of the money he exchanged last time has been spent.

For future plans, Zhao Xu also needs to exchange more money, and he may not necessarily be in Miare City when traveling in the future.

Generally, pawns in big cities You can exchange more money if you work hard. If you go to a small place, the money you can change will be very little.

"oh! What are you pawning?"

Zhao Xu pawned so many gold beads last time, and the boss is really looking forward to what Zhao Xu will sell to him this time.

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