LV10 giant needle bee/♂

"It's only level 10, has it just evolved?"

Zhao Xu stared closely at this level 10 giant sting bee, and it was this giant sting bee that surprised Zhao Xu. It was not because this giant sting bee had a high level, but because this giant sting bee had black and green patterns all over its body. , the eyes are not the original red, but blue.

In other words, this big needle bee is a glitter elf. In this world, the glitter elf is also called a heterochromatic elf. Such an elf is also available on the market. Very valuable, half the price is 3 to 4 times the original price. Of course, if you are a fan of this type of elves, you will pay a higher price.

Half of the different colored elves will be sold at auctions, otherwise they will be sold separately. The businessman who buys the elves will definitely lose a lot of money.

"just! just! just!"

The Heterochromatic Needle Bee in the clearing is currently besieged by five Heterochromic Stingy Bees. This Heterochromatic Stilt Bee is calling out, seemingly telling something to these five Great Stingy Bees.

But this The five giant stinging bees were not friendly to this heterochromatic giant stinging bee. They all raised their needles to point at the heterochromatic giant stinging bee.

"Isn't this giant needle bee from this group?"

Zhao Xu suddenly felt that he could be a fisherman for a time.

The Styli bees are not only cruel to their enemies, but also to their own species. The smell of each species of Styli bees is different. If the Styli bees of the same group do not invade, If you come in, you will be attacked, so in the jungle, different populations of needle bees will kill each other.


The temper of the heterochromatic Stylibee didn't seem to be very good. Seeing that the communication was ineffective, it rushed directly towards the highest-level Stylibee.


The double needles of the heterochromatic Stylibee directly hit it.


The leader of the giant needle bee who was hit was very angry. With so many of his own, the other party dared to attack him. It was like slapping him in the face in front of his little brother. The leader of the giant needle bee rushed towards the heterochromatic giant needle bee, waving his white needle to attack. Hexyx heterochromia


The heterochromatic giant needle bee moves very fast and easily avoids the attack of the giant giant needle bee leader.



However, what the Heterochromis didn't expect was that one of the other four Heterochromis unexpectedly attacked him, and the sharp poisonous needle directly attacked the back of the Heterochromis.

The strong stinging sensation made the Heterochromis The giant needle bee lost its ability to fly and fell to the ground




Seeing this, the other three were very excited, and they all rushed towards the Stylus heterochromia like hyenas hunting for prey.


The two needles clashed!

Even without relying on flight speed, the performance of the Stylus heterochromia was quite brave, relying on its own two hands. The needles resisted the attack of three giant needle wasps.

However, two needles were unable to defeat four needles. Even if they could, the opponent had ten needles.

Soon, the heterochromatic giant needle wasp fell into a weak position and was attacked by two giant needle bees at the same time. The sharp needle pierces directly into the abdomen of the giant needle wasp、


Yise Daxin let out a scream and fell to the ground unwillingly. His body kept twitching on the grass. It was obvious that he no longer had the ability to fight.


The leader of the giant needle bee waved his two needles proudly, and decided to give the giant needle bee the final blow.

"Bada Huo uses his telekinesis!"


Bada Butterfly rushed out of the jungle and used his telekinesis to control the bodies of five giant needle bees to fall to the ground.




The five giant sting wasps didn't react for a moment, and they were all hit and suffered considerable damage.

However, the levels of these five giant sting bees are not low. The highest sting bee leader is level 15, and the lowest is level 11.

""Bada Butterfly uses sleeping powder."

Zhao Xu will not give the Big Sting Bee a chance to counterattack. One blow is successful, and then the next blow comes.


The Bada butterfly flaps its wings, and a breeze carries green powder and blows towards the giant needle bees.


The leader of the Styliphus said something and immediately rose up. The other four Styliphus also dispersed in all directions, easily dodging the sleeping powder.

Instead, the Stylicolor heterochromatic Styliphus that fell to the ground was in misfortune. sleeping powder

"Depend on! So smart?"

Zhao Xu said that this picture is wrong. Shouldn't it be that the sleep powder is used to kill all the Styli Bees and fall to the ground?

Animation is animation after all. In reality, wild Styli Bees have to face many enemies, especially Styli Bee Swarms. The leader has rich combat experience and has fought against many bad butterflies, so he also knows what bad butterflies are capable of.


After dodging, the leader of the giant needle bees gave the order again.

The four giant needle bees separated into two groups and attacked from the left and right, while the leader of the giant needle bees chose to charge frontally, forming a three-sided attack.

""Bada Butterfly

, hurry up and take off." Zhao Xu wouldn't be afraid if it was a head-on attack, but with this three-sided attack, Bada Butterfly would be attacked by the giant sting wasps from the other two sides no matter which side it attacks.


Bada Butterfly quickly took off!


But the next moment, the leader of the giant needle bee was seen rushing straight towards Zhao Xu, and the two needles merged together.

At the same time, the giant needle bees on both sides continued to chase Bada Butterfly.

"Depend on!"

Zhao Xu never imagined that this giant sting wasp could be so smart and target people.

"Menas, come out and use the freezing wind."

Zhao Xu no longer hid his clumsiness and immediately released Menas.


Menas is Zhao Xu's initial elf, and the two have the same mind.

Coming out of the elf ball, Menas seemed to know the direction of the attack of the leader of the giant needle bee, and when he opened his mouth, there was a blast of freezing wind.


The freezing wind successfully hit the giant needle bee.




"Bada Butterfly uses the wind, and Menas uses the freezing wind."



Bada Butterfly and Menas attacked from front to back and simultaneously used the Frozen Wind.


"Ding! Menas level +1"

"Ding! Bada Butterfly Level +1"

"Ding! The little arrow bird has a level of +1 and has mastered a new skill: high-speed movement."

Four giant needle bees were defeated by two little elves!


The leader of the Needle Bee, who was repulsed by Menas, still did not fall, but he was seriously injured and was at the end of his strength.

"Water gun solves it"


Menas sprays water gun!

The leader of the giant needle bee had no extra energy to dodge and was directly hit by the water gun.

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