"Who told you that trainers can only use one attribute lineup?"Zhao Xu understood what Zhou Sisi meant. It was just that the elves he had conquered were too mixed, making it difficult for people to understand what lineup he wanted to go with.

"Are you planning to use other types of lineups besides the water type? Do you have that time?"

Zhou Sisi currently only has three elves, so there is no pressure to train them. However, except for Laplace, the growth rate of the other two elves is very slow.

Zhao Xu has already conquered more than 20 elves. Elves, if they were all cultivated, not to mention the energy and time would not be enough.

"In fact, training elves is not that troublesome. You only need to develop training habits for them. When you are not around, they can train themselves." Although Zhao Xu can train more elves than ordinary trainers, the number is also limited. Therefore, after some elves have been trained to a certain level, Zhao Xu will let them exercise independently.

For example, Zhao Xu will give up training the circle bear for the time being, and usually let it practice its moves independently in the afternoon. At most, it can be a For beating hands


Although Zhou Sisi is naive, she also knows that in order for an elf to become stronger, it requires a trainer to work hard to cultivate it. If it were to be as simple as Zhao Xu said, wouldn't there be high-level professional trainers flying all over the world?

And there are also those who can train consciously. How many elves can there be? After all, elves have different personalities and have different IQs. It would be too difficult to get them to take the initiative to train.

"Of course, you just need to convince your elf enough that you will believe it. For example, my Circle Bear and Gotha Duck will not be lazy during training even if I am not around." Zhao Xu gave an example casually.

"You are so proficient in training elves, can you guide me?" Zhou Sisi's initial elf is Lapras. Although he has a Bulbasaur, Zhou Sisi has now decided to take the water system route.

Zhao Xu relied on the water system in the Silver Conference The elf won the championship and must have a better understanding of the water system lineup than Zhou Sisi, so Zhou Sisi planned to come to Zhao Xu to learn from it.

""Rainy Day Team"

Zhao Xu was not stingy and gave his lineup generously. His lineup is not very popular in this world. The main reason is that Zhao Xu has only participated in the Silver Conference once, and this level of competition does not attract much attention. Only the lineup shown at the Golden Conference has value for people’s reference.

"Rainy day team? Is it the same as your mosquito-repellent frog emperor?"

Zhou Sisi didn't know the characteristics of the mosquito-repellent frog king before. It was only after watching the game that she learned that some elves can even change the weather.

"Yes, the rainy day team needs an elf with rainfall characteristics.

"Where did you catch your mosquito-repellent frog emperor?"

Zhou Sisi wanted to have a mosquito-repellent frog king when she watched the competition, but she found that mosquito-repellent frog kings are not only rare, but no one has found mosquito-repellent frog kings living in groups. She just knows that in places where mosquito-repellent tadpoles and mosquito-repellent kings are found, they sometimes appear. Mosquito-repellent frog king

"I met the Mosquito-repellent Frog King in Wuxian County. If you want it, you can consider spending money to buy it." Zhao Xu knew that Zhou Sisi's family was rich, and if she wanted to, ordinary elves should be able to get it.

"Mosquito-repellent frog king is very rare and is not sold in the market. If it could be sold, Zhou Sisi would have spent money to buy it.

"Then you can consider breeding a long-winged gull, remember that the characteristic must be a moist body," Zhao Xu suggested

"Why long-winged gull? Does it also have to be the characteristic of a moist body?"

The long-winged gull, Zhou Sisi had seen it when she went to the beach when she was a child. It was a very ordinary elf, not very powerful.

"After the long-winged gull with the moist body trait evolves into the big-billed gull, its trait will change to rain."

"You know this as well!"

Zhou Sisi's eyes widened. She didn't expect that Zhao Xu even knew such detailed information.

Although Zhou Sisi was not sure whether the information was true or false, seeing Zhao Xu's confident expression, he was already convinced.

"This knowledge is all in the book, just read it and you will know." Zhao Xu did not mean to show off his knowledge. In fact, he can remember these knowledge points with just a snack.

Zhou Sisi nodded frequently and continued to ask,"In addition to the long-winged gull, there are also There are no other elf recommendations"

"The other thing is to prepare elves for rainy days. For example, elves with the characteristic of leisurely swimming will double their speed on rainy days."

"An elf with the characteristic of traveling freely?"

Zhou Sisi has not had an elf for a long time, and she really doesn't know much about the elf that has the characteristic of traveling freely.

"There are many of them, including Gotha Duck, Mosquito Swimmer, Giant-winged Flying Fish, Lotte Kappa, and Swimming Weasel, all of which have the characteristic of swimming freely." Zhao Xu simply rejected five examples. There are really many elves with the characteristic of swimming freely. few

"However, some elves have the characteristic of swimming freely, but they are not suitable for fighting on land. Even if it rains, they cannot release the characteristic of swimming freely, such as giant-winged flying fish, neon fish, ancient sky sticklebacks and other fish elves."

That's all Zhao Xu said. He has explained it in detail. This information is enough for Zhou Sisi to refer to.

"You know so much."

Although Zhou Sisi knew a lot of water elves, she couldn't think of them at the moment, and there were several elves that Zhao Xu gave examples that Zhou Sisi didn't know.

""It's okay, I just know a little bit about elves."

Zhao Xu felt that these were nothing, and trainers with a higher level would know these things.

"Do you want to train together in the afternoon?"

Zhou Sisi suddenly changed the topic, and her tone of voice seemed a little embarrassed.

"Although I really want to train with you, I still have things to go out this afternoon."

Today is the 6th, Zhao Xu has to go get the rare elf breeding certificate, and the fossil will also be revived today.

"Then get busy."

Zhou Sisi was a little depressed. This was the second time she invited Zhao Xu out, but Zhao Xu rejected him both times. This made Zhou Sisi feel that she was unattractive.

Since Zhao Xu was not interested in her, yesterday Why would you do such bad things to yourself?

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