"There will always be, just like me."

Zhao Xu will not say that he still has fossils on his body, he can only find a reason to fool him. After Zhang Xin leaves, he can directly find Ding Li in the future.

"Just be happy."

In Zhang Xin's opinion, although Zhao Xu's idea is good, it is difficult to implement. Even if you find someone with fossils, how to make others believe you is still a problem.

If Ding Li proves it to Zhao Xu, then Ding Li would know that Zhao Xu made a profit from it, and Ding Li would definitely regret it, so it is difficult for Zhao Xu to want to make a profit.

However, Zhang Xin did not intend to tell the truth completely. After all, Zhao Xu was only 15 years old, and he needed to be sharpened. Age.

When he arrived at the alliance center, Zhao Xu handed over the receipt given to him three days ago to the young lady at the alliance reception.

After confirming the receipt, the young lady also handed Zhao Xu the rare elf breeding certificate, which is the same as the trainer. ID cards are the same, they are all magnetic cards.

If you are reported for using a rare elf, give the breeding certificate to the police. The police will know if it is true or false by swiping it, and what kind of rare elf the breeder is raising.

"Okay, let’s take care of the fossil pterosaur by the way," Zhang Xin said.

"Do fossil pterosaurs also need to go through the breeding procedures?"Zhao Xu thought that the little elf he had revived would not need to apply for a certificate.

"Of course, hurry up and do it, just draw some blood." I already have a rare elf breeding certificate. If I want to raise a rare elf in the future, I only need to go to the alliance center to go through the formalities.

Zhao Xu obediently followed the staff to give... The stone pterosaur went through the formalities and took 200CC of the fossil pterosaur's blood for recording.

After all this was done, it was already 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

Zhang Xin sent Zhao Xu directly to school and left because he was helping Zhao Xu deal with it. Regarding the fossil elf, Zhang Xin has taken a lot of leave, and it is time to go back to work.

Zhao Xu has finished all the things that he should be busy with recently, and now he can concentrate on improving the level of his elf.

Back to After leaving the dormitory, Zhao Xu quickly prepared food for his elf.

With the rare elf breeding certificate, Zhao Xu can freely release Riolu and Lucario for use in the future without worrying about being reported..After preparing food for the elves, Zhao Xu also continued to walk in the backyard, hatching some stupid teddy bears by the way.

"ah! Riolu!"

While walking, a scream suddenly rang out.

Zhao Xu stopped and looked towards the door of the backyard, and saw Dai Xue standing at the door of the backyard.

Dai Xue was standing at the door, staring straight at Riolu. , the colored contact lenses are about to pop out.

"Why are you here?"

It's almost 6 o'clock now. Why did Dai Xue come here?"

After a while, he didn't respond to Zhao Xu's question and asked,"Is this Riolu yours?""


"That LucariIs it your elf too?"


"Where did you come from! Dai

Xue asked dissatisfiedly

"Just subdue it"

"How is that possible? They are elves protected by the law. It is illegal for you to tame them." Dai Xue looked unbelieving. Judging from

Dai Xue's appearance, he should know Lucario and Riolu very well.

Zhao Xu curled his lips and said"Of course I have a rare elf breeding certificate"

"Can you let me touch Riolu?"

Dai Xue looked at Riolu, her eyes were filled with little stars, and she felt like she was drooling.


Zhao Xu could see that Dai Xue had bad thoughts about Riolu. How could he agree? What if Riolu was abducted by Dai Xue. Although dogs are loyal creatures, some dogs may be loyal to everyone. Good people are loyal, such as Erha and Golden Retriever.

Therefore, Zhao Xu will not let Riolu have contact with others casually before Riolu's intimacy level is reached.

"You are so stingy, I just touched it."

Dai Xue didn't expect Zhao Xu to refuse so firmly without even thinking about it, so he gave him 100W after all. Although it was a repayment of kindness, there was still some affection in it.

"It won't work even if you touch it. It's getting late. Go back quickly." Zhao Xu immediately issued an order to expel the guest.

"Just leave, if you can, don't beg me next time."

Dai Xue also wanted to save face, and reluctantly glanced at Riolu and Lucario, and then left the Mercury House angrily.

"Oulu! Riolu had a cute expression on his face. He ate the feed happily regardless of whether it had anything to do with him or not.

"Fossil pterosaur, please come out and eat."

After returning to the room, Zhao Xu let the fossil pterosaur out to eat. Although he had a breeding certificate, Zhao Xu still didn't dare to let the fossil pterosaur out. The main reason was that this guy was too rare. Quasi-god elves are still rare, and the chance of being seen is almost lower than the legendary elves. The fossil pterosaur is not tall, only 1.8 meters, but if the wings are spread out, the width can reach more than five meters.

So the flying fossils The pterosaur looked huge, very powerful, and very bluffing.

After feeding the fossil pterosaur, Zhao Xu went to sleep...!

"Zhao Xu, get out of here"

"Come out and fight!"

"Zhao Xu came out to die"

"Today I'm going to beat you until you're called daddy!"

Zhao Xu lay on the bed, slowly opened his eyes, and said lazily,"Did you come to challenge me so early?"

Because they were talking nonsense in class yesterday, early this morning, the boys in Class 3 all ran to the Mercury dormitory to challenge Zhao Xu.

Zhao Xu was also happy to see this situation, got up immediately, washed up, and walked out of the small room. I took a bottle of fresh milk and a piece of bread from the refrigerator and went out.

"Zhao Xu, you are finally willing to come out!"

Wang Han, who was very stubborn yesterday, took the lead in talking to Zhao Xu.

"Do all 5 of you want to challenge me?"

Zhao Xu counted, there were only 5 people, the number was a bit small.

"Of course"

"Come with me quickly"

"I’ll beat you until I call you grandpa today."

The five of them were all boys in the class, and they were all filled with indignation at this moment.

"Then let's go."

Mosquitoes are still meat if they are not. Moreover, school started yesterday, so there should be a battle area in the school..

Zhao Xu took the initiative to lead the way, and five teenagers followed Zhao Xu.

"Who is this brother? There is also a younger brother!"

"I don’t know him. He must be a freshman."

"Are all freshmen today so strong? And Ma Zai?"

Because Zhao Xu is in front and the five teenagers are behind, people can't help but think that these six people are little gangsters, especially Zhao Xu who is in front, acting like a gangster leader.

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