"What kind of medicine can an elf take that can instantly kill a king-level elf with one blow? Miss Wang Na, do you know?"

"If so, then be sure to tell me."

Zhao Xu deliberately teased Wang Na.

Wang Na didn't care at all and continued,"Your Archaeopteryx was used in the competition a few years ago. It is indeed very strong, but it should only be at the diamond level."

What Wang Na means is that in just a few years, you have improved the strength of the Archaeopteryx to this point. You can't even ride a rocket so fast.

Especially the three evil dragons and the heavy mud draft horse sent behind Nero, their strength is incredible. They are not weak, even level 100 elves cannot kill them instantly or seriously injure them with one move.

"Isn’t my Archaeopteryx extremely talented?"

Zhao Xu didn't bother to end this kind of problem, mainly because he couldn't explain it.

Especially the elves in Zhao Xu's hands were not the only ones like the Archdiptorian Bird, there were many elves that were abnormally strong.

As for the explanation, Zhao Xu also explained to Li Yunsheng that his elf was gifted, and he had the help of the legendary elf.

However, Zhao Xu didn't have many elf as powerful as the ancestor bird. The key was Archaeopteryx was infected with the Pokémon virus before the game, and his physique increased by 42%, which was a very big improvement. It was precisely because of this improvement that Archeopteryx killed three evil dragons in one blow, otherwise it would not have been possible. It will definitely fall in seconds.

If Nero is so stubborn that he insists on competing with the Archaeod Bird with physical strength and installs it on the south wall by himself, he will be blamed for being killed.

"right! You are gifted, if you don’t want to say it, forget it."

Wang Na didn't continue to ask, knowing that there would be no results.

But Wang Na kept asking, hoping that one day Zhao Xu would spill the beans. But now it seems that Zhao Xu is very tough and there is no way to trick him.

"Sister Liu Yu, come on, I'm going back first."

The battle is over, Zhao Xu also plans to leave.

"Don't you want to see my game?"Liu Yu still hopes that Zhao Xu can stay and watch his game.

At least he takes himself seriously. Otherwise, if Zhao Xu leaves like this, Liu Yu will feel that Zhao Xu doesn't regard him as an opponent at all.

"Just go back and watch the broadcast. Goodbye."

Zhao Xu and Liu Yu are not familiar with each other, they just met by chance.

In particular, Zhao Xu doesn't want to have anything to do with the people participating in the competition this time.

With Zhao Xu's current strength, everyone who is close to him will more or less bring them with him. A different purpose, so be careful when making friends......!

After leaving the stadium, Zhao Xu received a phone call that shocked him halfway.

Zhao Xu immediately picked up the phone and yelled,"Ma Yun! Where have you been, you stupid bastard? Where have you been in the past few years?" The person who called was none other than Ma Yun, Zhao Xu's former best friend. After saying goodbye in Magic City, he contacted After calling a few times, we lost contact.

During the Chinese New Year, Zhao Xu went to Ma Yun's father to ask. He only knew that Ma Yun was sent to his grandfather's place to practice. He also knew that Ma Yun was practicing in a shabby way. The days of the rich young man were over..

Unexpectedly, Ma Yun called Zhao Xu at this time, which surprised Zhao Xu.

"Don't talk about it, I've been through a lot of misery these past few years before I came out of the mountains."Ma Yun also felt bitter for a while, haha.

"Your mother was too cruel and threw you into the mountains. It has been almost 3 years."Zhao Xu hasn't contacted Ma Yun for more than two years. In a few more months, it will be 3 years."

"Stop talking, my mother is doing it for my own good. Now that I have come out, I no longer need to go to the mountains to practice."

"By the way, what's going on with you kid these past few years? We haven't seen each other for only two years. You've even defeated the Four Heavenly Kings."

Ma Yun didn't want to talk more about her own affairs, but she was very curious about Zhao Xu's performance in the past two years.

Before, Zhao Xu's participation in the Golden Conference surprised Ma Yun, but just over two years later, Ma Yun When she came out, she asked about Zhao Xu.

Ma Yun was stunned by this inquiry. If she hadn't seen the photo of Zhao Xu whom she knew, Ma Yun would have thought it was someone with the same name.

"As you can see, I am now a top trainer."Zhao Xu said

"You are too top-notch, even Hupa, who is stronger than Rayquaza, has been subdued by you."What Ma Yun cares about most is the legendary elf.

After all, an elf like Rayquaza could destroy the country, but Zhao Xu actually stopped such an elf. It's really scary.

"Conquering him is out of the question, but he has a better relationship with Hupa."

Although we are best friends, there are some things we still have to hide.

"I still thought about these three years of hard training, and I would take you to fly after I came out, but you ended up being like this. You made me lose face."Ma Yun complained

"They are all brothers, no matter who takes care of the other, they are all the same."

Ma Yun can indeed have such an idea.[]

If Zhao Xu didn't have a system, maybe he really needed Ma Yun's help at this point in time.

"Don’t talk about this anymore. The more you talk about it, the more unhappy I become."

"Come on, tell me where you are, and I'll go have a drink with you. We're all adults now, so we must never get drunk."

When Ma Yun was young, she wanted to drink.

Unfortunately, her mother was very strict and refused to let her drink. She had to wait until Ma Yun was an adult before she could drink.

But when Ma Yun was almost an adult, she was sent to practice in the mountains. But Ma Yun was Yun was so anxious. She didn't drink the wine and was locked up in the mountains to practice hard. It was really torture.

"I'm on Solo Island, can you come over?"

Zhao Xu hasn't seen Ma Yun for a long time. He really wants to meet her and have a good drink."

"Why are you going to Solo Island? You wouldn't already be working in the League of Nations, right?"Ma Yun said in surprise.

The International League's recruitment standards are very special. They will only recruit people from various regional alliances.

So if you want to join the International League, you must first join a regional alliance. After making certain contributions, you can apply to the above. , the League of Nations will investigate your contribution within the league and determine whether you are eligible to join the League of Nations

"You are overthinking it. I am participating in a competition here on Solo Island. In the recently held Youth Championship, I represented the Long Xia Alliance."Zhao Xu said

"Damn it, the Long Xia Alliance didn’t even look for me in a competition like this."Ma Yun said dissatisfied

"Haha, are you coming or not?"

In response to Ma Yun's bragging, Zhao Xu just laughed and didn't care.

"Come on, just wait, I'll be there tomorrow."Ma Yun said

"OK! If you arrive tomorrow, give me a call and I will pick you up at the door."

The two agreed and hung up the phone.

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