"Is that all the information?"

After reading Codoman's basic information, Zhao Xu didn't find anything special.

Throughout Codoman's life, he was a trainer before the age of 25. He never participated in a competition after becoming a platinum trainer. By the age of 30, he became a diamond-level trainer.

After Codoman became a diamond-level trainer, he did not participate in any competitions and was busy with his own career. He is currently running a sports shoe company and is developing very well.

Until recently, the International League To hold an international youth championship, Codoman inherited the elf left by his father, and the African Union requested Codoman to play.

The information introduced here is gone.

"This is all we have investigated so far, but your suspicion is justified. In the past few years, Codoman has been busy with his career and has no time to train elves."

"His father was a powerful trainer during his lifetime. With Codoman's training method, it was absolutely impossible for him to train the elves left behind by his father to level 100."

Wang Na thought that Zhao Xu was a bit nosy, but after investigating Codoman's information, Wang Na also found that something was wrong with Codoman.

How could a person who has not trained an elf for a long time possibly cultivate an elf to level 100? , unless Kodoman has the same opportunity as Zhao Xu and meets an outdated rabbi

"Do you think this Codoman will meet an outdated rabbi?"Wang Na couldn't help but ask

"If it were a normal training, Codoman's elf would not only have strong offensive ability but weak defensive ability."Zhao Xu said

"You are right, so how do you plan to investigate?"The information we have now only says that there is a problem with Codoman's elves, but we have not yet begun to investigate the specifics.

"There are two ways, surveillance or direct arrest for interrogation."Zhao Xu's method was simple and crude.

In fact, Zhao Xu wanted to do it alone this time. He just needed to find an unoccupied room and let Hu Pa arrest him directly for interrogation.

But Wang Na was arranged to come over and let Zhao Xu is somewhat handicapped

"Your method is really simple and crude.'"Wang Na had a headache. She thought Zhao Xu would have some good ideas, but this is what happened.

"So what are you going to do? I suggest direct hypnosis interrogation, which will only take a while."Zhao Xu still prefers simple and crude hypnotic interrogation.

"Aren't you afraid of turning Codoman into an idiot?"

Wang Na also knows that hypnosis interrogation is the most convenient, but the risk is also the highest. Even Wang Na cannot guarantee whether hypnosis interrogation will leave any sequelae on that person.

"Don’t be afraid, Hupa can do it, have you forgotten?"Hu Pa's hypnotic ability has been demonstrated before, so Zhao Xu allowed Wang Na to follow him.

"Is Hoopa here?"

Wang Na looked around and didn't find Hu Pa.

"Not here, but Hupa will be here soon."Zhao Xu said


If it's Hu Pa, Wang Na quite agrees with Zhao Xu's approach, just pull Codoman over and hypnotize him.

"I don’t know, maybe within this month."Zhao Xu said

"Why within this month?"Wang Na didn't understand very much.

"Because I promised Hupa to take him to the amusement park every month, Hupa would come to see me irregularly every month."Hu Pa has long been exposed, and there is no need for Zhao Xu to be secretive.

At this time, he told the alliance that the close connection between himself and Hu Pa will make the alliance pay more attention to the importance of Zhao Xu.

Wang Na was stunned. (It's so cool to watch. For novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Just taking Hupa to the amusement park and making Hupa listen to Zhao Xu's words seems like anyone can do it.

Wang Na also knows how to envy Zhao Xu's good luck in meeting Hupa Such a legendary elf.

After all, there are only records of Hupa in the alliance. He has not even left his appearance, and even the legend has not been handed down. But Zhao Xu happened to meet him. What a blessing.

"What are you going to do the rest of the time? Are you just waiting for Hupa to come?"Wang Na knows that Hu Pa has survived for a long time. Maybe she just feels that it is new to be with Zhao Xu now. After a long time, she will not pester Zhao Xu so much.

"Travel, and see if Codoman will do anything."Zhao Xu originally planned to conquer the elf.[]

But with Wang Na here, it was difficult for Zhao Xu to take action. After all, Zhao Xu had a lot of elves to conquer.

Zhao Xu is currently collecting elves from the sixth generation, many of which are unique to the non-chieftain areas, such as the Fire Lion, so Zhao Xu will come to the non-chieftain area sooner or later.

Now that Wang Na is following, it is not convenient for Zhao Xu to subdue so many elves. He can only wait until this matter is resolved before staying to subdue them.

"If I had known you were relying on Hupa, I wouldn't have come."

Wang Na came over, mainly because she was worried that Zhao Xu would conflict with the African Emirates Alliance.

In any case, the elves in Codoman's hands are very strong, and the African Emirates Alliance is at the bottom of all alliances, so Codoman must be the leader of the African Emirates Alliance. One of the candidates for the Four Heavenly Kings is still a very strong candidate.

Therefore, the African Emirates Alliance will naturally regard Codoman as one of its own. No matter how strong Zhao Xu is, but he is not a trainer in his own region, he will definitely help his relatives and not help him..Especially how Codoman makes his elf stronger, I don’t know. With this kind of ambiguity, the African Emirates Alliance will definitely help Codoman.

".You didn't ask before you came."

Zhao Xu was still worried about why Wang Na came over, so he just picked up his luggage and came to find him.

"Forget it, I didn’t ask clearly about this matter this time. Just tell me when you want to go out and I’ll go back to the room."

Wang Na found out about Zhao Xu's plan and knew that there was nothing to do recently, so she went back to her room. (No!) After Zhao Xu put his luggage away, he didn't go to notify Wang Na and just dressed up casually. After a while, we went to the trading center in Kailuo City.

While Wang Na was away, Zhao Xu needed to buy a batch of elves. It happened that it was also cheaper to buy local elves in the non-Emirate area.

After leaving the hotel, Zhao Xu took a taxi there. The Elf Trading Market in Kailuo City.

Because it is a very developed city, the Elf Trading Market is quite prosperous and very formal.

However, Zhao Xu hopes that this place is less formal. If it is too formal, the elves sold will only be Suitable for pets, wild elves cannot be sold here.

After going around for a while, Zhao Xu finally found the elf he wanted in a store, but this elf was just the elf Zhao Xu wanted. previous form

"Boy, do you want to buy an elf?"The shop owner saw Zhao Xu coming in and asked proactively.

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