"Huh! How did you know!"

"You know that little boy?"

The woman's originally not very kind face became even more unfriendly.

"I just know Xiaogang, but we are not familiar with him."

Seeing the woman so excited, Zhao Xu quickly distanced himself from his relationship with Xiaogang.

"Stop lying and tell me! Are you a spy sent by Xiaogang?"The woman asked

"Miss sister, you really misunderstood"

"If I were Xiaogang's spy, why would I come here to spy?"

Zhao Xu felt that this girl was so angry that her head started to think wildly.

"I don’t care, you must be with that Xiao Gang!"

"explain! Do you want to team up with that boy Xiaogang to deceive the elder sister?"

The woman is not being unreasonable at all. She has already started to mess around. She has rolled up her sleeves. It seems that she is planning to take action.

【What on earth did Xiaogang do to make his apprentice so angry? 】

Zhao Xu brought the two together with the intention of bringing them together, which was supposed to be a happy event. Why was Xiaoji's apprentice so excited that it made Xiaogang feel like he had ruined Xiaoji.

Besides, Xiaoji is going on a date with Xiaogang today. Xiaogang is really going to scum him, and Xiaoji will not continue to date Xiaogang.

"Please speak!"

"Have you been guessed by me and don’t know how to refute me?"

"That must be the case. Hurry up and tell us your conspiracy."

"Otherwise I......!"

The woman is aggressive and has a loud voice, which captures the essence of the quarrel.

"Little Thorn, what are you talking about?"

At this time, a royal lady came out of the passage behind Xiaosashi.

【He really lives up to his name, like a thorn, pricking people everywhere. 】Zhao Xu complained in his heart

"eldest sister head...!"

Seeing Xiaoji, Xiaoqi suddenly didn't dare to speak and became as well-behaved as a kitten.

"Little Thorn, what's going on here?"

Xiao Ji glanced at Zhao Xu and continued to question Xiao Ci.

"Sister, he is here to challenge you."Xiao Ci didn't say that Zhao Xu knew Xiaogang, but said that Zhao Xu came to challenge Xiao Ji.

Xiao Ji was very confused, even if he was someone who came to challenge him, why did Xiao Ci shout so loudly?

"Hello, I am a pioneering mind in the field of water pipes. I will rest here today. If you want to come, you can come tomorrow."Xiao Ji said.

Xiao Ji didn't ask in detail. It's just that we have a date today. Xiao Ji will not accept the challenge no matter what.

"Okay, I'll come back tomorrow morning."

Zhao Xu naturally won't disturb Xiao Ji's date.

After all, this is a couple that Zhao Xu arranged himself, and he must leave here as soon as possible.

In order to deceive Xiao Gang, Zhao Xu lied.

Now Xiao Gang is in Qianhong City, if Xiaogang is caught and Xiaogang suddenly says something, it will be hard for Zhao Xu to explain.

"Miss Xiao Ji!"

However, as soon as Zhao Xu finished speaking, a familiar voice came from behind him.

【No way! 】

The person Zhao Xu least wanted to see came.

"Miss Xiaoji, your cold and gentle eyes are so charming."

"So I couldn't help but come over. This is Xiaosheng's idea. Please help me."

At the next price, a boy with squinting eyes rushed to Xiao Ji and held a bouquet of flowers for Xiao Ji.

The boy with squinting eyes was naturally Zhao Xu.

When Xiao Ji saw Xiao Gang, she was a little confused. Seems a little reserved and shy

"that...Xiaogang, I'm ready, let's go on a date."Xiao Ji mustered up the courage to talk about the date.

"Okay, Xiaosheng has prepared everything. This date will definitely be something Miss Xiaoji will never forget."Xiao Gang was quite positive.

This was also the first time that his daughter was willing to date him.

Just like that, Xiao Gang and Xiao Ji left hand in hand.

"Are you sure Xiaogang knows you?"

Seeing that the two of them were far away, Xiao Ci suddenly asked. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Forehead! His eyes are small and his eyesight is not very good."

Zhao Xu didn't expect that Xiaogang's eyesight was so bad, and he didn't even notice it.

He didn't know whether Xiaogang's eyesight was really bad, or it was intentional.

After all, Zhao Xu had made an appointment with Xiaogang at the beginning, not to Tell your story to Xiaoji

"You go quickly and come back tomorrow"[]

With the episode just now, Xiaoqi no longer pursues Zhao Xu's matter.

Maybe he wanted to understand that Xiao Gang was the one who snatched Xiao Ji away, and there was no use in blaming Zhao Xu.


"Where to go!"

Zhao Xu was riding a fossil pterosaur in the sky, thinking about which pioneering mind to challenge.

The fourth pioneering mind was Yu Kang's old man, but the metal island where Yukang was located was a bit far away from Qianhong City, and it would take some time to get there..

But Zhao Xu is worried about what restrictions Yu Kang has.

Although there are no requirements for Xiaozhi to challenge the development zone in the animation, when Xiaozhi challenges the development zone, with Yaxida there to arrange it, all the pioneering minds will naturally be given. Yashida is a face

".If I had known earlier, I should have communicated with Yashida at that time, which would have been easier to arrange."

Zhao Xu did not delay, and quickly made a decision to go to Mimushi Town to challenge the battle tower.

It took an hour for Zhao Xu to arrive at Mimushi Town and go directly to the battle tower.

The battle tower is a similar building. The tower is almost seven stories high and very conspicuous.

After pressing the doorbell, a man with green short hair walked out. Judging from the man's appearance, he looked like a trainer.

"My name is Azheng, friend, are you okay?"

However, Ah Zheng's direct inquiry revealed the fact that he is a staff member here.

"Hello, my name is Zhao Xu, from the Galar region, and I am here to challenge Miss Lila."Zhao Xu just hopes that the battle can start soon.

After being rejected twice in a row, Zhao Xu doesn't want to be rejected for the third time.

"plz follow me."

The man didn't do any ink, and directly led Zhao Xu (Zhao Lihao) in, and then used the intercom to notify Lila to come down.

Seeing this, Zhao Xu also breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, he could have a good fight.

Come to the battle tower Inside the venue, Zhao Xu stood in the command area waiting.


The iron door opposite opened, and Lila, wearing white clothes, stood inside the iron door.

"let me introduce"

"Our Battle Tower is proud of its pioneering minds"

"A lonely genius! Battle Tower Lord, Lila Ci!"

Azheng gave a strong introduction to Lila's identity.

Zhao Xu only felt embarrassed. This was not an exhibition match. With such a strong introduction, wouldn't it be embarrassing if he was defeated?

Lila walked out of the iron gate and stood in command. District, asked,"Challenger, tell me your origins."

"Zhao Xu is from Fengyuan area."

Zhao Xu simply responded without any fancy titles.

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