"I have some things to deal with, so I’ve lost the bet. After a year, I will give you Riolu’s elf egg."

Compared with two quasi-gods, giving Riolu’s elf egg is really nothing.

"If you don't want to say it, forget it."

Seeing that Zhao Xu didn't say anything, Dai Xue didn't ask any more questions, turned and ran back to the house.

Zhao Xu took out his mobile phone, opened the Q message, and sent a leave request text message to Song Li. After all, Zhao Xu was a student and could ask for leave. There are no classes, but you must stay at school most of the time. If you want to go out for a few days, you still need to ask for leave.

After taking care of all this, and waiting for the elf to finish lunch, Zhao Xu immediately contacted Meng Gaoyang and went out directly

"Come on, get on the bus, I've already bought the ticket."

Meng Gaoyang had already bought the ticket to Baishan City and was waiting for Zhao Xu to get on the bus.

Zhao Xu didn't talk nonsense and got into the taxi directly.

The taxi drove to the high-speed rail station, and the two People boarded the high-speed rail and went directly to Baishan City......!

In a ward of a hospital in Baishan City, a middle-aged woman looked at a middle-aged man lying on the bed, with tears in her eyes that could not be wiped away.

""Mom, it's all my fault. I shouldn't have gone to fight with him. Don't worry about me. I just got engaged." The girl beside the bed was already crying.

Meng Qin felt very guilty in her heart. All this was because of herself. Caused by

"Silly child, others deliberately set a trap for our family. Your father also had a conflict with others because of you. How can you compromise?" Wang Lian would rather die than let his daughter get married.

"But what can I do if I don't get married?" Meng Qin is just a 15-year-old girl, who has never experienced such a thing. She originally summoned such a rare initial elf, but before she could spread her wings, she was caught by a hunter. From then on, life fell into darkness

"Don't say stupid things, your brother said there is a way, don't mess around, leave everything to your brother." Wang Lian can only place his hope on his son now.

"Brother is just a student, how can he solve this problem?"

It's not that Meng Qin doesn't believe in his brother, but this matter is completely beyond the family's ability.

"mom! How is dad?"

At this moment, Meng Gaoyang broke into the ward and saw his father lying on the hospital bed. His eyes suddenly turned red.

But as a stubborn man, he would never allow himself to cry. There were still needs around him. Relatives to take care of

""Xiaoyang, it's okay. Your dad's health is fine. He was just injured. He just needs to rest for a while." Seeing his son back, Wang Lian felt somewhat at ease.

"Who are you!"

Because of his position, Wang Lian did not notice Zhao Xu who came in from behind, but Meng Gaoyang's sister noticed Zhao Xu.

After Meng Qin's reminder, Wang Lan turned around and found Zhao Xu behind Meng Gaoyang, a man who looked like A boy about the same age as his own daughter

"Xiaoyang, this is the classmate you are talking about!"

On the phone at noon, Meng Gaoyang told his mother about Zhao Xu. Knowing that someone was willing to help, Wang Lian did not refuse, because his son was usually very steady in doing things and would not act without aim.

But when he saw Zhao Xu, Wang Lian I felt a little nervous in my heart, because Zhao Xu was too young. Even if the other party was rich, he should have brought someone over for something like this.

"Hello, aunt, my name is Zhao Xu. I am Senior Meng’s junior. I am here to help you." Zhao Xu introduced himself.

"Oh, hello, come and sit."

Wang Lian is now the only elder in the family, so he naturally has to cheer up and entertain him well, and asks Meng Gaoyang to bring the bench next to the wall for Zhao Xu to sit on.

Zhao Xu is not polite and sits directly Down and up

"Who is this? Meng

Qin looked at Zhao Xu, wondering whether Zhao Xu could solve his family's predicament.

Regarding Zhao Xu's request, Meng Qin also knew that if Zhao Xu could really solve it, let alone borrow Yuan Lusha to observe it for two days. , no problem for one year

"That aunt, what's going on now, can you tell me in detail?"Although I heard Meng Gaoyang say it once at noon, now that things have changed, I still have to listen to Meng Gaoyang's mother say it again.

Wang Lian told what happened, and also told what happened today when Tang Yuan's family came to make trouble. He went through it again.

Except for the people from the Tang Yuan family who came to make trouble, the rest of the things were very different from what Meng Gaoyang described.

"I understand, can you give me full responsibility for this matter now?"Zhao Xu hopes that Meng Gaoyang's family can trust him

"Zhao Xu, can you tell Auntie about your solution first?"Wang Lian is an adult after all. Even if he leaves the matter to Zhao Xu, he must first know how Zhao Xu plans to handle it.

"I can cure that precious dragon, so your family doesn’t have to lose money," Zhao Xu said


Wang Lian suddenly didn't know what to say.

"I don’t know who you are, but everyone knows about treatment. The key is that the guy’s precious dragon is disabled and will not be able to fight in the future," Meng Qin said.

"The treatment I'm talking about is naturally not a simple treatment, including the recovery of the baby dragon's disability," Zhao Xu said

"Stop lying, even the Elf Center can't do this kind of thing." Meng Qin didn't believe it.

Not only Meng Qin, but also Meng Gaoyang and Wang Lian didn't believe it, and they even felt that Zhao Xu couldn't be trusted more and more.

""Zhao Xu, that's not what you said before you came here."

Meng Gaoyang couldn't help but interrupt. Zhao Xu had said to compensate before, but now he suddenly said that he needed treatment. This turn was too unexpected.

"Compensating is the most cost-effective way. I will only pay if the treatment is ineffective," said Zhao Xu.

"But the elf center has determined that he is disabled, how do you treat it?"Hearing Zhao Xu say that losing money is also one of the ways, Meng Gaoyang was somewhat relieved.

Since there are other ways besides losing money, it is best to use

"You don’t need to know this, I estimate there is an 80% chance that it can be cured and the baby dragon will be like a normal baby dragon," Zhao Xu said

"Why should we believe you?"Meng Qin looked at Zhao Xu. In the final analysis, this is all Zhao Xu's words. There is no guarantee.

"We can sign a contract and ask a lawyer to prove it. If I fail, I will pay for your family to compensate."

Having said this, Zhao Xu believed that Meng Gaoyang's family could understand the current situation.

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