""It's different." Zhang Ying shook her head and explained,"Unless the baby dragon is captured from the wild, it won't be a criminal case. At most, he will be compensated or imprisoned.""

"But the other party was setting up a trap for Meng Qin. There was something wrong with the way Tang Yuan looked at Baby Dragon just now. He was obviously trying to avoid it. There is a lot of trouble here. If you use hypnosis for verification, you will definitely be able to find out something," Hao Xuan said.

"That cannot be enabled. If the hypnotized subject is unwilling, it will affect the hypnosis verification. If it is forced, it will even damage the nerves of the hypnotized subject. Therefore, even in criminal cases, without a large amount of evidence, the court is We will never use hypnosis for verification," Zhang Ying patiently answered.

"It's up to you, Lawyer Zhang, to handle the lawsuit. I'll be responsible for curing the baby dragon." Zhao Xu didn't want to get too involved, so he had to hatch the baby dragon first.

"Then Zhao Xu can sign this contract." Zhang Ying has taken care of everything and is now waiting for Zhao Xu to sign the contract.

If the baby dragon is not cured, Zhao Xu will pay all the compensation.

Zhang Ying will reprint the contract and hand it over To Zhao Xu.

Because of Zhang Ying's professionalism, Zhao Xu read it carefully to avoid being dug into by the other party. After confirming it three times, Zhao Xu signed his name on the two contracts.

"Zhao Xu, if you don't want to disclose your treatment methods to us, do you plan to take Baby Dragon to other places for treatment?"Zhang Ying asked

"Yes, I have to go back. The treatment only takes one day. I'll be back the day after tomorrow." Zhao Xu is also preparing to participate in the Insect King Contest. The registration deadline is the 25th, and it happens to be just after 2 p.m., so hurry up and register now I will come back three days later and stay in Baishan City for a few days to participate in a competition.

"It's not too late, Zhao Xu, you can set off now," Zhang Ying said

"Lawyer Zhang, aren’t you going to send someone back with me? Aren't you afraid that I'll run away?"Zhao Xu was very cautious before meeting Zhang Ying. Why would he let him go so easily at this time without asking anyone to go back with him?

""I'm not afraid. If it were someone else, I would still be worried, but if it were you, I wouldn't be worried at all," Zhang Ying said.


"You are a student of Peking University. Meng Gaoyang went to the student union hall to check your information. Your trainer ID card and ID card are both genuine. Even if you run away, I can still go to Peking University to find you." Zhang Ying still doesn't know I don’t know Zhao Xu’s identity, but I know that Zhao Xu’s identity must not be simple, and I will definitely not default on the debt.

"Then Senior Meng will accompany me to register for the competition first, and then go to the high-speed rail station," Zhao Xu said.

Meng Gaoyang looked helpless and had forgotten about it. However, Zhao Xu still remembered the Insect King Competition. He was truly a fighting maniac.

"Sign up for a competition? Insect King Contest?"Zhang Ying doesn't know the whereabouts of Meng Gaoyang and Zhao Xu in the morning, but she still knows about the recent competitions in Baishan City.

"Yes, Zhao Xu saw the promotional poster for the Insect King Contest in the battle area and planned to participate in the competition," Meng Gaoyang said

"Only insect-type elves can be used in the Insect King Tournament!"Zhang Ying looked at Zhao Xu strangely.

Although she didn't know what elf lineup Zhao Xu was in, judging from the information received so far, it shouldn't be an insect lineup.

"The important thing is to participate, I happen to have insect-type elves." Zhao Xu didn't bother to explain in detail, saying that he had an insect-type lineup, he would definitely be questioned by Meng Gaoyang.

"Then Xiaoyang, go with Zhao Xu, remember, you have to take him to the high-speed rail station," Wang Liandao

"Got it, Mom!"

Meng Gaoyang also knows how to buy time, so that the baby dragon has more time to heal.

Meng Gaoyang took Zhao Xu to the registration location for the Insect King Tournament, which was in a small mall near the Elf Center. It's not a small counter, it's a temporary one.

"Um? Why don't you go to the Alliance Center to register?"

Seeing this simple registration point, Zhao Xu wondered if Meng Gaoyang had taken him the wrong way.

"This is not a silver conference, it is an event organized by Baishan City itself, and it is considered a private competition," Meng Gaoyang explained.

"Oh, let's go there."

Zhao Xu had heard of private competitions, but this was the first time he met them. After all, Zhao Xu had lived in Wuxian for more than ten years and could only watch the Elf games on TV.

"Hello, do you two want to sign up together?"The counter lady asked

"I am the only one signing up."

Zhao Xu walked forward and looked at the things on the counter. They were all registration forms.

"Please show your trainer's ID card. We need to confirm your age."

The Insect King Tournament only allows trainers between the ages of 15 and 20 to participate.

Zhao Xu took out his trainer's ID card and showed it to the lady at the counter.

"Okay, this is the registration form. There is a sample here, just fill it out according to the sample." The registration form is similar to the registration form that Zhao Xu filled out when he participated in the Silver Conference, except that this registration has an extra column"Wanted Insect Type" Elf"

"Kairos or Heracross?"

Zhao Xu was in a dilemma. Kairos and Heracross are both very strong elves, and both can super evolve. Their race values ​​are also 500, and their race value distribution is similar. They can be said to be evenly matched elves..

However, in terms of personality, Kairos is more aggressive. Although Heracross has fighting attributes, he has a gentle temperament and is a very honest elf.

"Forget it, let's choose Heracross. After all, I am also an honest person."

Zhao Xu finally chose Heracross. The reason is that Zhao Xu thinks that he is also an honest person.

"Okay, take this." After confirming that the registration form was OK, the lady at the counter gave Zhao Xu a number plate.

The number plate was No. 18

"You must go to the central venue of the competition area before 9 a.m. on October 1st and go directly to the player tunnel. This number plate is also your pass, so don’t lose it. If you lose it, come to me to replace it," the lady at the counter reminded me.

"Um! Thank you, I understand."

After Zhao Xu put away the number plate, he followed Meng Gaoyang to the high-speed rail station.

"Zhao Xu, do you live in Lengshan City?"

Arrived at the high-speed rail station, Zhao Xu directly bought a ticket to Lengshan City, and Meng Gaoyang who was following him also saw it.

""The person who can cure the baby dragon lives in Lengshan City."

The main reason is that Zhao Xu really has nowhere to go, so he is familiar with Lengshan City.

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