"This is not what Hall Master Tang should ask, and I have no obligation to tell you." Zhao Xu felt that Tang Yong talked a little too much.

He had made it clear that he did not want to chat with him, but he still insisted on chatting with him and insisted on giving it to him. Is it okay to just look at his face?

"Please don’t get me wrong, I just hope that your elders can also help me heal the elf," Tang Yong said

"The appraisal results haven’t come out yet? Are you so sure that Baby Dragon is cured?"Zhao Xu doesn't believe that Tang Yong only has this purpose. He must want to make friends with the person who can cure the baby dragon.

Unfortunately, this person is Zhao Xu, but Zhao Xu has no way to say it. If he says that he can cure the disabled elf, Power and money will come in an instant, but so will danger and exploitation.

Before he has absolute strength, Zhao Xu would rather reveal that he can conduct waves than reveal that he can cure elves.

"My elf lineup is of the dragon type, even the initial elf is of the dragon type. I have been dealing with dragon type elf for so many years, so I still have some discernment." Tang Yong is not bragging. He has been a trainer for thirty years and knows most of the dragon elves very well.

"Sorry, I can't agree. My family told me that I can't make that kind of promise to others in the future," Zhao Xu said.

"What kind of commitment?"Tang Yong held his chin and couldn't figure out what kind of benefits the Meng family gave Zhao Xu, so that Zhao Xu could invite someone with healing ability to take action.

"Actually, it’s nothing. I just heard such things from Meng Gaoyang, so I couldn’t stand it, so I planned to come over and help. However, people in Senior Meng’s family didn’t believe me. I signed a gambling agreement. If the baby dragon cannot be completely cured, I will pay the compensation for the baby dragon."

Zhao Xu felt that it was necessary to improve the status of his family, and it must be raised high.

"Later, when I brought my baby dragon back, I was scolded by the elders in my family and refused to treat him. Later, after I repeatedly promised not to do it again, my elders agreed to treat my baby dragon. So for your plea, Mr. Tang, I There is nothing I can do to help." Zhao Xu put on a helpless expression.

"You can ask your elders in your family and ask for any conditions. I believe I can still meet the conditions of your elders." Tang Yong was also a little anxious. He really planned to ask Zhao Xu's elders to help treat him. Elf.

Over the years, Tang Yong has taken his elf to many famous doctors for treatment. Unfortunately, they all said that he could not be cured. One of the famous doctors said that if he wanted to cure his elf, he must find someone with special healing abilities. People or elves.

There are quite a few elves with complete healing capabilities. Some elves can even bring living things back to life. The key point is that they are mythical beasts that can be encountered but cannot be sought. Even if you see them, how to communicate is still is a question.

As for subduing, not to mention legal issues, it is still a question of whether it can be fought.

Looking at Tang Yong's eager face, Zhao Xu was indifferent.

If Zhao Xu had not obtained the treasure dragon, Zhao Xu would really agree.

But now that Zhao Xu has got the baby dragon’s elf egg, and soon he will also get the round land shark’s elf egg. He has two dragon-type elves at once, and they are both quasi-gods. Zhao Xu no longer needs it.

Zhao Xu thought There are a lot of things he wants, and Tang Yong can satisfy many of Zhao Xu's requirements, but Zhao Xu doesn't want to get them from Tang Yong. The risk is too great and it's not worth it.

"Sorry, I can't help you."

Zhao Xu coldly refused.

"Just help me bring a message to your elders. Even if it doesn't work, you can tell me on the phone later." Tang Yong still refused to give up.

Zhao Xu hesitated. Originally, Zhao Xu suspected that Tang Yong had ulterior motives, but the other party said With such a condition, it seems that he really wants to cure the elf.

And it can be felt that the elf is very important to Tang Yong.

"As long as you are willing to help me, I can give away a dragon elf." Seeing Zhao Xu's silence, Tang Yong immediately dismissed the condition of sending a dragon elf to seduce Zhao Xu.

In the past, Zhao Xu would have been tempted by this condition. But not now. Although there are still four dragons left in the dragon lineup, they have all been booked. For the remaining four dragons, Zhao Xu plans to conquer the Chinese Valentine's Day Blue Bird, Charizard, Monster Jaw Dragon and Lizard King.

Charizard and Lizard King are in the Super League. After evolution, all dragon attributes can be used as dragon elves.

Although Qixi Blue Bird is a dragon traitor, it is strong if it can mega evolve. Especially Qixi Blue Bird's racial value is not low, with 490, plus There is also the Mega Evolution Stone of the Qixi Bluebird in the backpack. Why don’t you conquer one?

As for the Strange Jaw Dragon, there is a jaw fossil in the backpack. The elf revived from the fossil in the backpack must be 6V. Although the Strange Jaw Dragon has many weaknesses, The race value is still 521, plus there will be 100 points of race value that can be strengthened in the future. If you have more weaknesses, just have more. Who will make you high-quality?

Even if Zhao Xu now has a 6V variety monster, he wants to be one higher It is also very difficult to produce 6V-quality elves. It takes at least dozens or even hundreds of hatchings to produce one 6V-quality elf.

And only one elf egg can be produced in a day, which takes several months or even It will only take a few years. In such a long time, Zhao Xu will be able to cultivate a gold-level elf at worst.

Tang Yong silently waited for Zhao Xu's answer...!

I don’t know how long he thought about it before Zhao Xu belatedly said,"I don’t need dragon-type elves at the moment."

"Then tell me, what do you need? If I can do it, I will be satisfied." Seeing that the other party said this, he was obviously willing to help him, so Tang Yong allowed the other party to make conditions. As long as they were not too excessive, Tang Yong would definitely agree.

"Why is this Tang Yong not on the road at all? Can't you mention something real?" Zhao Xu was a little speechless in his heart. He didn't lack dragon elves now, but he was short of money.

But Zhao Xu really couldn't blame Tang Yong, because Tang Yong thought that Zhao Xu's family was very wealthy. Money, so there must be no shortage of money. Tang Yong even felt that he was insulting the other party in advance.

"Can you first tell me who the elf you want to heal is?"Zhao Xu was too embarrassed to take the initiative to withdraw money, so he could only use a delaying tactic for the time being.

"It's a desert dragonfly, its wings are injured and it can no longer fly." Tang Yong immediately named the elf that needed treatment, and even told the extent of the injury.

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