"Brother Zhao Xu, did you only prepare one giant needle bee?"

At the dinner table, Meng Qin asked Zhao Xu about his preparations for the war while drinking juice. Although he had asked about it before, Zhao Xu never explained clearly.

"Two elves!"

Zhao Xu is also helpless. These two brothers and sisters always ask about their own lineups and want to give themselves advice.

Neither of you are trainers of the insect-type lineup. How can you come up with so many theories? Each one of them is a talker. king

"What is the other elf? Meng Qin asked curiously

"You will know after the game," Zhao Xu said.

Meng Qin...!

Although a little depressed, Meng Qin has become accustomed to Zhao Xu's cold personality.

"So Zhao Xu, do you have any suggestions for my elf lineup?"Meng Gaoyang immediately changed the topic.

During the four days together, Meng Gaoyang discovered that Zhao Xu was very knowledgeable about elves. He was currently thinking of adding an elf, but didn't know what to choose, so he happened to ask Zhao Xu suggestions

"What lineup did the seniors choose?"

Zhao Xu has only played against Meng Gaoyang once. Although he knows Meng Gaoyang's initial elf Bibi Bird, Bibi Bird has normal + flying double attributes, and it is not clear what attributes Meng Gaoyang has.

"My Bibi Bird has both normal and flying attributes, and I am using a normal lineup," Meng Gaoyang said.

"General department? Besides Bibi Bird, what other elves do you have on hand now?"Zhao Xu is a little speechless. It's not that the general elves are not powerful, but the powerful elves in the general type are more difficult to acquire.

At present, Zhao Xu thinks that the powerful general type elves include Kirby, Marsupial, and Happy Egg. These.

These three are the most representative, but they are not that difficult to catch.

There are Kirby beasts, and they are easy to catch. The key is that they are difficult to tame and cannot be raised.

Happy eggs are evolved from auspicious eggs. Don’t even think about the healing elves. The chance of encountering them in the wild is extremely low. You can buy them with money, but they are very expensive and almost impossible to buy without a certain social status.

As for the marsupials, they cherish the elves very much. It's illegal to buy marsupials from people, and it's unrealistic to buy them from marsupials. Meng Gaoyang is just an ordinary family, so why should others sell them to Meng Gaoyang?

Generally, people who own precious elves will give away the offspring of the cherished elves to others, just to make connections. Generally not for sale

"In addition to the Bibi bird, I also have two elves, namely the Muke eagle and the hairy eagle," Meng Gaoyang said.

Zhao Xu...o((⊙﹏⊙))o? ? ?


Zhao Xu almost vomited blood. Are you sure you are of the general type? Although the Muck Eagle and the Little Eagle both have the general type, when you tell me about your lineup, everyone thinks you are a flying type. All three of them are birds.

"Junior, don't be surprised, I did it on purpose." Meng Gaoyang also knew that Zhao Xu would feel that his lineup was not like a normal lineup.

"What does it mean?"

Three question marks popped up on Zhao Xu's head, and he couldn't figure out what Meng Gaoyang meant at this time.

"I am doing this to confuse my opponents in future competitions," Meng Gaoyang said.

Zhao Xu was a little speechless. The last few games of the Silver Conference and Gold Conference were all 3V3 battles. If Meng Gaoyang's main elves had 6, they would be able to confuse them. Opponents, but it is not that simple to cultivate six elves.

Even for the elves in Zhang Xin's hands, the highest level Sun Eevee is only level 46, and the lowest level Mane Rock Wolf is level 34. Obviously, they were cultivated later. Elf, it’s very difficult to keep up with the progress of the first echelon

"What confusing effect does this have on you? Are you planning to give up your main elf?"Zhao Xu couldn't understand Meng Gaoyang's thoughts at all.

"Yes, I do plan to give up my initial elf and slowly cultivate it in the future. Is there any problem?"Meng Gaoyang felt that his actions were normal.

"Oh, I understand, I'm overthinking."

Zhao Xu, who originally wanted to complain, suddenly thought of the importance of the starter elves to trainers. Many professional trainers would give up cultivating their own starter elves and can only use them as backup. The elf, even just let his initial elf live a peaceful life. The initial elf is related to the life of the trainer, so naturally it must be protected.

If you think so, Zhao Xu can understand Meng Gaoyang's thoughts, but even so , most popular pets among elves are difficult to obtain.

"Then I suggest you choose the flying type. The general type is not suitable for you." Even so, Zhao Xu still recommended Meng Gaoyang to choose the flying type.

"Zhao Xu, do you have any suggestions?"Meng Gaoyang asked

"Takami can't talk about it, but the lineup of flying elves is still very powerful. They first occupy the high altitude, and this alone can dodge most of the elves' moves.

The flying elf can not only ignore ground-based moves, but also dodge many moves.

Compared with the flightless elves, the flying elves can move not only forward, backward, left, and right, but also up and down. As long as it is not a tracking type of move, the hit rate will definitely be reduced.

If the opponent wants to jump up and engage in an aerial battle with the flying elf, the flying elf has the most advantage in terms of mobility. It is not easy to use your hands and feet in the air." Zhao Xu mentioned a lot of advantages of the flying elf in one breath.

Meng Gaoyang and Meng Qin both listened to Teacher Zhao's lectures like good students.

"Zhao Xu, what you said makes sense, but isn't it bad for the general lineup?"Meng Gaoyang's character is relatively stable, but he still hopes to take a more stable path.

"It’s not that the general line-up is not good, it’s that the better elves are hard to get. The better general elves include Ring Bear, Wombat, Porygon Z, Happy Egg, Dressed Bear, Chino Chinchilla, etc. Kirby is actually very powerful, but you probably can't afford it." Zhao Xu gave examples one by one.

Meng Gaoyang sweated violently. Zhao Xu talked about so many elves, and Meng Gaoyang felt that only Chino Chinchilla could afford it. , other elves are extremely difficult to acquire

"Are these the only general elves recommended?"Meng Gaoyang knew the conditions of his family. Although he received compensation from Tang Yong, he could only buy one or two.

"Yes, headshot buffalo, big tongue licker, blocking bear, two-tailed monster hand, and flaming lion are also good elves." Zhao Xu gave examples of elves this time. There are many elves whose race values ​​do not exceed 500, but their characteristics The division of racial values ​​is very good, as it allocates limited racial values ​​to the blade.

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