"Then you wait here for the awards, I will go to the elf center first." Roda also had to rush to the elf to treat the ancient armor. After saying goodbye, he left quickly. When he came to the player waiting room, the staff asked Zhao Xu stayed here, waiting for the host's notification before going to the venue. The organizer would personally award Zhao Xu a reward later. After the venue was repaired, the organizer began to introduce their latest products, which were naturally of the insect type. Elf-related items mainly include care products and some feeds that give insect-type elves special characteristics.

As Zhao Xu is the first in the Insect King Competition, the organizer will naturally give Zhao Xu a free set of care products and some insect-type elf special feeds.

After the organizer finished introducing his products, the host announced that Zhao Xu would come on stage to receive the award.

""Zhao Xu, you performed very well in this competition. I hope to see you in more advanced competitions. This is the elf egg of Heracross." The boss of the organizer held an egg incubator and handed it to Zhao Xu.

Zhao Xu took it Passing the elf egg, I immediately glanced at it.

LV1 elf egg/number of hatching steps: 17

Heracross has 25 incubation cycles. When converted into normal time, it takes 51 days to hatch, which is considered a relatively long incubation cycle.

Heracross The reason why there are so many La Crosse is because they are so docile. If they were a little more aggressive, their numbers would definitely be greatly reduced.

"Thank you, I will work hard." Zhao Xu also responded politely to the other party.

After receiving the reward, the Insect King Tournament was completely over.

Zhao Xu also kept it in mind and did not leave through the gate of the arena, but through the back door of the arena. Leave, and then leave through other doors in the battle area.

Although there are super evolutions, they are still rare after all. The Insect King Tournament is a niche competition, but the people who go to watch it are all people who are keen on insect elves.

They watch When the Needle Bee can super evolve, it will definitely block Zhao Xu at the door, and will not let Zhao Xu come out without asking what happened.

But Zhao Xu is so smart, how can he let these bullies succeed? Zhao Xu has sunglasses in his backpack , masks, and hats, you can escape into the crowd anywhere.

Taking a taxi back to the hotel, the brother and sister Meng Gaoyang were already waiting for Zhao Xu in the lobby of the hotel.

Zhao Xu had already given Meng a gift when he was waiting for the award in the player room. Gao Yang sent a Q message and asked them to go directly to the hotel to wait for him.

Seeing Zhao Xu coming, the eyes of the brother and sister Meng Gaoyang were full of expectancy. Apparently, the super evolution of the Needle Bee made them both surprised and curious.

"If you have anything to ask, ask right away!"

Zhao Xu curled his lips, knowing that they would not let him go upstairs unless he gave them an explanation.

"Isn't your initial elf Menas?"Meng Gaoyang was the first to ask.

Because of the current super evolution, those elves are the trainer's initial elves, and Zhao Xu's initial elf is Menas.

"Yeah, what does it matter?"

Although most of the elves that are currently exposed to the public and can super evolve are the initial elves.

But no one has proved that if they are not the initial elves, other elves cannot super evolve.

"The elves that can super evolve can only be done by the trainer's initial elves." As a professional trainer, Meng Gaoyang has naturally paid attention to super evolution.

"That's just a superficial appearance. No one has ever said that you must be an initial elf before you can super evolve. Currently, no researchers have shown that you must be an initial elf to super evolve," said Zhao Xu.

"Then there is another way!"

Hearing this, the curiosity of brother and sister Meng Gaoyang was instantly piqued, and they pricked up their ears and waited for Zhao Xu's answer.

"As far as Ace knows, some researchers have said that super evolution depends on the bond between the trainer and the elf. If the bond is deep enough, the elf will have a super evolution."

"It's just that most of the initial Pokemon are the first Pokemon that trainers come into contact with, so from a superficial level, the public mistakenly thinks that only the initial Pokemon can super evolve."

"Some trainers have obtained elves since they were young, and those elves can also super evolve."

Zhao Xu didn't know what the super evolution system in this world was like, so he could only rely on his little knowledge to fool the brothers and sisters in front of him.


Meng Gaoyang was very surprised. It was the first time he heard this statement.

Although it is different from the statement on the Internet, according to the trainers who have super evolved elves, it is indeed the case. Those elves have gotten along with the trainers. For a long time.

In current public perception, in addition to the condition of the initial elf for super evolution, there is another point that the trainer and the elf must be present at the same time, otherwise the elf will not be able to super evolve. It's a very miraculous thing.

So far, researchers haven't figured out the reason. They only know that there is some kind of continuity between the initial elf and the trainer. Once the distance is far, this connection will be broken.

"Of course it's true. I conquered the giant sting wasp when I was still a unicorn beetle, and it has been with me for 4 years. I also discovered a year ago that the Needle Bee can super evolve, and every time it super evolves, I feel like I have some kind of connection with the Needle Bee, and I can sense the emotions of the Needle Bee." Zhao Xu is probably lying. , lest Meng Gaoyang continue to struggle with this issue

"Could this be the Son of Destiny!"

Meng Gaoyang felt lemony in his heart. Regardless of his birth, the initial elf was still the elf that Menas cherished so much. Forget all this, even the elf he raised when he was a child can super evolve. MD! This is simply a dream start!

Little did Gao Yang know that except for the initial elf being Menas, the other two were all made up by Zhao Xu.

"Okay, do you have any more questions?"Zhao Xu felt that his answer was very detailed.If Meng Gaoyang keeps holding on, Zhao Xu will pretend not to know anything.

"Brother Zhao Xu, I have been thinking about it for a while. I plan to choose the ground type for my elf lineup. I hope brother Zhao Xu can help me recommend some elves." Meng Qin is not interested in super evolution, after all, this thing is too mysterious. , no one knows how to master this ability, it is better to talk about practical things.

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