"Alas~! Don't! Seeing Wei Tong take out his mobile phone, Wei Wu immediately stopped him and persuaded him,"This is my father's business. How can I let you pay back the money? You can spend the money you earn by yourself.""

"But dad you..."

Wei Tong still knows his father well and knows that his father loves gambling.

However, Wei Wu still treated Wei Tong very favorably. Even if he borrowed money, he had to meet the requirements of his children, so Wei Tong still recognized Wei Wu as his father.

Otherwise, we would never know that someone was causing trouble for Wei Wu and would come to the police station to see him at night.

"Xiaotong, you have to believe dad, I really quit gambling." Although Wei Wu is a tough man, at this moment, he is a completely kind father in front of his daughter.

"Sister Tong, don't worry, my aunt and Uncle Wei are colleagues, this small amount of money is nothing." Zhao Xu felt that it was effective, and he also offered to help Wei Wu.

"Yes, his parents and I have known each other for a long time and we have a good relationship." Seeing Zhao Xu, Wei Wu relented and immediately got off the slope.

"is that so?"

Wei Tong knows that because of his father's gambling, his relatives and friends have long been alienated from him. It is hard to imagine that his father still has friends around him.

"Yes, we have a good relationship." Zhao Xu opened his eyes and told lies.

Zhang Xin helped Wei Wu only for Riolu, and did not really want to help Wei Wu pay off the debt.

However, when Wei Tong heard this, he was even more reluctant and said excitedly"In that case, we have to give money."

Wei Wu and Zhao Xu were both shocked. They didn't know what Wei Tong was thinking.

In Wei Tong's opinion, it was rare for his father to have such a friend beside him. If Zhao hadn't been here today, If Xu takes action, who knows what will happen next?

"Sister Xiaotong, I believe Uncle Wei will pay me back. The two of us can add Q letters, and I will help you supervise Uncle Wei." Since he can get one hundred thousand yuan back, Zhao Xu will naturally not be polite.

"Depend on! This guy is so shady!"

Wei Wu originally thought that Zhao Xu didn't intend to ask for the 100,000 yuan. Now it seems that he insists on paying the money himself. If he doesn't pay back the money, Zhao Xu will directly ask Wei Tong for it.


Wei Tong happily exchanged Q signals with Zhao Xu.

Because of his mother's relationship, it is usually difficult for Wei Tong to see his father. It would be good if he could learn about his father's current situation through Zhao Xu.

"Then you father and daughter can continue to get together, I'm leaving first." After adding Wei Tong's Q letter, Zhao Xu was no longer afraid that Wei Wu would not pay back the money.

As for Wei Wu's contact information, Zhao Xu had seen it at Wei Wu's stall , recorded it in my mind.

Zhao Xu didn't go far and stayed in a nice hotel near the police station.

When he came to the room, Zhao Xu washed up, prepared to play with his mobile phone for a while before going to bed, and read the Q message by the way.

Open Q New, and the friend list with a small number of digits is the unread messages marked with a red"8" number under Zhou Sisi's avatar.

Zhou Sisi: When will you come back!

21:21 on September 28th!

Zhou Sisi:(ˇˇ)unhappy!

September 30th at 6:34!

Zhou Sisi: Humph! Bad guy!...!

October 3rd at 11 o’clock!

Zhou Sisi: Come back quickly. Tomorrow is the assessment battle for our club. Senior Sister Rong said that if you don’t come back, your position as vice president will be revoked.

"Um? Assessment battle? Wasn't it just a fight?"Originally, Zhao Xu thought this message was cute, but when he saw the last one, he was a little confused.

"exist? Didn’t you just pass the assessment battle?"Zhao Xu immediately replied and asked what was going on.

Unfortunately, after waiting for more than ten minutes, Zhou Sisi did not reply to him.


However, the system notification of the Q letter suddenly rang.

Zhao Xu clicked on it.

Add friend notification!

Wei Wu : I am Wei Wu, if you see the speed, add me

"Wei Wu!"

Zhao Xu was a little surprised when he saw that the person who added him was Wei Wu, but he immediately guessed that Wei Tong must have given him his Q signal.

"Come on, even though Wei Wu is a gambling dog, he is still a platinum-level trainer, and his strange power looks pretty good." Zhao Xu's mind was already hungry for Wei Wu's strange power.


Passed Wei Wu Wei Wu immediately sent a line of friend request.

Wei Wu: Boy, you can threaten me with my daughter.

Zhao Xu: Uncle, what are you talking about? I just want to get to know Sister Xiaotong. That's all.

Wei Wu: You kid, don't harass my daughter. I will pay you back the hundred thousand yuan in two months. If you let me know that you are harassing my daughter, I promise to go to your school and tear you apart.

Zhao Xu: Uncle Wei Wu, don't worry, I'm a A man of his own honour.

Seeing that Wei Wu promised to return the 100,000 yuan to him, Zhao Xu felt relieved.

Although Wei Tong was good-looking, when he thought that Wei Tong had a gambling dad like Wei Wu, as long as a man knew They will all hesitate whether to continue to be with Wei Tong.

Maybe some men know this and will only play with Wei Tong. If they really want to talk about marriage, they will most likely abandon him.

"It’s really evil. You know there’s something fishy about gambling and you still gamble. I really don’t understand what these people think."

As the saying goes, nine times out of ten you lose, which means there will definitely be cheaters in gambling. Gamblers play with their luck and may lose all their money in one night.

Therefore, in Zhao Xu's view, those gambling masters are all masters of cheating, and the gambling masters compete to see who has the most powerful skills. Only stupid people will believe that they lost money because of bad luck.

"Why don't you speak?"

After thinking for a long time, Zhao Xu found that Wei Wu didn't reply.

"If you ignore me, I will ignore you. If you don’t pay back the money in 2 months, I will find your daughter."

Put the phone aside and close your eyes to rest.

"Pikapi! Pikachu~~!Pikapi~Pikachu~~~!"

At 5 o'clock in the morning, the alarm on the phone suddenly rang.

After waking up, Zhao Xu turned off the alarm on his phone, looked at the Q message, and found that Zhou Sisi had not replied to him yet.

"go back!"

Although he didn't know why there was another assessment battle, Zhao Xu still remembered that he owed Liang Xiaoyan credits, and he couldn't lose his position as vice president.

After sorting himself out, Zhao Xu went to the front desk downstairs and checked out of the room. , took a taxi back to Peking University.

Freshman students have a curfew, closing at 11 pm, and can only go in at 6 am.

Back to school, it was already early 6 o'clock. In order to know what the assessment battle was about, Zhao Xu drove specially The electric car rushed to Mercury House.

When we arrived on the first floor of Mercury House, we found that there was no one in the hall except Zhu Bi, the dormitory manager.

"Yo!"At this time, Zhu Bi suddenly walked out of the kitchen. She was shocked when she saw Zhao Xu. Then she immediately showed a stern look and said,"You're back. Where have you been these days?"

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