Fire-spotted Cat

Level: 1

Gender: ♀Characteristics

: Intimidation

Attribute: Fire

Racial value: 320

Quality: 4V (rare)

Skills: Claw, cry.

Genetic skills: None

Teaching skills: None

Skill learner: None

Carrying props: None

Closeness: 200 (reborn parent)

"Intimidating properties! It’s just a female cat!"

Seeing the data of the fire-spotted cat, Zhao Xu had a very twisted feeling.

Because Zhao Xu wanted a 5V-quality fire-spotted cat, but this cat was not only a Mengte, but also a female.

The ratio of male to female in this group of fire-spotted cats is 8.75:1.25, and the chance of hatching a female is extremely low.

So to a certain extent, the hatched fire-spotted cats feel like they have won a prize.

"4V is 4V!"

Zhao Xu doesn't care much about the male and female. The main characteristic of this child is Mengte. Although intimidation is a common characteristic, it is indeed a very practical characteristic.

"It's your turn next!"

After placing Fire-spotted Cat in the Pokémon box, Zhao Xu picked up Larulus's elf egg and took the last step forward.

"Ding! The elf egg is about to hatch!"

"Eyes hurt!"

Zhao Xu immediately closed his eyes and was stabbed by white light twice in a row. Tears appeared in Zhao Xu's eyes.

This elf egg is good for everything, but when it is about to hatch, the light is too dazzling.


A friendly shout rang out.

Zhao Xu only felt a light touch on his hand, almost no weight at all.

LV1 Lalu Lasi/♀

Zhao Xu immediately opened his eyes and took a look, and saw a petite Lalu Lasi standing on the palm of his hand.

La Lulas is very delicate when she is born, only half of her normal body size, which makes people feel pity for them when they see her.

"Finally, I have an explanation."

Seeing that it was a female, it was an explanation to the Flame Monkey.

Because he has been busy recently, Zhao Xu did not dare to let the Flame Monkey out, lest the Flame Monkey come to him and ask for Qilulian.

"Drink milk!"

Zhao Xu plans to continue hatching one Luras, one to be used as a child bride for the Flame Monkey, and the other Zhao Xu wants to keep for himself.

After all, Gardevoir is so fragrant.


Although Lalulas has the ability to sense human emotions, Lalulas is still very weak and cannot use this ability. She never expected that the human in front of her would give herself to a monkey as his wife, and she would accept the fate of an arranged marriage as soon as she was born.

"Come in and sleep."

After feeding, Zhao Xu started to check Lalu Lasi's data.

Lalu Lasi

Level: 1

Gender: ♀Characteristic

: Telepathy

Attribute: Super + Fairy

Race value: 198

Quality: 5V (Epic)

Skill: Charm Voice, cry.

Genetic skills: None

Teaching skills: None

Skill learner: None

Carrying props: None

Closeness: 200 (reborn parent)

"Why is it Mente!"

Zhao Xu immediately became depressed when he saw the quality of Lalu Lasi 5V.

It was of epic quality, but it had a rubbish characteristic.

The effect of telepathy is that it can avoid attacks from companions. This characteristic is useful in doubles games.

But in the current real competition, although there are doubles competitions, the mainstream competition is still singles. Doubles are not popular, so this feature is a bit useless.

However, after Lalulas evolves into Gardevoir, the super evolved feature will become fairy skin, which is It will become very powerful.

So Zhao Xu is hesitating whether he should continue to cultivate this Lalu Lasi or leave it to the Flame Monkey as a child bride.

"System, do you have any suggestions? Do you think I should still cultivate this Lalu Lasi or give up?" Zhao Xu couldn't figure it out and decided to ask the system for its opinion.

"I recommend cultivating the host. Although this La Lu La silk is not of 6V quality, Mente is very good."

"What? Great telepathy? Are you kidding me?"It's not like Zhao Xu has never played Gardevoir before. Starting from the third generation, Zhao Xu has to get a Gardevoir to play with in every generation. He remembers it very clearly.

"Remind the host that the telepathy effect in reality is different from that in the game."

"oh! What was changed to what?"

"Telepathy: Read attacks from a location and have a 50% chance of avoiding the opponent's attacks. Invalid for preemptive attacks and sure-hit attacks"

"I go! 50 chance to dodge!"

A 50% dodge probability is equivalent to the opponent attacking twice and being able to dodge once. Although it is useless against preemptive attacks and sure-hit attacks, it is scary enough.

Zhao Xu immediately thought about which other elves have telepathy..

This time, I discovered that there are very few elves with telepathic properties, and most of them are legendary elves. The only common elves are Guoranweng, Gardevoir, Charem, Meng Meng Eclipse, Sonic Dragon, Dayu Monster, and Zhi. The seven little elves, Waiju and Eolup

"Yes, cultivated."

The 50 dodge rate is too strong. If you learn a shadow clone, it will be unbelievable.

At the same time, Zhao Xu thought of Kalunai's Gardevoir, and the speed of that Gardevoir was abnormal. Come on, any attack has been dodged. It is very likely that Gardevoir has telepathic properties.

After hatching the two elves, Zhao Xu went downstairs with satisfaction and cleaned up the dishes.

He rested with his elves and waited for a rest. After an hour, I will do independent exercise in the afternoon.

"Zhao Xu, you are back!"

After resting for more than ten minutes, Zhou Sisi also came back from outside, because she saw the Q letter from Zhou Sisi when she got up in the morning.

However, Zhou Sisi got up a little late, and when she went downstairs to find Zhao Xu, Zhao Xu had already followed Shangguan Rong to the student union.

Zhou Sisi knew that Zhao Xu would definitely go to the battle area to prepare food as before, so Zhou Sisi walked directly to the backyard as soon as he came back. As expected, Zhao Xu was resting in the backyard with his elf

"Dai Xue didn't come with you?"

Ever since he was bumped into by Dai Xue, Dai Xue has been following Zhou Sisi as an electric cannon.

Zhao Xu looked behind Zhou Sisi and found that Dai Xue was not there, and was a little confused.

"Dai Xue has been busy training elves these days and has no time to accompany me," Zhou Sisi said

"oh? Is she so hardworking?"

Zhao Xu usually saw Zhou Sisi training his elf, but Dai Xue Nanizi came to Zhou Sisi to play every day. Especially after coming into contact with the senior sister in the Mercury House, she played even crazier and was not like a trainer at all. appearance

"It’s not because of the winter competition in January next year. Their fighting club is a big club and there are so many people who want to participate, so the fighting club plans to hold an internal competition, and the top three winners can participate," Zhou Sisi said.

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