"I'm still the same boy as before, nothing has changed"

"Time is just a test, but the faith planted in my heart has not diminished at all."

"The young man in front of me still has the same face as before. No matter how many difficulties and dangers he faces, he will never give up."



A popular song wakes up Zhao Xu from his sleep

"The battle is on!"

Maybe because of the battle, Zhao Xu was very energetic as soon as he woke up. After washing up, Zhao Xu hurried downstairs. The three girls Xia Xia, Zhou Sisi, and Zhang Yanan were eating at the dining table and turned pale. Except for Zhou Sisi who was very energetic. , the other two are a little depressed.

"Good morning Zhao Xu!"

Zhou Sisi is still like that. She says hello every time she sees Zhao Xu in the morning.

Both Zhang Yanan and Xia Tian looked back at Zhao Xu without saying anything. After taking a look, they continued to chew the bread in their hands.

"Didn't you sleep well last night?"

The final exam is only for first-year and second-year students, and they are all taken at the same time.

There are 5 venues in the school's competition area, 3 of which are used for the assessment of first-year students, and the remaining two are used for the assessment of second-year students.

Why is there one more assessment venue for Grade 1 students than Grade 2 students? That’s because there are fewer second-year students. If you fail the final exam, you will be expelled. Therefore, there are currently only more than 80 second-year students. Last year, there were only 80 students. Eliminated a dozen

"Don’t you know lack of sleep is a fatal blow to girls?"Zhang Yanan didn't sleep well. She was still angry when she got up, and her tone was very irritable.

"Then you have to cheer up now, otherwise if you don't pass the practical exam, you are likely to be eliminated." Zhao Xu didn't bother to reply and continued to persuade the other party kindly.

"Don't worry about senior sister, just worry about yourself." Zhou Sisi rarely said this to Zhao Xu.

"Don't worry, I'm still confident if I get 10 points in the written test," Zhao Xu responded confidently.

The written test is different from actual combat. No matter how bad you are, you can still get a dozen points. If you win in actual combat, you will get 50 points, and if you lose, you will get one point. None

"Don't be too confident. When I was in Grade 1, there were a few people who were not weak in class. They were absent from class every day. In the end, they scored more than 10 points in the written test, failed in actual combat, and were eventually expelled from the school." Zhang Yanan also knew that this guy Zhao Xu didn't go to class. Therefore, you cannot get 20 points for full attendance in class.

Therefore, Zhao Xu must win the actual battle, otherwise he will be expelled.

"Senior Yanan, don’t worry. By the way, has the ugly fish I gave you hatched?"Zhao Xu suddenly thought of the smelly fish he sold to Zhang Yanan. It was of 5V quality, which made Zhang Yanan a bargain. The ugly fish has 20 incubation cycles, and one incubation cycle lasts 3 days. Now It's been two months, it should have been hatched for a while

"It's already hatched."

When Zhao Xu mentioned the Chou Chou Fish, Zhang Yanan's face suddenly brightened up. It seemed that Zhang Yanan liked the Chou Chou Fish very much.

"Zhao Xu, do your elders still have ugly fish to sell?"Zhou Sisi suddenly asked

"Um? You want the ugly fish!"

Zhao Xu doesn't think it's strange. Everyone loves beauty. Zhou Sisi is also a girl. It's normal to like Menas.

"It’s a little bit, if you can sell me one,"

Zhou Sisi wanted it before, but at that time Zhou Sisi was still considering whether to choose the ice or water type lineup. It took more than a month to decide, but Zhou Sisi had forgotten to mention it at that time.

Now at the dinner table , Zhao Xu suddenly talked about the ugly fish, and Zhou Sisi felt that her lineup could consider adding a minas.

"I can't sell this to you, you should have told me earlier." Zhao Xu was also very embarrassed.

Because after it was announced that Menas evolved from the Ugly Fish, people found that the number of Ugly Fish was very rare. Before last month It has already been legislated, so even if Zhao Xu lets his Menas produce an elf egg and give it to Zhou Sisi, he still needs to register with the alliance.

If he just extracts the genes of the ugly fish, he still needs the genes of his mother's generation. , my own Menas is a male, but my mother’s generation is very unpredictable.

"Do your elders in your family no longer have any Elf Eggs from Ugly Fish?"Zhou Sisi heard from Zhang Yanan that the elders of Zhao Xu's family bought a lot of ugly fish and raised them in captivity before the legislation was passed, and it is said that they have started laying eggs.

"I'm not sure about this, I need to ask." Zhao Xu also doesn't know how Zhang Xin's ugly fish is doing in captivity. It's been 3 months, and it should have laid elf eggs.

"Then you can help me ask, I am willing to pay a high price." Zhou Sisi's family is also rich in money. When he went to buy a large milk tank, when he heard the word"ranch", Zhao Xu knew that Zhou Sisi was an interesting woman.

"Okay, I'll help you ask after the exam."

Zhao Xu just said it, but he will never help.

Zhao Xu has seen a lot of information about the ugly fish on the Internet. After all, the person who announced the evolution of the ugly fish is Zhao Xu would naturally pay more attention to the news related to the ugly fish.

Therefore, the web page sometimes automatically pushes news about the ugly fish. It is said that the price of an ugly fish on the black market is as high as 500W each. Even if Zhang Xin does not Selling for 500W, but 200W is very possible. When Zhou Sisi spends millions to buy an ugly fish, and sees that she sells Zhang Yanan an ugly fish for 80W, she will definitely mind.

Although I don’t know that Zhang Yanan has He didn’t tell Zhou Sisi about the price of Chou Chou Fish.

But after four months of getting along, Zhao Xu knew that Zhang Yanan was a girl who loved shopping, and she often shared the things she bought with her roommates. Zhao Xu next When I was walking downstairs, I often saw Zhang Yanan introducing the things she bought to Zhou Sisi and the others.


Zhou Sisi was already thinking about how to train Chou Chou Fish in the future. She never expected that Zhao Xu would have such intentions.

"By the way, Sisi, can you pass this actual combat assessment?"Zhao Xu suddenly thought that Zhou Sisi's elf level is not very high. The highest Lapras is only level 20. If you take the actual combat assessment at this level, you may be eliminated.

Although Zhou Sisi usually attends classes and has a score of 20 , but if he loses in the actual battle, he must get 40 points in yesterday's written test to pass.

Zhao Xu thought Zhou Sisi was a good student before, so he didn't think much about it. Now that he thought about it, Zhao Xu was a little worried about whether Zhou Sisi could pass.

"Are you worried that I will lose?"

Zhou Sisi was not surprised either, because Zhou Sisi rarely went to fights and looked weak.

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