
LV41 Crystal Lamp Fire Spirit/♀Great!

LV36 Mimikyu Q/♀Awesome!

LV33 wind ball/stick!

LV30 throwing feather owl/♀stick!

LV15 Ghost/♀

Looking at the elves appearing one after another, Zhao Xu was really speechless. Geng Li's luck was too strong, and she actually subdued five ghost-type elves.

Although the Feathered Owl is not yet a ghost-type elf, it will have ghost attributes when it evolves into a sniper tree owl.

What surprised Zhao Xu the most was that Geng Li actually conquered Guisi and Mimikyu. These two are popular pets of the ghost series, and each one is extremely powerful.

Especially Mimikyu Q, although it cannot super evolve, the characteristic of the painted skin is very useful, and it can 100% resist the opponent's attack.

This feature is a very good feature whether in the game or in reality. It is equivalent to giving trainers a chance to make mistakes.

""Senior Geng Li, you are so awesome. You managed to catch four of the ghost-type elves that are so difficult to catch," Zhao Xu exclaimed.

"I got a prize, junior. The Crystal Lantern Fire Spirit was my initial elf, the Feathered Owl was chosen from the school ranch, Mimikyu was hatched by me from an elf egg bought by my parents, and only Ghost and Sui Feng Qiu were caught by me. Yes, and the ghost was one I caught recently, but it was just tamed." Geng Li modestly introduced the origin of her elf, not caring at all about revealing her elf's condition to Zhao Xu.

"Senior Geng Li, can you lend me your elf for a few days to observe?" Zhao Xu didn't want to do this at first, but Geng Li's elf was so delicious that Zhao Xu was already so greedy.

"ah? Borrow an elf to observe?"

Geng Li was shocked. She didn't expect that Zhao Xu would make such a request.

"Senior Geng Li, we can exchange elves for observation. In fact, I also have a ghost-type elf." Zhao Xu knew that his request was abrupt, so Zhao Xu proposed to exchange elves for observation.

"You are also a ghost elf! Is it chubby?"Geng Li's ghost-type lineup, when I think of Zhao Xu's initial elf as Menas, I naturally think of Pangdudu.

Because among the water-type elves, the only elf with ghost attributes is Pangdudu.


Zhao Xu shook his head and said

"what is that?"

Geng Li's curiosity was immediately piqued.

"It's Rotom and the Night Watch."

For Geng Li's elf, Zhao Xu also spent a lot of money and revealed the Night Watch that had never been exposed before.

"oh! Can you put it out there for me to see?"Geng Li knows the names of these two elves, but has never seen them.

Because the ghost-type elves are difficult to catch, Geng Li is the only one in the entire Peking University who is in the ghost-type lineup.

Even if there are other students' little elves, The elves are of the ghost type, but most of them have other attributes, because the ghost type elves are too difficult to catch and tame. The ghost type elves are more difficult to tame than the flying type elves. Because ghost elves can become invisible, there is no way for ghost elves or elves who can see through the moves to see ghost elves.

The most important thing is that some ghost elves can pass through walls. , there are many trainers who have tamed rare ghost-type elves, but they are gone after they are released, and they will never be found again.

Therefore, after catching ghost-type elves, trainers usually ask ghost-type trainers for help, or find someone who can I saw ghost-type elves helping to tame them.

Even some high-end training halls have rooms dedicated to taming ghost-type elves. The walls in the room are covered with paper that can prevent ghost-type elves from passing through the wall.

It is said that these papers The hair of evil elves is added to the leather. Paper made of this material can prevent ghost elves from penetrating through.

However, this is still useless against gas-type ghost elves, because the room is Always ventilate. Gas-type elves can pull their bodies at will.

For example, elves like Guis can even pass through the cracks in doors.


Zhao Xu immediately released his only two ghost-type elves.


LV11 Rotom/♂Awesome!

LV24 Night Patrol Spirit/♂


"Night patrol!"

Rotom and Night Watch screamed when they saw Geng Li's elf. After all, it was the first time since they were born that they saw so many of the same kind.


Geng Li's elf lineup is a bit curious about Guisi. After all, this Guisi is only level 15 and is considered a relatively young elf. In addition, Guisi is a naughty elf and is full of enthusiasm for everything. curious

"Not bad, I didn’t expect you to be able to tame two ghost-type elves." Geng Li was surprised when she saw the Night Watch and Rotom. The ghosts were not only difficult to catch, but also difficult to tame. Tolomu and the Night Watch were just two of them. She has always been by Zhao Xu's side and is obviously very dependent on Zhao Xu.

Geng Li was surprised by such dependence. Only the Mimikyu Q that was originally hatched would be so dependent on him.

"Senior Geng Li, let’s exchange elves for observation." Zhao Xu once again proposed the exchange of elves for observation.

"Zhao Xu, you are also a contestant in the Winter Games. Do you think I can exchange elf observations with you at this time?"Geng Lidao

"Can this Ghost be exchanged for observation?" Zhao Xu's main target is Ghost. Although Mimikyu and Crystal Lantern are both good, Ghost is the top priority.

Gengar, the final evolution of Ghost, is Known as the"King of One Hundred Ghosts"


Seeing that Zhao Xu wanted to observe him, Guisi let out an intrusive laugh. He probably didn't want to be observed by Zhao Xu, so he smiled so scary on purpose.

"Forget it, my Guisi is very naughty, I'm afraid you can't control it." Guisi is only level 15. It is an elf that Geng Li just tamed. He also tamed it recently.

"Senior sister, don’t worry about this, I think I can control Guisi." This rare opportunity cannot be let go.

"Um...?"Geng Li hesitated for a while, then nodded and said,"What do you think? I will be training the elves in the dormitory in the backyard for the next few days. Come directly to my dormitory, and I will let the ghosts stay outside for you to observe.""

"This is not good, right?...!"

Zhao Xu was very depressed. He never expected that Geng Li would come up with such a solution.

"What's not so good? There are girls in the dormitory where you live, and they only go to the backyard of the dormitory, not to the room. What are you afraid of?" Seeing Zhao Xu's embarrassed look, Geng Li couldn't help but feel a little funny.

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