"It's a pity. If Ouyang Shuo's tactics succeed, it's really hard for me to win." Walking out of the venue, Zhao Xu was still thinking about the scene of the battle just now.

Ouyang Shou's bluff can be said to be the turning point of this battle.

It's a pity. Lucario will defend, and Zhao Xu used a move learner to let Lucario learn this move in order to prevent disgusting moves like bluffing.

If bluffing is used successfully, Zhao Xu's chance of winning will be directly reduced by 3 points. If that If a big wolf dog knew the Flame Fang, the confusion would be enough for the big wolf dog to defeat his own Lucario.

After all, Ouyang Shuo's big wolf dog also has a gold-level strength, so it is not weak.

"Zhao Xu!"


Just as Zhao Xu was thinking, Zhou Sisi's voice came from not far away

"Really, I didn't come earlier."

Seeing Zhou Sisi, Zhao Xu couldn't help but complain. He had waited at the door for almost an hour just now before it was his turn to enter the competition. If Zhou Sisi had come earlier, at least he could relieve his boredom.

"Did you win?"

Zhao Xu walked towards Zhou Sisi. Before he got close, Dai Xue, who was beside Zhou Sisi, asked about the situation of the trials.

"Of course I won. I have defeated the people on the Heavenly Ranking after all. I can’t win the district trials." Zhao Xu was quite proud.


Seeing Zhao Xu boasting, Dai Xue was a little uncomfortable. Zhao Xu was not a boastful person.

"Zhao Xu, don't be too proud. Although you have won against the seniors before, as far as I know, the strongest seniors in the senior class have never fought against you, and those seniors who have fought against you have never fought against you. , some did not use all their strength." Zhou Sisi reminded Zhao Xu to prevent Zhao Xu from being too proud.

"I know, but do you think I just used my full strength?"Zhao Xu asked back

"how? Have you been hiding your strength so far? Isn't your strongest trump card Lucario?"Dai Xue said in surprise.

Even Zhou Sisi looked suspicious. She didn't know whether to believe Zhao Xu's words or not.

"You will know when the official competition comes." Zhao Xu will not reveal his trump card at will.

"Then why don't you go out for lunch with us to celebrate your passing the selection?" Zhou Sisi suggested

"Forget it, I'll hurry up and go back to training. Let's wait until the end of the winter competition to celebrate." Although eating soft rice is Zhao Xu's ultimate dream, Zhao Xu hopes even more to eat soft rice hard. As for what is soft rice. Do you want to eat hard? You can search for the Tiger of Crime Unit, Cao Dahua

"Then Zhou Sisi and I won't waste your time." Seeing this, Dai Xue immediately pulled Zhou Sisi away.

After watching the two girls leave, Zhao Xu also walked towards the canteen.

After ordering 6 fast food, Zhao Xu went directly He took it back to the dormitory to eat, and at the same time let his elf train before cooking. After eating, he began to prepare food for his elf.

While cooking, Wu Shang and Tang Qiao also returned to the dormitory. People came to the kitchen talking and laughing

"The two seniors are so happy, they must have passed the trial." Seeing the bright smiles on the faces of the two girls, anyone with a discerning eye can tell that the two girls won the trial.

"Yes, you should have passed it too," Tang Qiao asked happily.

Tang Qiao is also a third-year student with a cheerful personality and is a senior sister who is easy to get along with.

""I passed, and I hope we won't meet each other in the official competition." Although they passed the trials, the 36 players who advanced still don't know who their opponents will be. The battle list will be released in the official competition tomorrow, so Wu Shang and Tang Qiao It is also very likely that he will become Zhao Xu's opponent. After all, there are only 36 students participating in the official competition, so there is still a good chance of meeting him.

"how? Are you afraid of being eliminated by the senior students?"Tang Qiao was very confused and didn't know where he could say this confidently.

"Haha, I'm a little scared." Zhao Xu didn't refute, just responded with a smile.

"You are so scared. If you were really scared, you would not challenge the seniors. You pervert even defeated Wu Xuan. You are the biggest dark horse in this winter competition." Tang Qiao was just joking with Zhao Xu. Unexpectedly, Zhao Xu acquiesced

"Senior Sister Tang won the award. It was just a fluke that I could win against Senior Wu Xuan. It's nothing." Zhao Xu has lived in Mercury House for almost half a year, and he has experienced what real dirty talk is. You really have to distinguish carefully what this woman says. For a moment, let’s say as many duplicitous things as we can

"Don't be modest. After all, you are the vice president selected by Senior Sister Shangguan, so your strength is certainly needless to say." Tang Qiao continued to praise Zhao Xu.

"I am the initial elf who is more powerful, so it doesn’t matter, but Sister Tang’s gem starfish is very powerful." Zhao Xu has seen Tang Qiao’s gem starfish and knows that Tang Qiao is not weak either.

"Stop talking, you go about your business."

There was no point in continuing the conversation like this. Tang Qiao didn't say any more. He took some packaged feed from the refrigerator and took it out.

"Can't you do it yourself?"Seeing Tang Qiao take the feed from the refrigerator, Zhao Xu couldn't help but shake his head.

Because the elf feed in Tang Qiao's hand is ready to eat after opening the bag, so the food has no soul, and the trainer should personally prepare the food for his elf..

However, Zhao Xu just talked about this opinion with confidence and would not say it in person.

After cooking, Zhao Xu let his elf eat and rest for a while before training as usual. However, due to the competition, Zhao Xu has been reducing the amount of elf training in the past few days. Although he is not afraid of the body, his physical strength still needs to be restored by the elf himself.

The next day, the Peking University Winter Games is about to begin!

Early in the morning, Zhao Xu, Wu Chang and Tang Qiao The two senior sisters were in the battle area of ​​the school together.

There were many strangers' faces along the way. At a glance, you could tell they were people from outside the school. They were all walking in the direction of the battle.Go

"There are so many people!"

Zhao Xu knows that these people are here to watch the competition, because the winter competition held by Peking University is open to the public, and you can come in as long as you pay for a ticket.

However, only the combat area and canteen are open to the public, and other places are prohibited. Outsiders came in.

Zhao Xu originally thought that no one was watching, but he saw at least dozens of unfamiliar faces along the way.

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