
Although Sui Feng Qiu improves both defenses by accumulating power, Sui Feng Qiu itself has low defense. If it weren't for the high physical strength, it would have been defeated ten seconds ago."

"very good! Give Suifengqiu the final blow!"Use Brave Bird to attack fiercely." Seeing that the Sui Feng Ball has been almost consumed, it's time to end the battle.

"Fierce arrows!"

The speed of the Fiery Arrow Eagle increases even more. Even if Zhao Xu's waveguide sense can sense the existence of the Fiery Arrow Eagle, he still thinks that if he tries to avoid it, his body may not be able to react."

"Same fate!"

Geng Li also shouted

"Jiligulu ball!"

The Sui Feng Qiu seemed to be chanting something.


The Fierce Arrow Eagle shot down the Sui Feng Qiu!

"Fierce arrows!"

Tongming was successfully used, and the Fierce Arrow Eagle was exhausted and fell from the air.



The two elves fell to the ground one after another, but the wind ball was a balloon, and it bounced up after hitting the ground, floating on the ground. motionless in the air

"Following the wind ball, the Fierce Arrow Eagle lost its ability to fight at the same time!"...!

"This woman is really..."

Zhao Xu really had nothing to say. He never imagined that Sui Feng Qiu could use this disgusting move.

From the beginning of the battle to now, Zhao Xu felt that he had always been in Geng Li's scheme.

Zhao Xu originally thought that he could end the battle with two elves, but Geng Li forced him to use a third elf.

"She is really wronged to be ranked seventh on the ranking list. Geng Li's overall strength can at least be ranked in the top 5!"Zhao Xu really feels that Geng Li's ranking is low. Zhao Xu believes it when he says it is third.

"This Zhao Xu is really strong, compared to those three perverts."

Geng Li, who was opposite him, was not at peace at the moment. Although it seemed to be a 50-50 split, Geng Li had worked hard for this battle.

Unlike Zhao Xu Just a simple record of which elves Geng Li has. Geng Li recorded all the elves that Zhao Xu used a few days ago, and even the moves used by those elves.

Then he kept simulating and empathizing. Only then did she come up with today's strategy.

Originally, Geng Li thought that defeating the Flame Monkey would be a victory. Unexpectedly, Zhao Xu's Flame Bird evolved into a Flame Eagle, and its speed was so amazing. At first, Geng Li planned to let the follower Wind Ball defeated the Arrow Eagle by charging up energy and spraying it out. However, because of the Arrow Eagle's speed, he instead used the same life to kill them together.

"Please both sides continue to release the elves!"

The referee didn't give the two people much preparation to think. He paused for a few seconds and urged them to release the elf.

"The crystal lantern is finally handed over to you."

"Menas, come and help me win the final victory."


LV41 Crystal Lamp Spirit/♀Bang!

LV39 Menas/♂

"It is indeed Menas."

Geng Li also guessed that Zhao Xu would send Menas and was not surprised. After all, Lucario was restrained by the Crystal Lantern Fire Spirit, so using Menas was the safest.

"Use will-o'-the-wisp!"


The purple flames coming out of the crystal lamp stand flew out into several groups and floated toward Menas.

Looking at the flying will-o'-the-wisps, Zhao Xu calmly ordered,"Mysterious guardian!"


A mysterious protective shield appears around Menas.

The will-o'-the-wisp dissipated directly after approaching the protective shield, without playing any role.

"He will be protected mysteriously!"

Geng Li naturally knows what moves Mystic Guard is, but there are very few elves who can master this move.

At the same time, few trainers will let their elves learn moves like Mysterious Guard. Generally, trainers will let themselves The elf learns attack moves, and most of the changing moves also learn to increase his own abilities.

"Water cannons!"


Menas straightened up his graceful body, opened his mouth and sprayed out a water column to attack the crystal lantern.

"Use purgatory!"


The flames on the crystal lamp stand burned more vigorously, extending out into a huge flame cage.


The water cannon was directly trapped by Purgatory, and suddenly a ball of water vapor burst out, and the water vapor quickly spread around. Shroud the venue in white mist

"good chance! Crystal Lamp Fire Spirit changes position and uses Purgatory!"

Seeing the white mist on the field, Geng Li was very happy. Ghost elves don't have to use their eyes to see their opponents.


The crystal lantern fire spirit in the white mist immediately changed direction, and then hit Purgatory at the location of Menas.

However, the movements of the crystal lantern fire spirit could not escape Zhao Xu's waveguide perception.

Moreover, purgatory is a fire-based move, and this fire light directly This exposed the location of the crystal lantern fire spirit.

"Menas uses water cannon!"


Menas, who was in the smoke, had been waiting for Zhao Xu's command. After hearing the command, he immediately used water cannon at the fire.


The new water vapor made the white fog on the field thicker, and the visibility was a little lower.

"not good!"I've been tricked."

Zhao Xu soon discovered that he had been tricked again. The purgatory just now was deliberately done by Geng Li, which could increase the white fog and further reduce visibility.

Even if Zhao Xu has waveguide perception, he needs to shout out to convey the instructions. , This will delay the attack time.

Geng Li can't see what's going on in the white mist, but the crystal lantern fire spirit can see Menas, and just needs to give the order directly.

With the flame move, Menas can also You can see the fire, but if it's other moves, Menas can't see it.

"Crystal lamp fire spirit uses shadow ball!"

Geng Li's orders are very decisive. From the beginning to now, he has been absolutely unambiguous whenever he can attack.


The Crystal Lantern Fire Spirit immediately launched a shadow ball to attack Menas.

"Menas, be careful on the right!"

Zhao Xu was speechless. This situation where he could see it but the elf couldn't see it was really annoying.


Even with Zhao Xu's reminder, Menas still couldn't dodge and was hit by the shadow ball.

"Menas blows away the water vapor with a blizzard!"


Menas sprayed out a blizzard, instantly blowing away the water vapor on the field.


The crystal lantern fire spirit was also hit by the snowstorm, but the crystal lantern fire spirit has fire attributes and the damage it received was not great.

"This Menas is not weak."

Geng Li did not panic. She observed Menas's injuries and found that Menas, who had been hit by a shadow ball, was not seriously injured.

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