""It's strange, I didn't feel anything special."

Zhao Xu followed Wei Wu for half an hour, but didn't feel anything special.

However, Zhao Xu still believed Wei Wu's words, after all, Wei Wu was also looking for it with his eyes. Route.

The green mountains will not remain unchanged, the route will not change, but there will be new vegetation growing around it, and the road will be covered by vegetation. You cannot find the way to the invisible door by relying on the memorized route.

"It's really strange, there's not much difference in the waveguides between trees."

Zhao Xu initially thought that Wei Wu relied on the waveguides of trees to find his route, but after Zhao Xu perceived it himself, he found that the waveguides of trees were all the same. Can't tell the difference...!

"Could it be that my waveguide perception is not good at cultivating my mind?"

After sensing for more than ten minutes, Zhao Xu still found nothing and began to doubt himself.

"Uncle Wei, what exactly do you want me to perceive?"

Originally Zhao Xu didn't want to ask, but it's been an hour and Zhao Xu didn't sense anything, so he couldn't help but ask.

Although Wei Wu is a gambling dog, at least the use of waveguides is worth Zhao Xu's time. Asking for advice

"Keep thinking, if you don't understand, just follow me."

However, Wei Wu didn't mean to give any hints.

Night fell!

It was only 5 o'clock, and the sky began to darken, because there were trees blocking the sun in the mountains, so in the The visibility in the mountains was even lower.

After ten minutes, the sky became completely dark!

Wei Wu and Zhao Xu did not feel that the sky was getting dark, because they both had to close their eyes and rely on waveguides for perception, which was no different from walking with their eyes open.

But Zhao Xu Xu still heard more noises coming from around him.

"Um!"It's dark."

Hearing the noise suddenly increased, Zhao Xu opened his eyes and took a look, only to find that it was already dark. It was already afternoon when he arrived in Lingbao County, and he had only left for two hours when the sky turned dark. It was dark.

Seeing that Wei Wu was still walking on his own, Zhao Xu didn't bother to look for any signs nearby, so he just followed Wei Wu.

3 hours later!

Wei Wu suddenly stopped and stood where he was. The ground does not move

"Um? arrive?"

Seeing Wei Wu stop, Zhao Xu made a sound of doubt, because the waveguide sensed that the waveguide was surrounded by plants and there were no buildings.

"That's right." Wei Wudao

"Where is the invisible door?"

Zhao Xu turned on the searchlight of his mobile phone. There was nothing around except trees and turf.

"The invisible door is still some distance away from us, but you need to find this distance yourself. I have just shown you how to find the route along the way, and now the rest is up to you," Wei Wudao

"Do you want me to find it myself? Is this a test of the invisible door?"Zhao Xu asked

"You can think of it this way, anyway, everything next depends on you, you only have 1 hour"

"In this hour, you can use all your methods to find the invisible door. I will come back to you in one hour. You can start now." After Wei Wu finished speaking, he continued to sit cross-legged and rest, as calm as an old monk in meditation.

Zhao Xu took a deep breath After taking a breath, I looked at Wei Wu and analyzed whether there were any oversights along the way.

"Is it the direction?"

Zhao Xu recalled the situation along the way. There must be no clues from the surrounding waveguides. The only suspicious thing is that when Wei Wu came in, he seemed to be walking in one direction. Even if there were obstacles, he would go around and find the original direction..

After careful analysis, the direction Wei Wu has been heading is north.

Thinking of this, Zhao Xu looked at Wei Wu again.

Wei Wu sat cross-legged on the ground with peace of mind, but the direction he was facing was north. Based on his analysis, he can be sure If you want to find the invisible door, you have to go north.

Zhao Xu closed his eyes, determined the direction and set off directly without worrying about getting lost.

If he really got lost, Zhao Xu would just let the fossil pterosaur fly away with him.

Zhao Xu Although Xu was a little bit dissatisfied, he should do his best since he was here. If he couldn't find it anyway, he would just follow Zhao Xu's wishes.

Zhao Xu kept walking north and went around any insurmountable obstacles. After going around, Determine the direction and continue walking.

After walking for almost an hour, Zhao Xu felt that the waveguide in front of him had changed. The original flowing waveguide had stopped moving and turned into neat parallel lines, which was not a big deal. Very flat, with some bumps, but overall it's flat


Zhao Xu opened his eyes immediately, but unfortunately it was all dark and he couldn't see anything.

Turning on the searchlight of his mobile phone, Zhao Xu discovered that the ground more than one meter away in front of him was no longer grass, but a cement floor, but this cement floor was paved with bricks. It's not very good, it's full of potholes.

""Looks like we've arrived."

After stepping onto the concrete floor, Zhao Xu relied on the searchlight and walked in the direction where the cement floor extended.

The cement floor was not long, only about a hundred meters before he reached the end.

"Invisible door!"

Through the light of his mobile phone, Zhao Xu saw a very simple building, much like an ancient mansion, with walls built around it.

Zhao Xu could not see the end of the wall from the left and right, so he could determine the area occupied by the invisible door. The area is still very large.

Zhao Xu looked up at the sky again and found that there was no obstruction above.

"It's strange, there is no cover, and it covers such a large area, but no one has discovered this place?"Zhao Xu couldn't understand how this invisible door had been hidden until now. Zhao Xu suddenly thought of what Wei Wu said before coming in. There is a mountain protection formation here. It is probably because of the mountain protection formation that Zhao Xu could not discover this.

Xu was not in a hurry to go in, so he sat at the door and waited for Wei Wu to come over. An hour had passed, and it was time for Wei Wu to start looking for him.

Zhao Xu was not idle either, sitting on the spot and starting to practice his waveguide. Perception.

However, not long after practicing, Zhao Xu felt a strong wave entering his perception range.


There was a sound as the door was opened.

Zhao Xu immediately opened his eyes, and with the help of the dim moonlight, he could vaguely see the door of the mansion opening, and a figure standing at the door.

Zhao Xu turned on the searchlight to shine at the door of the mansion, and saw a man in white standing at the door. The man even put his hand in front of his face so that Zhao Xu could not see his face.

The man in white at the gate said dissatisfiedly,"Don't shine your glare into my eyes, it's dazzling!""

"Sorry, I'm sorry."

Zhao Xu also realized that it was his fault and moved the light away.

Seeing that there was no light to shine on him, the man in white stopped covering his face with his hands.

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