"8.11 seconds! Congratulations, you passed."

With the lessons learned from the strength test, the young lady was no longer surprised when she saw Zhao Xu running 8.11.

"Well, I'm sorry to trouble you."

Zhao Xu also responded politely.

"Okay, come out with me."

The young lady took notes and prepared to take Zhao Xu away.

"Don't you need to check my initial elf?"Zhao Xu remembered that after the last silver assessment test, he had to check his initial elf.

"Your previous silver assessment has been checked. Is it possible that you can still replace your initial elf?" said the young lady.

"That's right, I forgot about this."

Zhao Xu scratched his head in embarrassment, obviously forgetting about this.

"Come with me."

The young lady took Zhao Xu back to the office in the lobby again. After processing the documents, she explained,"From now on, your monthly subsidy will be increased to 3W, and the money will be credited to your card before the 10th of every month. Yes, the fifty pounds of elf rations can still be obtained at the elf store."

"Well, I get it."

Zhao Xu couldn't help but sigh in his heart that it's better to have a higher level. The money will be distributed in advance. The monthly subsidy for silver trainers will be distributed after the 20th, and the method for gold level will be 10 days in advance.

After applying for the trainer level, Zhao Xushun took a bus to the battle area in Mishan City.

He hadn't been here for half a year, and he didn't know if the trainers here still recognized him.

However, Zhao Xu felt that these people probably didn't know him, and half a year was not too long. Time, but Zhao Xu has changed a lot. After all, he is in the growth period, and his body has undergone some changes.

When he came to the battle area, Zhao Xu went directly to the venues at the back. Mishan City is not a developed city, and there are only silver-level venues in the battle area. , Zhao Xu can only do the tooth ceremony first

"friend!"Zhao Xu entered the venue, and a man sitting on a public chair came over and said,"Would you like to play a game?"


Zhao Xu accepted it happily.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, the two of them waited for the opportunity to play.

"Zhao Hao, are we doing 1V1 or 2V2?"


While waiting, the two asked each other's names. Zhao Xu gave his pseudonym, and the other party's name was Cheng Wu.

"OK! Let’s start then." Cheng Wu took out a poke ball and waited.


Zhao Xu also took out an elf ball.

"Go for it! Water jumping fish!"

"Over to you, Digger!"


LV23 Water Jumping Fish/♂Awesome!

LV19 Digging Rabbit/♂

"Dig Dig Rabbit!"

Zhao Xu was quite surprised when he saw the elves sent by Chengwu.

There are no Dig Dig Rabbits in Mishan City. They are basically invisible elves. Dig Dig Rabbit's hidden characteristic is that of a strongman. The Earth Rabbit's physical attack racial value is only 56, but doubled to 112, which can be regarded as a good physical attacker.

Unfortunately, the other racial values ​​of the Digger Rabbit are too average.

Although the equipped moves are all physical attacks, they are not very good..

There are 4 weaknesses, which are quite satisfactory. However, these four weaknesses are too common. The popular elves at present all have the attribute of restraining the Digger Rabbit. They are basically the ones who are defeated. If the speed is slow, you can use the magic space to remedy it. But the speed race value of 78 is a bit uncomfortable.

This kind of low speed is really disgusting. It is generally suitable for elves in the magic space. The speed race value must be below 60. The Digger Rabbit seriously exceeds the standard..

Even though the Digger Rabbit has all the above disadvantages, it is true that Zhao Xu will capture one of the elves in the future, and he will also conquer 6 of them.

Because the Digger Rabbit's basic characteristics include picking up characteristics, even if it evolves into a Digger Rabbit, it will not There will be changes.

The cats in Zhao Xu's hand are all over ten levels, because to activate the picking up feature, they need to be placed outside or in the same position for 8 hours. This time is enough for the cats to grow. After two or two In three years, these meows will evolve into cat bosses.

After the meows evolve into cat bosses, their picking characteristics will also become soft, so the picking team will have no value.

Although it is still early, Zhao Xu You need to prepare early

"Use the Digger Rabbit to dig holes!"

When Cheng Wu saw that Zhao Xu was not attacking, he was not polite and attacked directly.


The digger rabbit's big ears are its most advantageous weapon. The ears replace the hands and directly create a hole in the field to approach the water jumping fish from the ground.

"Ah!"Zhao Xu laughed and thought to himself,"Sure enough, the silver trainer is young."

"When the water leaping fish felt the digger rabbit's attack, it jumped up to avoid it, and then counterattacked with its water gun," Zhao Xu ordered.


The gill flaps on both sides of the water leaping fish's cheeks tremble slightly, making a sound that only the water leaping fish can hear. The sound waves spread around.

This is the innate ability of the water leaping fish. The gills on the water leaping fish's face can emit sounds like radar. It uses sound waves to capture the surrounding conditions.

It may not be possible for the current water jumping fish to fully explore the underground conditions, but it is no problem to explore the conditions two or three meters underground.


The water leaping fish suddenly jumped up.


The ground where the water leaping fish just jumped cracked, and a pair of big ears came out.


The water leaping fish immediately sprayed out a water gun to fight back.



The digger rabbit was directly hit by the water gun and flew more than one meter away.

Fortunately, the digger rabbit only had normal attributes before it evolved, otherwise it would have suffered twice the damage.

""Throw mud."

Zhao Xu has not stood up yet, why did he give the order?


The water leaping fish grabbed a puddle of mud and threw it towards the Dig Rabbit's head.


The mud hit the Dig Rabbit's eyes accurately.


Quick Rabbit immediately covered his eyes and tried to wipe off the mud on his eyes. Although he wiped away a bunch of mud, he couldn't wipe it clean at all. His eyes felt the presence of foreign objects and they couldn't open them at all.

"Good opportunity, use impact!"

Zhao Xu didn't expect that the mud throw would have such an effect. It hit the opponent's eyes and made Dig Dig Rabbit lose his sight.



Although Waterleap Fish is small, its physical attack and race value is 70, and the power of this impact is not small. However, the

Digger Rabbit is also level 19, and it can't be solved with 3 moves, but it's almost there.

"water gun!"

Zhao Xu will definitely have a fourth effective attack.


Shui Yueyu unceremoniously sprayed out his water gun and pointed directly at Diguchutu.

"Dig Rabbit faced the water gun head on."

Chengwu also made a cool move and decided to wash Dig Rabbit's eyes with Water Jumping Fish's water gun.


After Dig Dig Rabbit's two big ears identified the direction of the water gun attack, he immediately jumped over.

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