
Level: 1

Gender: ♀Characteristic

: Fierce

Attribute: Fire

Racial Value: 309

Quality: 5V (Epic)

Basic Skills: Catch, Call

Genetic Skills: None

Teaching Skills: None

Skill Learner: None

Carrying Props: None

Intimacy :200 (reborn parents)

"Not bad, the third egg will hatch a 5V one."

Looking at the Poké Ball in his hand, Zhao Xu lamented that he has been pretty lucky recently.

After all, it usually takes a 2V quality Charmander to produce a 5V quality Charmander. It hatched four or five times, and now it has hatched three times, which is good luck.

In the past four days, Zhao Xu didn't go out much. After returning from the Battle Park, he and Zhou Sisi went to the Magic City Center one day later. While playing, Zhao Xu also bought some daily necessities for himself and the elves, and then he never went out. He stayed in the villa to hatch high-V Charmanders....!

""Come out, Charmander."

Zhao Xu put the Charmander on the grass and let the Charmander sleep outside. This will be beneficial to the growth of the Charmander.

Ding dong! Ding dong! Ding dong...!

The doorbell rang suddenly, and the originally orderly ringing became urgent. It seemed that the person coming was in a hurry.


Zhao Xu also knew who came back to look for him. He knew that the only people living here were Zhou Sisi and Dai Xue.

When he came to the door, Zhao Xu was confused when he saw the picture on the screen. It turned out to be Dai Xue, and Dai Xue's face. His expression is very anxious

"What happened?"

Seeing Dai Xue's anxious expression, Zhao Xu had a bad feeling in his heart.


"Zhao Xu is not good, her parents found out about you and Zhou Sisi."

Opening the door, Dai Xue hurriedly told the matter before Zhao Xu could ask.

"Then what?"

Zhao Xu was a little confused, because Zhao Xu had met Zhou Sisi's mother. Although he had only met her once, he didn't feel that Zhou Sisi's mother was not a conservative person.

Even if Zhou Sisi's parents knew about it, Dai Xue shouldn't have any It's only right to have such a big reaction

"Then Zhou Sisi was put into solitary confinement by her father and she was not allowed to come out." Dai Xue was very angry and felt that Zhao Xu was too calm.

In any case, Zhou Sisi's solitary confinement had something to do with Zhao Xu. After hearing that Zhou Sisi's accident , you should worry about it no matter what.

"confinement...!"Zhao Xu looked speechless and asked,"Is Sisi's father a very rigid person?"

What age is this? They are still in solitary confinement. Zhou Sisi is already such an old man, and he is not a child.

"I don’t know, I heard Sisi said he is a very serious person." Dai Xue has not met Zhou Sisi a few times. He only knows that Zhou Sisi’s father is a busy man.

"How did Zhou Sisi's parents know? Did they read Zhou Sisi’s Q letter chat history?"Zhao Xu said doubtfully.

As long as Zhou Sisi was not stupid, she would definitely not tell her parents about this. Isn't this making her feel uncomfortable?

"I don't know about this, Zhou Sisi still used her previous mobile phone to send me messages, her mobile phone was confiscated by her father," Dai Xueyao said

"When did it happen?"Zhao Xu asked

"Just this morning, I came to see you after receiving the news from Dai Xue," Dai Xue said.

"Then after we finish lunch, you take me to Sisi's house in the afternoon." Zhao Xu saw that it was noon in two hours, so he just gave everyone some time to calm down, and then he went over to chat with Zhou Sisi's parents.

"What are you going to do?"

Dai Xue naturally agrees with Zhao Xu's idea of ​​going there, but he needs to know in advance what Zhao Xu will do after he passes there.

"What else can be done? Of course, confess it and discuss it with Sisi’s parents," Zhao Xu said.

"Is that what you said?"

Dai Xue felt that if Zhao Xu passed by like this, he would probably be kicked out by Zhou Sisi's father.

"Otherwise, what do you want us to say? It is normal for men and women to like each other. As for Zhou Sisi's father, he is angry either because he does not want his daughter to find a boyfriend, or because he is not satisfied with me."

"You said before that Zhou Sisi thinks her father is very fierce, so the possibility of the former is very low, and that is the second type, Zhou Sisi's father is not satisfied with me," Zhao Xu said

"What you said makes sense, but how can you make Sisi's father satisfied with you? Dai Xue asked

"This requires you to tell me the background of Sisi’s family." At present, Zhao Xu only knows that Sisi’s family has an elf ranch, but he doesn’t know the rest.

"Sisijia is in business. The company opened by her family specializes in ranches and breeding houses. The company also cooperates with many businesses and is also involved in derivative products of ranches and breeding houses." Dai Xuedao

"How much is the market value of Sisijia Company?"Zhao Xu doesn't understand much either. He can only judge the strength of Zhou Sisijia's company based on its market value.

"I don’t like business matters at all. It’s estimated that tens of billions of dollars will be spent," Dai Xuedao said.

""Wait a minute."

Zhao Xu turned on his mobile phone and searched for the market value of Lightning Express.

"21.296 billion!"

Zhao Xu was surprised when he saw the results of his search. He didn't expect that the market value of Lightning Express was so high, more than 20 billion.

However, it seems to be a bit behind Zhou Sisi's family. Zhang Xin is only a shareholder, and this is Zhang Xin's own Property has nothing to do with Zhao Xu.

Although Zhang Xin has always been very kind to Zhao Xu, Zhao Xu knows that the other person's kindness to him is only limited to his kindness to his nephew, so there is still a reason.

After all, Zhang Xin still If you are so young and you get married and have children in the future, you will naturally take care of your son wholeheartedly.

"What are you looking at?"Dai Xue looked curious, wondering what Zhao Xu was going to do.

"I plan to take a look at the market value of Sisijia Company. Do you know the name of Sisijia Company? A company with a market value of tens of billions must be somewhat famous in the Longxia area. Even if the company is not famous, its products or subsidiaries There must be one who is more famous

"I remember it was called..."Fanggui Company," Dice recalled.


When I heard the name of this company, I felt that I was a very serious person.

Zhao Xu immediately looked up the market value of Fanggui Company on his mobile phone.

88.698 billion!

Seeing the market value of Fanggui Company, Zhao Xu suddenly felt that he was a little short. , its market value is more than four times that of Lightning Express

"Doesn’t your family have as much property as Zhou Sisi’s?" Seeing that Zhao Xu wanted to check the market value, Dai Xue felt that Zhao Xu should compare the market value of his company and Zhou Sisi’s.

"Yes, my family has assets of more than one billion." Zhao Xu had already added two more zeros to his family's assets.

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