"Zhao Xu!"

It is true that Zhao Xu doesn't want Zhang Xuan to see him, but he is just trying to hide himself.

As long as he is not blind, anyone can see Zhao Xu, not to mention that Zhao Xu is the youngest player in this golden competition.

"I'm busy and don't have time to be interviewed."

Zhao Xu rejected Zhang Xuan with one sentence and left quickly.

""Boy, you can't escape from my sister's grasp." Zhang Xuan didn't chase her. Anyway, there will be a chance tomorrow morning.

"Zhang Xuan, are you concerned? You've been following Zhao Xu for several hours, haven't you found out anything yet?"Old Han was speechless. He really didn't understand why Zhang Xuan fell in love with Zhao Xu. She had to pick Zhao Xu for nothing.

"Old Han! You have to believe me, this Zhao Xu is definitely worth exploring," Zhang Xuan said

"Then tell me what you found after following that kid all morning." Old Han is used to it.

Zhang Xuan was like this before, seven or eight times out of ten, but in the end it was all in vain, and the other three times were either scolded by others. Abnormal, or someone else would call the police and send him to the police station.

Old Han felt that Zhao Xu had no value in digging, but Zhang Xuan posted his experiences in the past few years on the Internet, and maybe it could cause some waves.

"This kid is also a weirdo. He doesn't go to the elf center or go home. He goes to the Internet cafe to surf the Internet." When Zhang Xuan mentioned what happened in the morning, she felt that Zhao Xu was a big weirdo.

"ah? No way?"

Old Han felt that Zhao Xu would not do this even if he was weird. Even if Zhao Xu won the battle this morning, he should still send the elf to the elf center for a checkup.

After all, the selection competition is very important, and the contestants also Everyone will use the main elf, so the main elf must be properly taken care of.

"What I saw with my own eyes can still be false. This guy stayed in the Internet cafe until the game was about to start before leaving," Zhang Xuan said

"So confident!"

Old Han was a little surprised.

After the battle, other trainers hurriedly adjusted the state of the elves for the next game. So if you are in the mood to go online

"Yes, and this guy is also very concerned about international affairs. After watching 5 hours of international news, I was almost stunned," Zhang Xuan said

"No way?"

It's not surprising that Zhao Xu is stupid at this age, but watching the news is the most surprising. He watched it for 5 hours in a row. He is like a lotus flower in the youth world."

"Did you take pictures of them all?"Old Han asked

"Of course I took the photo. If I hadn’t brought a power bank, the battery wouldn’t have been enough." Zhang Xuan took the photo for 5 hours.

""Come on, let's go back and edit it and post it online." Now that the Internet is developed, the news reported by journalists may not be accepted by the TV station, but they can spread it through the Internet themselves. In the morning, Lao Han took care of the interview with the famous trainer. , there is no need to stay here longer, but the results tomorrow morning are the most important.

The third trial will determine whether the contestants will stay or go. At that time, the expressions on the faces of the eliminated trainers will be even more brilliant.

Because the famous people interviewed before Trainers, they are very high-spirited. If they can't even enter the official competition in the end, they will undoubtedly be slapped in the face.......!

Zhao Xu: If you win two games, if you win another one tomorrow, your parents will let you out.

Zhou Sisi: Yeah! you are great!

Zhao Xu: From now on, when you praise me, you have to say: Xu! You are so fierce!

Zhou Sisi: Why?

Zhao Xu: Don’t worry about why, hurry up! Send me a voice message...!

Zhou Sisi: Voice?

Zhou Sisi did not pronounce the actual words, only the phonetic Chinese characters.

Zhao Xu: Be good, tell me quickly!

Zhou Sisi hesitated for a few minutes, and finally hoped that Zhao Xu would be happy. Zhou Sisi shyly sent a voice message

"Asahi! You really...fierce!"

Zhao Xu laughed out loud after listening to the voice message from Zhou Sisi.

Zhao Xu: Be good! I'm going to do my work first, and we'll talk in the evening.

Zhou Sisi: No need, prepare for the game well, and don't lose the last one.

Zhao Xu: Don’t worry, you won’t lose.

After Zhao Xu replied, he went to the kitchen with his wrist to prepare the elf feed.

Zhou Sisi’s parents made an agreement with Zhou Sisi that as long as Zhao Xu can enter the official competition, they will let Zhou Sisi out, so Zhao Xu is After winning two games, he told Zhou Sisi the news.

Zhou Sisi was naturally very happy when he learned that Zhao Xu had won two games.

Perhaps because of the constraints of his parents, Zhou Sisi wanted to meet Zhao Xu more and more, and stupidly waited for Zhao Xu to send news every day. For himself.

After Zhao Xu prepared dinner for his elf, he started to practice the wave guide.

During this time, he always forgot about chatting with Zhou Sisi, so he didn’t do much practice on the wave guide.

Since Zhou Sisi said, let Zhao Xu take a good To prepare for tomorrow's game, Zhao Xu naturally needs to practice waveguide.

In addition to practicing waveguide perception, Zhao Xu will also train himself to use waveguide, which is to simply condense waveguide and try to improve the time he can condense waveguide....!

"Weakness perception!"

Just as Zhao Xu was practicing waveguide perception, he had an additional waveguide perception technique in his mind.

"What move is this?"

Zhao Xu used Weakness Sense with doubts.


Soon, Zhao Xu noticed something different. There was no change in his perception of the surrounding environment, but the waveguide on his elf's body changed a little and became clearer. He could even sense the waveguide divisions on this elf's body. Moreover, different parts of the elf’s body have different parts of the waveguide, some are strong and some are weak.

"Could it be that the lack of waveguide branches is the Elf's weakness?"

"Dai Lubi, come here."

In order to confirm his thoughts, Zhao Xu called to Dai Lubi.


Dairubi immediately ran up to Zhao Xu, sticking out his tongue naively.

Seeing Dairubi's behavior, Zhao Xu couldn't bear to say,"Brother, after you evolve, you will look like a hellhound. You are like this. Silly, is it really okay?"

Zhao Xu didn't know why the Dai Ruby he cultivated was so stupid. The Dai Ruby he saw online was very majestic and could help trainers do various things.

Weakness sensing!

Zhao Xu closed his eyes and felt Dai Ruby. The waveguides on Ruby's body soon discovered that the waveguides on Dai Lubi's side waist were relatively light, and Zhao Xu immediately reached out to scratch them.


Delubi immediately let out a cry of comfort.

Seeing this, Zhao Xu pinched it a little harder


Dairubi immediately stood up in pain and ran to the side. It was obvious that he was pinched.


Hearing Dairubi's cry of pain, Zhao Xu could confirm the use of weakness perception.

If during a battle, he turns on weakness perception and feels the weakness of the opponent's elf, so that he can command the elf to attack the opponent's weakness..

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