"My initial elf is Menas."

Zhao Xu didn't intend to hide it from Zhang Xin, but he kept his voice low to avoid being heard by the people around him.

"What! Real or fake?"

Zhang Xin knew that Zhao Xu was the trainer who summoned the initial elf, but she didn't know that Zhao Xu's initial elf was actually Menas. Zhang Xin, who works in the alliance, has some knowledge about summoning the initial elf. So far, I have never heard of anyone summoning Menas as the initial elf.

If someone really summoned Menas as the initial elf, it would have been spread by the people of the alliance. After all, Menas is so beautiful. Elf, there are definitely a lot of artists out there who want to meet trainers who have meenas

"Sister Xin, look."

Zhao Xu took out his mobile phone and showed Zhang Xin the video of the evolution of the ugly fish.

Zhang Xin's eyes widened when he saw the scene of the evolution of the ugly fish. Zhang Xin also knew the surrounding environment. , so I didn’t cry out

"How many people know about this?"Zhang Xin immediately thought of many things. Chou Chou Fish can evolve into Menas. If this is announced, I believe the price of Chou Chou Fish will also soar.

"My father and I, as well as Aunt Zhang and Sister Xin." Zhao Xu didn't say anything about Ye Fang. If it weren't for the purpose of improving the trainer level, Zhao Xu would not show Ye Fang the video.

"Do you trust me so much?"

Zhang Xin knew that she was the fourth person, and was a little touched in her heart. She didn't expect that Zhao Xu in front of her still had such an innocent heart.

"Of course, after all, Sister Xin, you are Aunt Zhang's sister." Zhao Xu didn't care if the news about Chou Chou Fish's evolution into Menas was announced. Anyway, it only affected the market price of Chou Chou Fish, and it had nothing to do with him.

"Haha, can you tell me how the ugly fish evolved?"Zhang Xin asked with a smile,"My sister also wants to cultivate a Menas."

Everyone yearns for beautiful things, and girls naturally like them more. Now that she knows that Ugly Fish can evolve into Menas, Zhang Xin naturally Very excited

"Sister Xin, can you go home and talk?"

As for Zhang Xin, Zhao Xu feels that it doesn't matter even if he tells Zhang Xin how Menas evolved. After all, he is living under someone else's roof now. When his father and Zhang Qian get married, Zhang Xin will be regarded as his aunt.

"That's right. I'll take you to my place after dinner." Zhang Xin knew that this kind of thing needed to be kept secret. After all, there were many people in the restaurant.

After a delicious meal, Zhang Xin drove Zhao Xu to his home.

"Fierce horse card! It seems that Sister Xin's status in the alliance is very high."

Liema is a well-known car brand in this world, and it is the kind of car that rich people drive. Zhang Xin's car is a Liema car, which is worth at least one million.

The car passed through streets and came to a residential area, and finally came to a villa.

There were walls on both sides of the villa, forming a circle. It looked like it was a backyard for the elves.

"This is so rich."

Land in the city is extremely valuable. This villa plus the backyard covers an area of ​​at least 700-800 square meters. Zhao Xu feels that he can't buy this place without tens of millions.

"Haha, do you think your sister is very rich?"

Zhang Xin drove the car into the parking garage of the villa, and Zhang Xin's words hit Zhao Xu's doubts.

""It's a bit."

Zhao Xu knew that Zhang Xin was rich, but he didn't expect that Zhang Xin was so rich. Although a gold-level trainer is powerful and his income must be high, he doesn't have enough money to drive a luxury car and live in a luxury house.

"Haha, the salary of a gold-level trainer is not high, but you can make a lot of money by catching elves in the wild every year," Zhang Xin said

"Yeah? , Then Sister Xin is really powerful."

Zhao Xu knew how much the elves were worth. In this world, it is not how strong the elves are, but the more beautiful they are, the more valuable they are, and the rarer they are, the more valuable they are.

For example, tyrannosaurs Dragons are very powerful, but due to their large numbers and difficulty in taming, the price is very low. It is impossible for ordinary people to spend money to buy Gyarados, so those docile and cute elves are easy to raise, and the extra money will be relatively high.

But No matter how high the price is, it's not worth hundreds of millions. Even an Eevee only costs about 500,000. Besides, trainers don't always find good ones when they go to capture elves.

And Aunt Zhang also said Since Zhang Xin is working in the alliance, he doesn't have so much time.

Even if he has doubts, Zhao Xu will not speak out. After all, this is Zhang Xin's private matter. Zhao Xu still understands the principle that curiosity kills the cat.

"Come on, let me show you my elf."

Zhang Xin took Zhao Xu to the backyard of the villa

"Ba na!"



As soon as they arrived in the backyard, three elves walked over in a swaggering manner.

LV40 Bulbasaur/♀

LV37 Abby Lang/♂

LV35 Mane Rock Werewolf/♂

"Sister Xin's elves are so powerful."

Seeing the levels of the three elves, Zhao Xu had to admire Zhang Xin. It was really not easy to cultivate four gold-level elves by just one person.

"Xiaoxu, do you know my elf?"Zhang Xin also planned to introduce them, but looking at Zhao Xu's calm eyes, he must have seen these elves before.

"Well, I've seen it online." Zhao Xu nodded and said,"This is Bulbasaur, this is Aibilang, and it's the Mane Rock Werewolf."

"Not bad, I recognized them all. It seems that your learning was not in vain." Zhang Xin encouraged

"I just saw it online, but the school doesn’t teach that much about elves." Although there are 9 years of compulsory teaching, the basic things to learn are cultural classes, and elves-related courses are not taught until the last year.

"But, Sister Xin, do you just leave your elf at home?"Zhao Xu asked

"Yes, don’t look at such a big house, but I live alone and I can’t manage it by myself. I can only let the elf stay at home to look after the house." Zhang Xin complained dissatisfiedly,"Originally, I wanted to call my sister over. , but she couldn’t come back alive and had to take that small county with her. I really don’t know what she was thinking. What do you think is good about Wuxian County?"

"Maybe it's because the environment is very good."

Zhao Xu felt embarrassed for a while. He guessed that Zhang Qian's reluctance to leave Wuxian had something to do with her father, but she couldn't say this in front of Zhang Xin.

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