"Wait until the official start of the game on February 2nd, watch my game carefully, maybe you can find something," Zhao Xu said.

Seeing Zhao Xu's pretense, Ma Yun boldly guessed,"Is your kid attracted by Lin Wanhong, the belle of your school? How many gold-level elves did she give to you?"

"Holy shit! You all know Lin Wanhong!"

Before, Zhao Xu thought that Ma Yun was joking when he said he paid attention to the college beauty, but then he realized that Ma Yun really paid attention and even named her.

"Nonsense, that is the granddaughter of the previous champion Lin Tianci, and she is so beautiful, how can I not recognize her!"Ma Yun said

"You all know his identity, do you think he can like me?"Zhao Xu feels that he can be liked by Zhou Sisi because he saved her and made her gradually like him.

The most important thing is that Zhou Sisi's family is strict, so Zhou Sisi is relatively simple about emotional matters. Let Zhao Xu catch up with her easily

"It makes sense. Although it is common in TV dramas for a rich daughter to fall in love with a poor boy, the probability of it happening in reality is very low, and you are far from that Lin Wanhong," Ma Yun said.

Seeing Ma Yun's self-righteous look, Zhao Xu really couldn't help but I had the heart to tell him that I had a girlfriend, and she was a rich girl with a fortune of tens of billions.

"I'm full, you pay."

After Zhao Xu finished eating the last crab, his stomach was also full.

"Where shall we go later?"

Ma Yun looked at the time. The two of them had only eaten for an hour. It's only after 7 o'clock and the nightlife hasn't started yet.

"I don’t know, please tell me."

Zhao Xu has been in Magic City for so long and has never gone out at night.

Although the nightlife in big cities is very rich, Zhao Xu has no interest in that nightlife. He just eats, drinks, has fun, and KKP by the way.

And Zhao Xu He and Ma Yun are not under 16 years old, and they cannot go to places where adults can play. At most, they can go to Internet cafes to play games.

"I do know a good place, but I don’t know if you dare to go there," Ma Yun said.

"oh? Where?"

Zhao Xu knows that Ma Yun is just a talkative person, and he really doesn't dare to go to those fancy places.

Of course, this is mainly because Ma Yun's parents will check his bills. If they find that he has gone somewhere he shouldn't have gone, It would be terrible to meet his punishment

"Underground boxing ring!"

Ma Yun proudly uttered four words:

"The kind where the elf goes down to box?"

Zhao Xu knows this. To put it bluntly, it's an underground boxing ring. Elves are sent to fight, and people at the scene can place bets. In addition to watching the boxing, it is also to make a small fortune.

"No, it was a fight between a human and an elf," Ma Yun whispered.

"Damn it! If an elf fights with a human, isn't that looking for death?"Zhao Xu didn't expect that the underground audience that Ma Yun was talking about turned out to be like this.

Even if the person who summoned the initial elf would become stronger with the elf, there would still be a big gap between him and the real elf.

If the level of the elf is low, there is still some possibility of fighting. Unless those trainers have special abilities like you, fighting with the elf is just looking for abuse.

"Don't worry, there are healing elves ready to treat you, and this boxing match is quite exciting. I also have a friend who took me there, and I will open your eyes today," Ma Yun said

"Okay, let's go."

Zhao Xu had nothing to do, so he just wanted to expand his knowledge.

Although this underground boxing ring may not abide by the laws, the people above would turn a blind eye to this kind of thing. As long as it's not a big deal, it's fine.

Ma Yun immediately took out her mobile phone and called her friend. The other party made an appointment with Ma Yun and drove to pick up Ma Yun and Zhao Xu in person later.

Because the underground boxing ring was not very formal. It’s a place, so people who aren’t connected can’t get in.......!

"By the way, what's your friend's name?"

After leaving the hotel, Zhao Xu asked the other party's name.

"His name is Hua Teng"

"What! Ma Huateng!"

Zhao Xu was suddenly shocked, feeling that he was about to meet a big boss.

"His surname is not Ma, his surname is Hua, Hua Hua, Teng Fei." Ma Yun didn't understand how Zhao Xu thought that the other party's surname was Ma, and immediately corrected him.

"How did you meet?"

Zhao Xu doesn't remember that Ma Yun has this friend, because Ma Yun basically told Zhao Xu about any friends he has.

"I met someone online when I was playing games, and the game ID was Ye Aonai Wo He," Ma Yun said.

"It turns out to be him! how? Are you still playing masturbation?"Zhao Xu remembered that it was a game released 5 years ago. At that time, he and Ma Yun played together, and they made a few game friends.

However, Zhao Xu got tired of playing it for two years, and then played it intermittently. After a long time, Since then, I have never had sex again.

"No, I added him as a friend on QChat, and we got to know each other later. He knew I was coming to Magic City, so he came to play with me," Ma Yun said

"What a coincidence!"

Zhao Xu didn't expect that the person he had met online for several years could actually meet in real life.

Zhao Xu vaguely remembered that this man, Aonai, was a novice, and he shouted"Big Brother!" all day long! Boss! Take me with you."

Beep! Beep!

At this moment, a shiny black car came from the left direction and honked its horn twice.


When Ma Yun saw this car, she knew it was Hua Teng. She had taken this car to the underground boxing ring.

Ma Yun pulled Zhao Xu and walked over.

The window of the black car automatically lowered, and a man who looked similar to Zhao Xu A boy about the same age as the two of them sat in the driver's seat.

"Brother Ma, who is your friend?"The young man looked at Zhao Xu with a curious look on his face.

"UZI don’t remember!"

Ma Yun proudly mentioned

"Damn it! Great God, it’s you!"The young man immediately looked at Zhao Xu with admiration, just like a fanboy.

"Hello, my name is Zhao Xu."

Zhao Xu really didn't know how to respond to Hua Teng, so he just introduced himself.

"Hello, great god, my name is Hua Teng, I am that master, Aonai, why do you still remember me?" Hua Teng also responded hurriedly

"Of course I remember, you are there every time I go online."

Because their studies are simple, Zhao Xu and Ma Yun have a lot of time, and they can see Hua Teng online when they play. Hua Teng immediately sent an invitation when he found out that Zhao Xu and Ma Yun were there.

Because Zhao Xu and Ma Yun had a lot of time. Xu was very strong, and he pushed Ma Yun and Hua Teng's accounts to the platinum level, but he couldn't help them anymore.

Because Ma Yun and Hua Teng were really talented and fun-loving at the time.

Just because of the two of them, Zhao Xu had the urge to unload and masturbate several times.

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