"Everyone is ready to eat!"

After discussing the promotion with Hua Teng, Zhao Xu went home and used his strength to make food for his elf.

Zhao Xu was very happy to see his elf feasting. In the past six months, Zhao Xu has not dared to do anything else. Sure, but my cooking skills have definitely improved.

"need you!"

"I am a fish!"

"The air in the water!"

"It's your pettiness and bad temper!"


The cell phone rang suddenly. Zhao Xu looked at the call and found it was Hua Teng.

"strangeness? Didn’t we just chat?"

Zhao Xu was a little confused. He had been chatting with Hua Teng for half an hour on the bus.

Less than two hours had passed when Hua Teng called.

"Hello? Is there something urgent?"

If Hua Teng can call me, it can only be about something very important.

If it's a small matter, just send a Q letter."

"Brother Xu, you are awesome! I didn’t expect you to create momentum for yourself!"

Hearing Hua Teng's words, Zhao Xu had a question mark on his face.

When did he find trouble for himself?

"What are you doing to build momentum?"Zhao Xu asked

"Brother Xu, you don’t know? A report about you has become a hot search topic. You were ranked tenth just now, but now you are ranked fifth," Hua Teng said.

""Wait a minute, I'll take a look."

Zhao Xu turned on the TV, looked at the fact hot search list, and immediately saw a post about himself at No. 5 on the hot search list. The genius trainer Zhao Xu fought for love with a sword! Stealing others away Beloved woman!

"Isn't this done by your company?"

When he saw the title, Zhao Xu was speechless and wondered if this was the fault of the Tomorrow Star Company.

"Of course not. Even if we reported it, we wouldn't report it like this. Didn't Brother Xu do it yourself? Hua Ling was also a little confused.

He originally discussed the promotion with Zhao Xu, but within two hours of the discussion, his subordinates came to report the matter and asked if Zhao Xu had done it himself.

Hua Ling Teng didn't think much about it, thinking that only Zhao Xu would be like this, and others wouldn't be so bored to help fire Zhao Xu.

As for hacking Zhao Xu, it's even more impossible. Zhao Xu is not famous yet, who would be bored to hack Zhao Xu? Asahi

"Your sister?"

Zhao Xu clearly remembers that Hua Ling said she would take revenge on herself. Maybe she asked someone to write this report.

"Brother Xu, my sister has a bad temper, but she really can't do anything to slander others. I can guarantee this with my life." Hua Teng immediately defended his sister. Regarding

Hua Teng's oath, Zhao Xu didn't believe it at all. Only children would say such things.

If Hua Ling really did it, Hua Teng would really be able to give his life.

Even if Hua Teng dared to give it, Zhao Xu wouldn’t dare to take it.

"By the way, Brother Xu, is this report true? You really got the daughter of the chairman of Fanggui Company!"After Hua Teng finished self-certifying for his sister, he started gossiping about the authenticity of the report.

Zhao Xu was suddenly shocked.

Zhao Xu only read the title, not the content.

Now he heard Hua Teng say the news in the content , Zhao Xu was very surprised.

Zhou Sisi's family's company is called Fanggui Company, and Zhou Sisi's father is also the chairman.

Zhao Xu immediately opened this report about himself.

After reading it, Zhao Xu's brows were furrowed. The report can be said to be similar to the title. It mainly talks about the love affair between Zhao Xu and the daughter of the chairman of Fanggui Company, and it was stolen from Wang Zhe. In a big city like Magic City, the gym leader naturally has 8 gyms. He is relatively famous among the main characters. Therefore, Wang Zhe, the son of Wang Zhe, has also become famous. Especially Wang Zhe is also a well-known trainer and has his own reputation.

"Brother Xu! Brother Xu!"

Hua Teng on the other end of the phone saw that Zhao Xu didn't respond for a long time, so he shouted Zhao Xu's name twice.

"Hua Teng, can you find out who posted this report?"The content of this report is very different from reality.

Although it has the flavor of embarrassment, it is basically true.

But Zhao Xu can't figure out who would tell this matter. People who know this matter will basically not do such a thing.

Zhou Sisi's Although his parents no longer object, they are still a little dissatisfied with Zhao Xu in their hearts, and they will definitely not take the initiative to tell this matter.

Wang Zhe has liked Zhou Sisi for so many years, and was snatched away by Zhao Xu. This report will have a great impact on him. Negative.

So Zhao Xu couldn't think of who exposed this matter for a while. Now he can only find it from the source.

"Brother Xu, is this true?"

Hua Teng heard Zhao Xu's serious tone and knew that this report was probably true.

"It's true, but I want to know who announced this." Zhao Xu did not deny it. Now that the matter has reached this point, it is difficult for him to hide it.

I believe that tomorrow there will be a bunch of reporters trying to find ways to dig out Zhao Xu. all information

""Brother Xu, it's useless even if you know who the initiator is, you can't suppress this news." Although

Rising Star has the strength to suppress this report, Zhao Xu has not brought any income to the company, so the company also They will not help, they will just let this matter develop.

Even people from the planning and promotion departments think this is a very effective method of inference, and the provincial company spends its own money and efforts to promote it.

"I don’t intend to suppress it, I just want to know who reported it," Zhao Xu said

"Okay, I can check it for you, Brother Xu, but I can't guarantee that I can find it," Hua Teng said.

"OK! Thank you."

Zhao Xu thanked him and hung up the phone.



As soon as the call was disconnected, Zhao Xu saw the Q message sent by Zhou Sisi and sent dozens of them at once.

Zhou Sisi: Zhao Xu, we Why did the incident appear on the Internet?

What happened to Zhao Xu!......!

After chatting with Hua Teng, Zhao Xu had calmed down a lot and took the initiative to press the voice connection button.

"Hello! What happened to Zhao Xu? Why did the incident between you and Sisi appear on the Internet?"

"mom!"Don't be so cruel."

The voice was connected, and Fu Ling's questioning voice came. Zhou Sisi was still trying to persuade her mother not to be angry.

"Auntie, I don’t know about this matter either," Zhao Xu said

"What about the people around you?"

Fu Ling originally went to work in the company after leaving the war zone. Not long after working, his assistant came to tell him about this matter.

After learning about this matter, Fu Ling wanted to talk to Zhao Xu alone, but found that he did not have Zhao Xu. Xu’s contact information, we can only come back to Zhou Sisi to contact Zhao Xu

"I am the only one who knows about Zhou Sisi and I. I didn’t tell anyone around me, but you, auntie...."Zhao Xu felt that this matter might have been caused by Zhou Sisi's family.

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