"This involves company secrets. If you don't agree to participate in the experiment, I can't tell anyone." Ying Zheng actually wanted to say it, but it is a company secret.

"Then Uncle Ying should find someone else. There are many outstanding players in this Golden Conference, including trainers who have legendary elves." Zhao Xu is not sad about the super evolution, and he doesn't have to worry about it anyway.

"That's a pity." Seeing that Zhao Xu still disagreed, Ying Zheng did not continue to persuade him to stay. He took out a business card and handed it to Zhao Xu, saying,"This is my business card. If you figure it out later, you can contact me at any time."

After giving the business card, Ying Zheng left with his two bodyguards.

Zhao Xu sat down in the seat where he had been sitting before. After watching the remaining three duels, he followed the players' passage and left the battle area.

In order Without being pestered by reporters, Zhao Xu took a taxi directly back to the villa....!

"Night Watch, train your moves well!"

Back at the villa, Zhao Xu began to supervise the training of night patrol spirits.

"Night patrol!"

The night patrolling spirit was very confused.

Normally, Zhao Xu didn't supervise the night patrolling spirit very much, and turned a blind eye to the night patrolling spirit who was lazy in training.

The reason why Zhao Xu suddenly started to supervise the night patrolling spirit is also Because the Night Patrolling is currently at level 31, it is still 6 levels away from evolving into the Wandering Night Spirit.

So Zhao Xucai suddenly began to urge the Night Patrolling to train well. Judging from the current upgrade speed, it is estimated that it will take less than half a year. The night watcher can almost evolve into the wandering night spirit.

"Night patrol!"

"Night patrol!"

"night patrol...!"

However, Night Patrolling didn't know what Zhao Xu was thinking. He just trained honestly according to Zhao Xu's instructions.

After Zhao Xu leaves, Night Patrolling will start to be lazy.

But this time, Night Patrolling was wrong. Zhao Xu sat down next to Night Patrolling to practice waveguide, and then focused on it....!

"so be it!

"It’s the end of the story in Aidu!"

"Then help break up"

"No matter how much you love, there is no need to struggle!"


After practicing for almost an hour, the phone rang.

Seeing the caller ID, Zhao Xu answered the call with a headache, and then said helplessly,"Dad, why did you call me?""

"Don't you, kid, don't know what's going on in your heart?"

The caller is none other than Zhao's father, and judging by his tone, he must be here to ask about something on the hot search topic.

"Dad, that was all made up by reporters. Do you believe it?"Zhao Xu didn't tell his family about Zhou Sisi, so Zhao Xu planned to hide it until the end.

Zhao Xu knew that his father was a relatively traditional man and did not approve of his being in a relationship.


Zhao Fang also only learned the news this morning. However, because Zhao Xu would compete in the morning, Zhao Fang did not call Zhao Xu until 2 o'clock in the afternoon.

Now that Zhao Xu said that the hotly searched news was fake, Zhao Fang Fang suddenly didn’t know who to believe.

"Dad, if you don’t even look at our family’s background, can people like me?"Zhao Xu directly used secular reasons to deal with Zhao Fang.


Zhao Fang was silent. This reason was too strong.

After thinking about what Zhao Xu said, Zhao Fang felt that the news on the Internet was really too fake.

"That report was mainly to add negative influence to Wang Zhe, and I was used to take advantage of it. Moreover, this matter only became popular for a while. After the Golden Conference in Magic City is over, no one will pay attention to it in a week or two." Zhao Xudao

"I'm over-worrying. You have to work hard and do your best in this competition. Don't push it. You are still young." Zhao Fang has watched Zhao Xu's competition in the past two days.

As for Zhao Xu's performance in the competition, Zhao Fang Naturally, he is quite satisfied, and he also knows that his son has established a firm foothold on the road of being a professional trainer.

"Dad, don't worry, I know it well." Seeing that Zhao Fang was fooled so easily, Zhao Xu also followed Zhao Fang's intention and said a few words in agreement.

"By the way, where did your vacation king come from?"Zhao Fang asked suddenly.

Zhao Xu went home during the winter vacation before. Zhao Fang also saw the elves Zhao Xu had. There was no one asking for leave.

"I captured this leave king in the wilds of Mishan City." Zhao Xu continued to fool him.

"In just half a month, you have tamed the leave king!"

Zhao Fang knew that Zhao Xu went to Mishan City, but it only lasted half a month. Zhao Fang couldn't figure out how Zhao Xu tamed the Leave King.

Even if Zhao Fang was not a professional trainer, he knew the Leave King. This elf's

"My vacation king is a bit special, and the process of taming it is quite complicated. Anyway, it just needs to listen to me."

"Dad, there's nothing wrong, so I'll hang up now. I have a game tomorrow and need to check the elf's status."

Zhao Xu didn't bother to explain and quickly found a reason to hang up first.

"Okay, just get ready, I won't disturb you anymore." Seeing Zhao Xu using such a strong reason, Zhao Fang didn't say much more, and hung up the phone after saying this.

"Night patrolling spirit, please don’t be lazy."

Zhao Xu turned around and saw the night patrolling spirit being lazy there.

"Night patrol!"

The Night Patrolling immediately began to practice shadow sneak attacks.

Upon seeing this, Zhao Xu sat down with satisfaction and continued to practice waveguide.

He had practiced waveguide perception for an hour before, and then began to train the use of waveguide.

According to Wei Wu , Zhao Xu kept training the waveguide's cohesion speed to increase his proficiency.

The third day of the Huangda Conference!

The quarterfinals!

This is the last 3V3 game. After the semifinals, there will be a 6V6 battle.

Players indoor There are only 8 players left.

Each of the 8 players is a young leader of gold-level trainers.

Since the Gold Tournament requires trainers to be gold-level, they must not be over 30 years old, so the current age of the 8 players in the player room is all No more than 30 years old, still young

"Welcome everyone to come and watch the third round of the Magic City Golden Conference. After two days of fierce competition, there are currently 8 players left.

These 8 players are undoubtedly the dark horses of this golden conference, and today's game will definitely be more exciting than yesterday.

Then please invite the first group of contestants to come on stage! Guo Jie and Du Lei are invited to compete!"

In the player room.

Guo Jie and Du Lei, whose names were announced by the host, stood up at the same time, looked at each other, and walked to different passages.

"Guo Jie is in the fire-type lineup, and Du Lei is in the evil-type lineup. It’s really hard to judge who can win."

Zhao Xu recorded the information of the two of them. In the past, they had information about participating in the Golden Conference, but half of them stopped at Among the top 8, one of the two of them will be able to enter the top four this time.

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