""Kid, this is your trainer ID card."

The lady at the counter in the lobby of the Elf Center handed Zhao Xu a magnetic card the size of an ID card.

This is the trainer ID card, and you can use this ID card to receive state subsidies.

About The trainer's subsidy is naturally based on the trainer's level.

Black iron-level trainers have a monthly subsidy of 3,000 yuan. Silver-level trainers have a monthly subsidy of 10,000 yuan and ten kilograms of elf rations. Gold-level trainers have a monthly subsidy of 10,000 yuan.

There is a subsidy of 30,000 yuan and fifty kilograms of elf rations.

In addition to the benefits provided by the government, platinum-level and diamond-level trainers can also work in the alliance with a fixed salary of 100,000 yuan per month. All elf food is provided by The alliance provides bonuses for completing the tasks released by the alliance.

Therefore, as long as the trainer successfully summons the initial elf, he can get the minimum guarantee, a monthly subsidy of 3,000 yuan.

However, 3,000 is not enough. In this world, one is the most common The red and white balls cost 500 yuan, and 3,000 yuan is only enough to buy five elf balls.

Especially the elf rations, the worst grade of rations cost 500 yuan a pound.

And the elf's appetite is based on body size. Before, the United States If Nas hadn't evolved, a ration of 500 yuan per kilogram would be enough for Chou Chou Fish to eat for a month.

But after evolving into Menas, with a body size of over 3 meters, Menas would have to eat at least one kilogram of rations a day, a month. It comes down to 15,000.

Fortunately, my father is a silver-level trainer. With his monthly salary plus alliance subsidies, he has an income of 10,000 yuan a month, which can still afford to support Minas.

Trainer ID card After receiving it, Zhao Xu quickly took the bus to the Alliance Tax Bureau in the county. If he wanted to receive the subsidy, he had to go to the tax bureau to apply.

After filling out a bunch of forms, the person at the window informed Zhao Xu that the subsidy would be available within a week. Receipt

"I want to eat chicken!"

After coming out of the tax bureau, Zhao Xu planned to treat himself well and ran to the market to buy a roast chicken and take it home. It was already 5 pm when he got home, but there was no one at home. Zhao's father usually didn't get home until 6:30.

Zhao Xu had to cook the rice first and wait for Zhao's father to come back.

Zhao Xu was a baby when he traveled to this world, but when Zhao Xu just regained consciousness, he found that he had lost his mother. In the delivery room, Zhao's mother died after giving birth to Zhao Xu. He died after bleeding too much.

Father Zhao was very sad about this, and he did not choose to marry a wife. As Father Zhao's trainer, it was very easy to find a wife. After all, the trainer ratio was 10 to 1, as long as Father Zhao wanted to , there are many people in the county who are willing to marry their daughters.

However, Zhao's father did not marry for Zhao Xu, and raised Zhao Xu alone until now. During this period, Zhao Xu also persuaded his father to find a companion, but Zhao's father just Unwilling, he said he would wait until Zhao Xu turned fifteen.

In this world, fifteen is the age of adulthood. After that, you can choose to continue school or go to work.


The door lock sounded, and the door was pushed open. The middle-aged uncle walked in

"Xiaoxu! how's it going?"

The middle-aged uncle is Zhao Xu's father. His name is Zhao Fang. He is in his early forties.

"Dad, why are you back so early? It’s only 5:30." Zhao Fang usually doesn’t get home until around 6:30, but today it’s 1 hour earlier.

"Today is the day for you to summon the initial elf. I must come back early. Tell dad quickly whether you have summoned the initial elf." Zhao Fang was very anxious. If there wasn't something urgent in the company today, Zhao Fang would definitely have to do it. I went to the elf center with Zhao Xu. After all, this is a fork in the road of life. If you summon the initial elf, your future will be bright. If you cannot summon it, your future will be bleak.

""It's summoned." Zhao Xu smiled and nodded,"It's summoned the ugly fish.""

"Ugly fish is not bad. You can do underwater work in the future. Ugly fish is small and is very convenient to do some things." When he heard that it was Ugly fish, Zhao Fang immediately comforted him,"Tomorrow, dad will ask you what kind of jobs there are. Suitable for you to do"

"Dad, you don’t need to introduce me to a job, I decided to be a trainer," Zhao Xu said

"Xiaoxu, you are not that easy to be a trainer. Your ugly fish is not suitable for fighting." Zhao Fang felt ashamed. His son had been very stable since he was a child. How could he say such a thing? Because of the time-travelling Relationship, Zhao Xu has been a good baby since he was a child, neither noisy nor noisy, so in the eyes of Zhao’s father, Zhao Xu has always been a sensible child

""Dad, what are you looking at?"

Zhao Xu knows his father's personality, and if he doesn't reassure him, his future plans will definitely not be implemented.



Menas groaned softly, and the beautiful sound made the father and son feel a little relaxed.

"What! This elf should be Menas, where did it come from?"Zhao Fang was so shocked that he began to wonder if he was hallucinating.

"This is the evolution of Menas, the ugly fish," Zhao Xu explained.

"What! How did the ugly fish evolve?"

It's okay if there is no explanation. Once explained, Zhao Fang was even more stunned. He couldn't connect the ugly fish with Menas.

"I know you don't believe it, I have a video here."

Zhao Xu quickly took out the cell phone video taken in the toilet and showed it to Zhao Fang.

After watching the video, Zhao Fang completely believed that Menus really evolved from the ugly fish.

"The place where you shot the video was the toilet, right? Evolved just after being summoned?"Zhao Fang has been to the Elf Center many times and saw that the scene is in the middle and west of the Elf.

However, the level of the elf just summoned is all level 1, and it has evolved like this. Zhao Fang has never seen it before.

"I don’t know this either. I originally wanted to talk to the ugly fish, but the ugly fish suddenly glowed. I immediately thought of evolution and took a photo with my phone." Zhao Xu would not tell Zhao about his systematic things. square

"I really can’t believe that Menas actually evolved from the Ugly Fish. It’s really unbelievable."

Zhao Fang would not suspect that Zhao Xu had lied to him, and he had already decided that this was true.

"Then dad, just promise me to be a professional trainer," Zhao Xu asked


Zhao Fang looked at Menas and then at Zhao Xu, feeling in a dilemma.

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