After being scolded by Zhang Xin, Zhao Xu immediately went to the warehouse

"Sure enough, I was really blind at the time."

Zhao Xu looked at the cube machine in the center of the warehouse. The plug was still plugged in. It seemed that Zhang Xin used it frequently.


"Pomelo fruit + pear fruit + Lezhu fruit + Biba fruit = Taeyang Eevee's favorite taste"

"Cherry fruit + peach fruit + melon fruit = Mane Rock werewolf's favorite taste"....!

A piece of white paper was pasted next to the cube machine console, with recipes for four kinds of tree fruits written on it, all specially prepared for Zhang Xin's four elves.

Different formulas can be used to make different energy cubes. However, the energy cubes are all the same in terms of nutrition, but the taste is slightly different. There is no ability-enhancing effect. If letting the elf thrive can be regarded as increasing the ability, then that's it. It has an enhancing effect, right?

"I don’t know what the formula of Dr. Oak’s energy cube is."

Zhao Xu was very curious about Dr. Oak’s feed formula. One feed formula can make Kirby full. If he had that formula, Zhao Xu would dare to feed the little Kirby. The beast was bred into a Kirby beast.

Unfortunately, in the animation, Dr. Oki only secretly told Xiaoyao the formula without saying it explicitly.

And the formula Zhao Xu knew was only the formula in the game, and he didn’t know if it could be made in reality. Zhao Xu only knows one kind, and that is the blue energy cube that increases beauty.

""Ink berries, oranges, kiwis and odd fruits"

Zhao Xu put four kinds of tree fruits into the cube machine according to the formula he remembered. Energy cubes can be made with up to four kinds of tree fruits. Of course, it is not more or less. The best thing is that you can even use one kind of tree fruit to make energy cubes, and the energy cubes produced are more nutritious than those made from a variety of tree fruits.

But the fruit is very expensive. In the backpack system There aren't many berries. With Zhao Xu's current consumption, they will all be used up in 3 months at most. If the main elves are added in these 3 months, they will be used up faster.


Put away the berries. Zhao Xu closed the lid and pressed the switch.


The fruit sank into the inside of the cube machine, making bursts of sound.


Zhao Xu waited quietly.

5 minutes later!


The drawer under the cube machine opens automatically, and a neat row of tree fruits is placed in the drawer.

Four blue squares are placed inside.

Zhao Xu took out the blue cube and found that it was still a little warm.

The number of energy cubes is calculated based on the placed berries. Four berries are four energy cubes.

Put four energy cubes into the cube box provided by the system. This cube box is used to store energy cubes in the game. It is convenient for Zhao Xu to take them out to feed the elves in the future. Moreover, the cube box provided by the system can be stored unlimitedly and kept fresh forever.

Putting the four blue cubes away, Zhao Xu took out 10 of each of the four fruits and continued making them.

It took me an hour of work to make forty blue squares, and with the rest I had, it was enough for more than a week.

After fixing the gap in the energy cube, Zhao Xu stretched and prepared to rest. Because he had to train the elf, Zhao Xu was used to going to bed early and getting up early.

The sun is high.

There are more than twenty elves lying on a piece of green grass. Because the temperature is too high, the elves are too lazy to move.

"Thank you all for your hard work! Come and eat watermelon!"

Zhao Xu has already prepared iced watermelon for his elf.





Seeing the iced watermelon, all the elves in the yard rushed over excitedly, each holding a piece and eating it

"In summer, you really need to eat iced watermelon to enjoy it!"

Zhao Xu also took a piece of watermelon and feasted on it.

After staying in Mishan City for a week, Zhao Xu worked on the front line at two o'clock every day. He went to the combat zone to play two or three games in the morning, then prepared lunch, and conducted individual training in the afternoon. I also went to the trading market and spent 6,000 yuan to replenish the remaining two cats. The level of the three elves that are often used to fight the giant sting wasp, mosquito tadpole and rocket sparrow has also been raised to level 21. Mena Si has also reached level 23.

Now Zhao Xu doesn't have to worry about not enough elves when he goes to the Silver and White Zone, but even so, Zhao Xu can fight up to three battles a day. For a week, Zhao Xu has never lost a battle in the battle zone. Gradually, he gained a certain reputation in the silver circle of Mishan City, so after one or two battles, no one dared to challenge Zhao Xu, especially knowing that Zhao Xu had a powerful circle bear in his hand.

Overall, this week's improvement is pretty good, especially knowing that some silver trainers have achievements that only take two or three years, but he has reached a level similar to them in half a month. Zhao Xu also realizes that his elf has upgraded. The speed is a bit scary


Whoosh! Whoosh!"...!

"Stop practicing, Circle Bear, come and eat watermelon."

Seeing Circle Bear practicing Thunder Fist not far away, Zhao Xu walked over with a watermelon and handed it to Circle Bear.


The circle bear ate the watermelon handed to him in one bite, chewed it a few times and swallowed it. Then he continued to punch, and there was already a trace of electricity on the palm of his fist.

"Stop practicing as a circle bear, and balance work with rest." Zhao Xu persuaded again.


The Circle Bear shook his head in refusal and continued to practice, and electric current flashed out of his palm. I believe that it won't be long before the Circle Bear can master the Thunder Fist.

Seeing such a diligent Circle Bear, Zhao Xu was helpless. He originally thought Circle Bear couldn't master the thunder and lightning fist in a month, and as a result, it had already begun to take shape in just one week.

Zhao Xu estimated that Circle Bear would be able to learn it in a week at the fastest and half a month at the slowest. By then, he and Circle Bear would be able to master it. The bet between the circle bear and the circle bear has been lost. From now on, I will prepare sweets for the circle bear every day.

The price of this bottle of sweet honey on the market is 1,000 yuan. With the size of the circle bear, one bottle a day is not a problem, even if it saves money. After eating one bottle for three days, the monthly expenditure is 10,000 yuan.

At present, Zhao Xu can say that he is not short of anything, and his income and expenditure have been equal. Of course, there is also Zhang Xin's help, otherwise the money will only decrease.

So Zhao Xuxiaozhi used food to delay the learning progress of the circle bear.

But this guy may have been with Aibi Lang for a long time, and even his temper has begun to be closer to Aibi Lang. He trains seriously every day, and he is only one There are signs this week.

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