"Teacher Song, why are you here!"

There was a sound of surprise outside the door.

"It's Miao Miao!"

Zhou Sisi immediately recognized whose voice it was and walked out immediately.

Zhao Xu continued to stay in the kitchen preparing feed. Song

Li is now the second-grade class teacher. She didn't know about the situation of the freshmen. She didn't expect Miao Miao to be there.

Plus Zhou Sisi and the three women started chatting unconsciously.

Zhao Xu finished making the elf feed before they finished chatting.

Zhao Xu and Hao Li worked hard to put the elf feed out one basin after another.

Look. After Zhao Xu and Guai Li came out of the kitchen, Zhou Sisi took Miao Miao to the backyard to find Zhao Xu.

"Hello Zhao Xu, long time no see!"

Miao Miao greeted Zhao Xu enthusiastically.

"Yes, hello!"

Zhao Xu also responded

"Are these your elves?"

Miao Miao didn't have much enthusiasm at first, but when she saw all kinds of elves in the backyard, she immediately became enthusiastic. She has followed Miao Fenghua since she was a child. Miao Miao also liked elves very much when she saw so many elves. , I was even more happy.

However, Miao Miao soon discovered that these elves came to eat the feed prepared by Zhao Xu, and was a little surprised.

The elves are not so casual, and generally they will not be prepared by strangers without the consent of the trainer. Food.

And these elves in the backyard all eat the feed prepared by Zhao Xu, which has to make Meow Meow a little confused. If these elves belong to Zhao Xu, that is too much.

"Yes, they are all my elves."

Zhao Xu didn't find it strange that Miaomiao raised such a question.

Miao Miao felt that he had heard wrongly.

"Miao Miao, what Zhao Xu said is true. These are his elves. The backyard of our Mercury House is basically occupied by this guy's elves."Zhou Sisi also helped testify.

"Can you take care of so many elves on a regular basis?"Miao Miao didn't count them in detail, but at a glance he knew there were more than twenty. What

Miao Miao didn't know was that Zhao Xu had not released a few elves. If the backyard wasn't too small, Zhao Xu would definitely have released him. The elf comes out to relax

"If you can't take care of them, you won't be able to conquer so many."

Zhao Xu answered as usual.

"Do you plan to do elf research in the future?"Miao Miao continued to ask.

"No, I just want to be a professional trainer"

"Then you are really amazing. You can research so many things as a professional trainer."Miao Miao knew about the paper Zhao Xu published in the academic forum, and she admired Zhao Xu very much in her heart.

"It's nothing, I just discovered it by accident, it's nothing."Zhao Xu couldn't bear being praised in person.

After all, the papers he published were discovered by others, and he was just a porter of knowledge.

Ding dong~! Ding dong~! Ding dong~!

The doorbell rang suddenly Get up


The door of Mercury House has a fingerprint lock, and any student from Mercury House can come in.

The three of them went to the door to open the door together.

As soon as they opened it, they saw three teenagers standing at the door, with immature looks on their faces. You can tell he's a freshman at first glance

"Zhao Xu!"

"We are here to challenge you!"

Before Zhao Xu could speak, a young boy in the lead raised a challenge.

This scene made Zhao Xu feel a little familiar. Wang Han, who was in the same class back then, also brought people to challenge him like this.

"If you refuse, leave quickly!"

These freshmen are really not cute at all, and they don't understand any manners.

"Zhao Xu, aren’t you afraid anymore?"

"That is, do you have the dignity as a trainer? You don’t even dare to accept the challenge from your apprentice."

"You are also fighting against a madman, I think you are my younger brother!"

"As long as you think you are inferior to us, we will leave immediately"

"That’s right, come on!"

The three freshmen are very arrogant and have no idea how to write the word"death".

Zhao Xu is also confused. He has seen arrogant people, but never such arrogant ones.

Generally, such people are trolls on the Internet. There are very few people like this in reality. When did the threshold for admission to Peking University get so low?

"Which class are you 3 in?"

Song Li suddenly walked over and looked at the three freshmen at the door with a serious expression.

"What kind of skill is Zhao Xu hiding behind a woman?"

"A man who has no talent only knows how to hide behind women"

"Yes, she is still an old woman!"

The three of them are not afraid of Song Li at all, and they all act confidently.

Zhao Xu also has to admire these three people in his heart, and dare to scold the old woman Song Li.

It seems that he does not need to take action in this matter.

"Do you guys want to be fired?"

Song Li was also shocked. She didn't expect that a student would dare to talk to her like this.

"Old woman, do you think you are the principal?"

"Even if the principal comes, we are not afraid!"

"Old woman, the more fierce she gets, the older she gets!"

The three freshmen were also very critical and continued to mock Song Li.

"Zhao Xu accepted their challenge and taught them a lesson."Song Li said

"ah? Should I take action?"

Zhao Xu was a little confused. He thought Song Li would take action on the spot, but she actually asked him to take action.

"no problem!"

Zhao Xu also wanted to teach them a lesson.

"Great, let’s go to the battle zone!"

"Let's fight to become famous!"

"Come on, we're already hungry!"


Zhao Xu started to sense and punched the leading boy in the belly.

The leading boy fell down immediately

"How do you hit someone!"

"We want the elves to battle, not fight!"

The other two teenagers were stunned when they saw Zhao Xu attacking someone.

However, Zhao Xu, who was so in charge, used the waveguide to sense the weaknesses of the remaining two people, and knocked down all three freshmen with one punch each.

"Wow! Amazing!"

Miao Miao and Zhou Sisi both looked surprised. Zhou Sisi was a bit better, but Miao Miao seemed very excited.

"Hello! Director Zheng came to the door of Mercury House. There were three students who violated school rules."Song Li took out her phone and called the teaching office.

"Teacher Song, is it okay if I hit someone like this?"Zhao Xu is a student who has played against other classes outside the school, and is still number one in the school.

"Don't worry, I'm here and I guarantee you'll be fine!"

Teacher Song is domineering!

After hearing this, Zhao Xu felt relieved.

"Zhao Xu, you are so despicable, you attacked the trainer!"

"If you have the ability, join us in an elf battle!"

"We are not convinced!"

The three novices lying on the ground holding their stomachs were still unconvinced, and they were still clamoring for an elf battle with Zhao Xu.

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