"Um! Shine!"

After the battle, Zhao Xu rolled up his sleeves when he entered the passage and looked at the keystone on the guard's wrist.

He found that one of the keystones had some color, but it was very light and could not be seen without looking carefully.

"If the research on this keystone is successful, why not get one for Zhou Sisi?"Zhao Xu thought that Zhou Sisi didn't have a super evolution, so it was necessary to get one for Zhou Sisi.

There are three key stones on the wrist guard. Currently, each one has full energy, and he doesn't know how many games it will take to get it full.

Confirm this key stone. It can indeed absorb energy. Zhao Xu also left the battle area. As soon as he left the door, he saw Wei Wu.

"Is Uncle Wei here to see this?"Zhao Xu took the initiative to reveal his wrist guards.

Needless to say, Zhao Xu could also guess what Wei Wu wanted to do here.

"Yes, it can indeed absorb energy!"

Wei Wu came over and took a closer look, and found that the originally white keystone had some light.

"Uncle Wei, what is the use of this thing?"Zhao Xu doesn't know how far Hua Mulan has gone in his research.

This key stone needs to be paired with the mega evolution stone. The key stone alone is not enough.

"I don’t know. I just promised to help her. Just use Super Evolution in the next games."

"The game is about to end and I have to go to work."

When setting up a stall in the battle area, the busy period is before the start of the game and the end of the game. There are eight games in total today, Zhao Xu is the fifth, and the next three games will last for another hour at most. Wei Wu should also prepare materials. Got it


Zhao Xu didn't want to stay with Wei Wu too long, lest this bad old man ask him to borrow money.

Zhao Xu immediately released the fossil pterosaur and flew away.

Back at the Mercury House, Zhao Xu started busy making feed for the elves.

At noon, Zhou Sisi didn't eat out with Dai Xue either, and came back after watching the game.

"Zhao Xu, did your opponent offend you today? He attacked you so hard!"

Zhou Sisi ran to the backyard and asked about the competition.

Seeing Zhao Xu sending out the giant needle bee today, Zhou Sisi was also shocked, thinking that Ma Qi had offended Zhao Xu

"What makes you think so?"

Zhao Xu was also speechless. Zhou Sisi was really capable of thinking.

"In the two previous Golden Conferences you participated in, you used Super Evolution after the semi-finals, never in the first three rounds, and you still used it right from the start, obviously with the intention of torturing Ma Qi."Zhou Sisi analyzed

"I really didn’t mean to torture March, I just...I want to end the game quickly."

Zhao Xu can't tell Zhou Sisi about the experiment and find any excuse to deal with it.

"Your reason is not convincing at all! Tell me, what outrageous thing did that Madge do?"Zhou Sisi doesn't believe Zhao Xu's words, and seems to be convinced that Ma Qi is a bad person.

Having been with Zhao Xu for so long, Zhou Sisi also understands Zhao Xu's character, and generally will not kill him unless the other party has offended Zhao Xu, or the opponent is a bitch. People.

Zhao Xu was also speechless.

He promised to help Wei Wu before using Super Evolution at the beginning.

Zhou Sisi’s misunderstanding was a bit deep, and Zhao Xu couldn’t find a good reason to explain it for a while.

"I really just want to end the battle quickly, nothing else really, don't think too much about it."

Zhao Xu insists on fighting to the end, just look for one reason. Zhou Sisi can't find any evidence anyway.

"Forget it if you don’t say so!"

Zhou Sisi didn't ask any questions and let her elf out to eat.

"click beep...!"

Kirby, who had had a full meal on the side, saw Zhou Sisi release her elf, leaving tears on its back.

Although he had already eaten the Super King Energy Cube, Kirbymon felt that his stomach was crowded and he could still hold the feed.

"Kirbymon, come back!"

Zhao Xu immediately took back the Kirby beast to prevent the Kirby beast from continuing to feel sad.

"Zhao Xu, can your Kirby beast fight?"

Watching Zhao Xu take back the Kirby beast, Zhou Sisi doubted whether Zhao Xu's Kirby beast could fight.

Although I usually saw Kirby beasts exercising, the training time was very short, and they started to make noises after basically one hour of exercise. You need to eat, and then go to sleep after eating.

It only takes 1 hour of exercise a day, but the growth you get is very slow, incomparable with other elves.

"Kirbymon is very powerful. I used it in a battle with my senior."Zhao Xu said


Zhou Sisi had a look of doubt on her face. She really couldn't imagine the scene of a fat man like Kirby fighting.

"When I get a chance next time, I'll show you how to fight with Kirbymon."Zhao Xu said

"Then I guess I’ll have to wait until I’m 70 or 80 years old!"

Zhou Sisi knows that there are Kirby beasts who can fight, but to be able to train Kirby beasts to that level, Zhou Sisi estimates that she is too old.

"How dare you question your man's ability and serve you with family law!"

Soon, the sour smell of love came from the backyard. Everyone in the Mercury House stopped in the backyard to avoid being infected by the sour smell.

In the evening, after staying with Zhou Sisi until 8 o'clock, Zhao Xu returned to the room.

Zhao Xu took out Bracer, he released Lucario at the same time and said,"Lucario, I'm going to do a little experiment later. Please cooperate with me.""


Lucario nodded understandingly.

After giving Lucario the mega evolution stone, Zhao Xu let Lucario mega evolve.

"no response!"

Zhao Xu carefully observed the key stone on the protective gear, and there was no change at all.

"Lucario, let's see if you can unleash your momentum."


Lucario's whole body burst out with powerful pressure.

If Zhao Xu hadn't strengthened his physique, he wouldn't have been able to withstand this pressure on purpose.

"Great, keep it that way!"

Zhao Xu warned and continued to stare at the keystones on his wrist guards.

After staring for almost 5 minutes, Zhao Xu's three keystones all emitted a weak light, but the color of the light was not that gorgeous.

However, the three keystones on both sides The key stone in the middle absorbs more light, and the key stone in the middle absorbs less energy due to its poor position.

After another 5 minutes, the key stone in the middle also absorbed more super energy and emitted more energy than the other two. It has the same brilliance as a keystone.

But the other two keystones have not changed.

"strangeness? Why don't you continue to absorb it?"

Zhao Xu continued to wait for another 5 minutes, but there was no change in the three key stones.


Zhao Xu looked at Lucario, still exploding his own energy.

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